« Of course, born ready. »
« Okay, well… first, we have to go over some paperwork if you don’t mind. Take a seat. »
She comes around the chair and I watch as the contract catches her eye. « Did I forget to sign something ? »
« No, » I murmur, a small smile on my face. « No, I just wanted it here for reference. »
Reaching over, I press the button for Oli’s extension. « Boss ? »
« Send them in. »
I take my hand off the button, straightening in my seat as the door opens, revealing two security personnel. Allison goes white and I immediately know what Vivienne told me was correct. This girl is working for Vance Waters.
« Search her, » I mutter, standing up.
« Ma’am, stand up, please. »
« I don’t understand- why am I being searched ? »
I come around the desk, lifting up the page I picked out from the contract earlier. « Doesn’t matter. You gave me authority when you signed this contract- this legally binding contract. »
« But why am I being searched ? »
« Ma’am, stand up now. »
She swallows and looks to the ground, standing up before me. I stare at her dead square in the eyes, simply to intimidate her as they pat her down. Not even ten seconds later, they lift her coat and nod.
« Wire. »
« As I suspected, » I state, nodding. She looks up at me, tears in her eyes. « You’re in a lot of trouble, Allison. »
« I’m-I’m sorry- They promised me a lot of money. I didn’t really want to do it ! »
« I truly don’t care what Vance Waters promised you. He was employing you for no reason anyways, since we have nothing to hide. Everything I would have told you is already being processed by our lawyer. So, if you’re listening, Vance, you’ve already lost… Take her away. »
She leaves quietly, surprisingly, and I do feel a hint of regret, knowing she probably had no choice. God knows what Vance is going to do to her. I put the contract back together and stick it into a small box, grabbing the tape.
« Mind telling me what that was ? »
I glance over at Oli quickly before I look back down at what I’m doing. « She was working for Vance Waters. »
« What ? How do you know ? »
« I just know. Listen, I’m going to be out for a week or two. »
« I know. Eric just told me to tell you that Stellan arrived at the airport. »
« I will be reachable but only for urgent matters, okay ? We’re trying to get away from all this bullshit. »
« I understand. »
« And listen, Oli… You’ve been working for me- for a long time. Out of everyone in this company, I trust you the most. »
She smiles softly. « Thank you. »
I tape down the corners of the box and turn, leaning back against the desk. « It’s been really hard to lose Viktor, as a friend and as an employee… I cannot run this company without help. There are just too many locations, too many employees. Between he and I, we had no problem. Just me and at this specific time in my life, things are going a little haywire. »
« I will do anything I can to help. You know working here is everything to me. »
« I know- well, I was seeing if you would consider taking over the duties of my assistant for the time being. I know you love being in charge of the design section and you do not have to say yes, but I wanted to put it out there and ask. I would pay you double the normal rate if you did decide to help me with this. »
« Your assistant ? For how long ? »
« Probably the next couple of months. If you enjoy it, we can talk about longer. »
« Who would take over the design department ? »
« Whoever you designate as fit to do the job well. I don’t want this company to fall to shingles but I obviously cannot trust someone new to come into my life right now. Vance Waters is too powerful. I need to know that you are loyal to me and only me, Oli. You do have a contract much like this one that limits what you can say about me but if he were to try and blackmail you- wave money in front of your face- I need to know you would deny him. »
« Of course I would. You gave me my first job- you took a chance on me right out of school. I owe everything to you, Iris. » I smile softly when she nods. « I accept the offer. »
I deflate, less nervous to leave now. « I’m really happy to hear that, Oli. Thank you… And since you’re new at this, while I’m away, if you have any problems or questions, text me. If it’s urgent, call. »
« I will. »
« Alright, well, before I leave, let me take you to Viktor’s old office. I had already had everything prepared for Allison so thankfully, just go over the information there. It’s quite a bit of training- going over the log books, the different locations, how to access our server… That kind of thing. Charles knows a lot about this as well, so feel free to ask him too. »
I gesture her out of the door and we walk into the office beside mine, open to the entire floor. The staff look curious as I hold open the door to the empty office for her. The desk is the only object that’s got books and papers, two computers on it.
« You don’t have to start right now. Things will be alright for today- but if you could start going through this tomorrow, that would be wonderful. I’ll handle the messages from today on the plane- if you could start checking them tomorrow, that would be wonderful. Just let them know I’m out of town. »
She nods, eyes buggered. « It’s a lot to take in. »
« I know… I know it is. » I take a breather and look to the clock on the wall, pressing my lips together. « Look, I can go over some of it now with you… I’ll call Stellan and have him wait a little bit longer. »
« No, no- I’ll be fine. I’ll text you if I have a problem. »
« Are you sure ? »
« Yes, go. You guys deserve a break from things… Maybe be a little more careful with the germs this time though, alright ? »
« Believe me, I don’t want a repeat of Paris. I’ll be careful. »
Hands on her hips, she nods, looking over the work. I don’t know what compels me to embrace her, but I’m doing to before I even realize it. The amount of gratitude I feel for her is overwhelming.
She tenses slightly as my arms wrap around her shoulders but after a moment of hesitation, she hugs me back. I pull back immediately, clearing my throat emotionally.
« My emotions are going crazy- I’m sorry. I’m just really thankful you’re doing this for me, Oli. »
She smirks, shaking her head. « …You seem surprised. »
« I’m pretty distrustful with everyone as of late. This trial couldn’t come faster. »
« Yeah, I’m really surprised with Viktor. I can’t believe he’s being so childish- I’ve tried going to see him, he didn’t even answer the door. »
The bitterness in my voice is apparent. « Yeah… well, life goes on… As sad as it is, I can’t sacrifice my happiness to sustain his. »
She nods, crossing her arms over her torso. « I know you did everything you could to get him back. »
The subject is a sore one and not something I want to dwell on before seeing Stellan. I smile and turn, grabbing the handle for the door.
« Remember- text if you have questions. »
« Sure thing, boss… Oh, where are you going by the way ? »
« Ibiza. »
« Where is that ? »