A 5 years passed so quickly, AHMET now in his 6th year.
He was so thirsty to learn new things he read almost all the books in the castle library, he was not like the other children all he want is to learn to read , he was obsessed by the idée that only knowledge would show him the reality of this world, he was conscious that he is adopted and he don't know where did he come or who is he.His father HARON told him about the name in his neck, the tattoo and the bracelet.
HARON was chocked of how AHMET read all the books in this age, and the knowledge he have, so he took him to the academy to pass the entrance exam,even he know the academy accepts children above 7 years old.
The academy of alchemist is the only place in this continent where people can learn to be a doctor an alchemist or a scientist.
Doctors they are specialist in creatures bodies and they can analyze new symptoms and discover the new disease.
Alchimistes the are specialist in making potions to change appearance, to make your animal
et quick or strong, there are many utility for potions.
Wizards they are specialists in magic.
Dean of this academy is one of the council his name is DOCK he is a wizard.
HARON asked his friend DOCK to make an exception for AHMET because he is genius, so DOCk decided to test AHMET to see if he deserve this privilege.
The day of the test AHMET entre the hall, it was so big like the court hall, in front of him 3 elders, the one in the middle said come in and take a seat.
Dock presented {I'm DOCK the dean of this academy and one of the council on my left HAMAN a membre of the council and the most famous alchemist and wizard ,on my right VEX also a member of the council and the best doctor in this continent, and we gonna test you to see if you deserve be in this academy}.
VEX take hi turn to spoke and said {we will give you 6 questions and you should give the best answer}.
HAMAN the one charged of alchemical application he told to Ahmet { you will be tested in alchemist so you should make a specific potion in front of us}.
the first question : describe magic ?!
Ahmet replied confidently {its an extra ordinary phenomena , magic is a mysterious and incomprehensible force that is not subject to the laws of science, but can make life easier. It is a blessed power that not everyone possesses}.
question 2 : what's the steps taken by a doctor when there are a new disease ?
Ahmet took a step forward and said : {step one (observation of the symptoms and trying to find out if the disease is contagious or no) step two (examination and trying to see how this virus work and what he attack and how he fed himself)
Third step ( made the cure )}.
question 3 : if you took an appearance change potion how do you back to your normal appearance?
Ahmet smiled and said {i will take the red potion or i will wait 24h the effects will vanish}.
Haman was impressed and asked Ahmet how many races in this world?!
Ahmet took his time and said we cant know until we saw the whole world.
VEX was surprised of this replies so he said {do you believe that there are other lands after the sea ?}.
Ahmet looked in his eyes and said i believe only in proofs.
Haman directly asked do you believe in dragons.
Ahmet took a chair and sit down then said if there was dragons here in this continent in the ancient era then where are their bones?! I think if dragons exist .that's would be in another continent.
HAMAN asked AHMET to head to the table and to prepare a black potion.
Black potion gives who take her wings for 3 minutes.
AHMET prepared the potion in 30 second and handle it to HAMAN.
The 3 elders was shocked of how such a 6 years old kid have all this knowledge.
HAMAN asked the others if can took it as a disciple and he will be in charge to make him the best scientist, and anyway he is the only one who can be his professor because he is in another level even better than professors in the academy.
VEX also wanted the same but in the end they can't refuse HAMAN 'S wish because he is the chef of the council.
They called HARON and told him that HAMAN will took it as his disciple and he will inherit him all his knowledge.
HARON was so happy and he told his wife to prepare a good diner to celebrate the good news.
in the table of diner HARON announced that AHMET is officially the disciple of HAMAN.
REK will join the royal guard to be a knight.
SUSAN joined the academy to be an alchimiste, they passed the whole night celebrating the success of their 3 children.
After a week REK left the castle to join the academy of knights.
SUSAN started her studies in the academy of scientists.
AHMET moved to the council tower, in this tower first second and third floors is places where academy professors can enter, the forth fifth and sixth floors is a big library with rare books that talks about history ,magic ,races and dragons, the last floor is a lab where only the council can enter.
After 7 years AHMET read all the books in the tower and become officially a scientist the council gives him the badges that proofs he is one of the elites.
