"Of course follow me."Abby was about to take her at back to her small office when she heard Alejandra call her,she turned to face her daughter Ally was running straight towards her with a huge smile on her face.
"Mommy,I got an A again in spanish class.Mrs Lopez said she's proud of me I'm the only one in my class that got an A this is the third time."Abby bent down to her size and gave her a hug and kiss,Ally gave her the report when they pulled a part.
"Mommy's so proud of you sweetie my clever girl.You excelling perfectly."
"So does that mean I can get my favourite milkshake since I've been such a good girl."
"Of course you can my angel,but aunt Amanda will watch you for a few minutes mommy has work to do."
"Okay.I love you mom."
"I love you more sweetie."Abby noticed Mrs Àlvarez was staring transfixed at Ally her face has changed,if Abby didn't know better she'd say the woman is shocked her face has gone pale,glancing at Sofia even she looked shock.Abby hope they were okay she was about to ask what's wrong but Mrs Àlvarez stepped forward and bent down to Ally's size,surprising Abigail she reached out and tenderly touched Ally's cheek Abby heard the soft gasp that came when she touched Ally.Then she said something in spanish Abby couldn't hear.
"Who's Lucia?"She heard Ally asked the woman,Abby can hear and understand the language but as for talking she is still learning.
"It's my late grandmother."She answered Ally's question with a warm smile. Abby noticed she still hasn't let go of Ally.
"Mrs Àlvarez?Is everything alright."Abby asked her.
She quickly stood and faced Abby."Yes dear it is."Her gaze landed on Ally again."What's your name sweetie?"She asked Ally in English.
"Alejandra."Ally said proudly.
"You'll certainly live up to your name."Mrs Àlvarez told her."Is she your daughter?"She referred to Abby.
"How old is she."
"Five years."Abby responded."Amanda do you mind taking Ally for a while." Amanda nodded,soon they were alone.
"She's beautiful.If you don't mind me asking who's her father."
Abby considered lying to her but the woman seems sincere,honest and for some strange reason Abby trusted her."Alejandro."Abby said."Alejandro Pérez."Did she just hear her suck in a harsh breath Abby quickly dismissed the thought it's not as if the woman would know Alejandro.
She cleared her throat before she spoke."Is he involve in her life."
"Things didn't work out between us."Abby said."So we decided to go our separate ways."Mrs Àlvarez stared at her for a while and it made Abby feel uncomfortable."Are you sure everything is alright."
"I saw her holding a dragon."Mrs Àlvarez said instead.
"Yes,she loves dragons it's her favourite toy."Abby saw Mrs Alvarez turn pale.
For a second Abby thought the woman will fall over,gently grabbing her elbow Abby led her to a nearby open table next she fetched a glass of water and handed it to her."Thank you Abigail,my sugar is a little low therefore I felt dizzy."Mariana lied.
"Can I get you anything?"Abby asked concerned.
"No,I'm fine let's discuss what I came here to do."Abby nodded,the next fifteen minutes Abby listen to what she wants and doesn't.She gave Abby the address of where she should deliver it Abby wondered why she should bring it surely they can hire someone to come and fetch it but Abby didn't question whatever the client wants they get.She also moved the date to Thursday afternoon.
"I'll see you soon Abigail."She said when they were done.
Abby nodded."Thank you for the opportunity Mrs Àlvarez."
"Please call me Mariana,I have a feeling we'll see each other quite often."Abby frowned at that statement before she could answer they were long gone she proceeded on with her work.
"Was it my imagination or does that child look exactly like our great grandmother."Sofia asked her mother on their way home.
"She does."Mariana answered.
"Could it be brother is her father?"
"That's what I intend to find out and not a word about this to Alejandro until I learn the truth about what happen.It's clear they know each other but parted on bad terms and I want to know why?"
"I have to say she's so cute even has grandmother's hair and our skin colour, the way she spoke spanish so fluently surprised me even further.And if I remember correctly brother also liked dragons when he grew up,so much so that he has one tattooed on his back."Mariana agrees that little girl has a lot of similarities with Alejandro which makes her wonder if that wasn't his child could it be she has a five year old granddaughter that she never knew about...?
Abby has just put Alejandra to bed her mind going over how Mariana had fawn over Ally as if she knew her,the affection she had showered on her had surprised Abby.She shrugged and climbed into bed she shouldn't over think the situation Ally's a beautiful child everyone who meets her for the first time says so.Gently opening her bedside drawer she took out the snapshot of her and Alejandro her mind drifting back to that day.He had taken her out to a cheap restaurant for their third date there had been a photo boot inside the restaurant somehow she had convinced him to take a picture with her,she never really did understand why he was so against taking a photo of himself.
She'd taken the pictures and stuffed it in the back pocket of her jeans on their way home five guys had cornered them in an alley.Demanded she and Alejandro give them their money and anything valuable,he had given them his last money one guy had wanted her pendant but she'd refuse absently she touched the necklace on her neck.Alejandro had said it's okay he'll buy her another one so she had oblige there had been one guy who had stared at her the whole time giving her the eye,just when they were about to leave the guy had grabbed her wrist and pulled her roughly up against him.
"How about you and I have a little fun."He'd growled in her ear Abby had recoiled in disgust and struggled to get free with little success.
"Let her go."Alejandro had said."You've got what you wanted."
"No man,she's beautiful and I wouldn't mind having a piece of her.What do you say guys."His friends had laughed.
"I'm not gonna tell you again.Let her go."Abby had never heard the deadly warning in Alejandro's voice,nor had she registered when he had punched the guy who had touched her she could only stare in shock as he beat them all up fist after fist,when one of them had taken out a knife and stabbed him on the shoulder on his back Abby had almost fainted when she'd seen the blood oozing from his shoulder but through it Alejandro kept on fighting as if he didn't...couldn't feel any pain.
When all five of them were laying sprawled out on the floor with blood running out of their noses and mouths did he retrieve her pendant and fasten it around her neck as for the money he had left it saying the necklace has more sentimental value than anything else.She had cried at that moment and he'd kissed away every single tear promising her he'll never allow anyone to hurt her.Putting the picture back she sighed she had incredible moments with him,she would give anything to have build a life with him and Ally she knows he would've made a great father.She lightly touched the pendant it is the only thing she has that he has given her the only good thing that reminds her of their special days together after all these years she's still wearing it,there is a picture of them inside it Abby has also put a picture of Ally in it she'll forever carry them in her heart no matter what happens.
Alejandro shook the man's hand across the table,he's officially the new co-owner of Garner Infinity Jewels his lawyers will draw up the final paper work then everything will be official."Looking forward in working with you Alejandro."Jack said.
"Me too.I have a few ideas I'd like to run past you regarding the brand my assistant will call you to set up a meeting."