In 613 ADLD, AHMET 13 years old was in the lab then he heard something in the ventilation hole and decided to follow the sound, in the end of the tunnel he found an elevator, he saw in the floor list floor X he clicked it then he found him self in a secret place, it was like a garden, in the middle of this garden seven statues , each statue is for one of the seven heroes from the seven races, and when he looked in the roof it was magical it's a real sky in the corner a dragon skeleton he was huge, he get closer to check it then he heard someone talks he jumped behind the statue, he saw the 3 elders from the council HAMAN DOCK and HANNA.
Haman said the first part of our plan succeed, we eliminate the dwarfs king and now we control the half of this continent.
HANNA interrupt him and said the dwarfs king was just one of the obstacles we had.
DOCK was angry he spoke we should also finish the problem of elves.
Haman assured him {we prepare for our next step , we need to open the gate in the exact date}.
DOCK asked we still cannot find the dwarfs key ?!
Haman don't worry NIVA and ADAM took the mission to find it , they never failed me.
HANNA directed the talk to Haman : the next obstacle is the king of humans.
HAMAN looked at her and agreed {yes his mission already end now we should eliminate him}.
DOCK was so pressed he asked when should we began the next step?!
Haman felt someone hiding, he spoke {show yourself !}
Masked man showed himself and approached to Haman and say {you become old and weak now !}
Then the masked man disappeared and show up behind AHMET and took it from his leg and show it to the elders.
The masked man smiled and said a little rat was here to spy but you didn't noticed him .
Haman was surprised ah it's AHMET my disciple but what are you doing here ?!
Ahmet was afraid he said it was a coincidence i found myself here.
Haman talked to him and said i was so proud i have a genius disciple like you, you are thirsty to know and to learn but sometimes staying in ignorance is better for us the more we know the more we suffer.
Ahmet wondered why you keep creating wars my master ?!
Haman it's freedom is what a wizard want we want to be free
Ahmet cannot understand that and say you are free
HAMAN asked the others to move the statues
Masked man pushed statues to a specific spots then the dragon skeleton in the corner moved to the center of this garden, the sky's become night and a winged creature with a mask descend from the moon.
The masked Creature spoke and said : find the seven keys and open the gate to the world, Im just a message sended to help the people of this continent open the gate and discover the world.
Haman explained that the war is necessary because some kings refuse to handle the keys.
But Ahmed wasn't convinced so he said to steal it better than destroying kingdoms
Haman told him everything have a reason but some reasons are secrets.
AHMET waited the moment that they were pushing statues to there original spots and he sneaked away into a hole under the dragon it was a tunnel to another room ,in this room he found a book , a bracelet ,an egg and a map.
Masked man noticed that Ahmet is gone and told Haman your little rat ran away.
Haman doesn't give a shit to that for him Ahmet is a child.
The room founded by AHMET, even HAMAN doesn't know if it exists, AHMET opened the book and he forgot that he is trapped in he thought only about finish reading this book.
The book was about the history of this continent, 613 years ago the 7 heroes used the body of a dragon to sealed this continent so others cannot entre and people cannot go out, the reason was because this continent was in war with another continent and they lose this was so the heroes demande the help of dragons to save the innocent people in this continent, only one dragon come to help he is the red dragon he save them but in the end he get injured, the 7 heroes killed him and used his body to seal the continent, and to justify what they did they said that the dragon was the one who attack and à phœnix helped them.
Also in this book it's mentioned that the heroes regrets what they have done and they wrote 5 books and explained all the things.
This book wrote by the elf hero and she wrote it using her bloods to atone for her sins.
AHMET took the bracelet and try to put it in his hand, his bracelet absorbed the new one and he teleport him to the big hall (the garden) it was already night HAMAN and the elders left the garden.
AHMET try to find the exit, suddenly the dragon skeleton moved.
He attacked AHMET , AHMET ran behind the statues the dragon destroyed everything.
Skeleton took AHMET with his mouth and put it in the moon (not the real moon).
The bracelet absorbed the energy from the moon and dragon ,the crown tattoo in his hand become a crown with a little moon and dragon, AHMET Lost consciousness, the tower began crashing.