“Seems like you forgot our marriage was arranged by our families”, Leonardo replied unfazed.
“I know. You initiated the proposal, didn’t you?”, Arya asked with furrowed brows.
“Frowning will age you quickly, amoree”, Leonardo said as flicked her forehead.
“Then answer me quickly”, Arya retorted, slapping his hand away.
Leonardo let out a sigh and started walking again. He wondered how Arya could slap the hand of the Don while she tailed behind him.
“Leonardo”, Arya called him softly making him come to an halt.
“Fine. I didn’t arrange our marriage”, Leonardo replied as he turned to face her.
“But Bianca….”, Arya trailed off.
“Bianca is mischievous. By the way, women shouldn’t be getting involved with mafia politics”, Leonardo said and he saw a flicker in her eyes.
“What do you mean by that? I thought you respected women”, Arya asked sarcastically.
Leonardo raised an eyebrow at her question and statement. Arya was nothing like the stories he had been told, reserved, quiet and calm. The woman in front of him was feisty, confident and everything he shouldn’t want.
He was supposed to marry a woman who would blend into her womanly duties and not question him. But here he was getting hard at her feisty attitude.
“Women are supposed to do what they’re told, no question asked. I am not the type of man to get questioned by a woman even though I respect them”, Leonardo said.
“And yet here you are answering to me. I am not the type of woman to do what she has been told, especially by a man”, Arya replied.
“And yet here you are getting married against your will”, Leonardo said as he covered the space between them.
Arya was taken aback by his sudden and unexpected movement and she lost her balance. In one swift move, Leonardo caught her fall with one of his hands on the small on her back and the other on her waist.
Her amber eyes stared into his grey eyes. His eyes shifted to her lips as she let out a sigh of relief and shock.
“Because I am being blackmailed by my father who threatened to kill my mother and I know he will”, Arya replied, not letting him win the argument.
“Coming from someone I just helped you have a lot of nerves. What if I let you go now huh?”, Leonardo retorted getting frustrated with her body against his.
“You respect women, remember? Surely you won’t let me fall”, Arya said.
“You’re lucky my mother taught me how to nice to women. But I’m only nice to women who deserve it”, he said as he stood her upright and let go of her.
“We’re getting married today and I just wanted to be sure”, she mumbled sheepishly.
“What do you have an attitude for?”, he asked raising a brow.
“I thought you planned the wedding and still had the heart to go to another woman’s bed”, Arya said , giving him a cold, hard stare.
“Don’t tell me you’ve already fallen for me, amore”, Leonardo taunted.
“You’re delusional”, Arya retorted causing Leonardo to raise an eyebrow. She really had nerves. He could strangle her where she stood and no one would question him. Yet, she doesn’t seem scared of anyone other than her pathetic father. In his opinion, she’s scared of the wrong person.
He took a step towards her and she took a step back causing him to smirk.
“If you must know, I spent my night working and I’m just as surprised as you are that one of my mistresses is here”, he replied her nevertheless.
“I don’t believe you”, she retorted.
“I don’t care”, he threw back at her.
“Everyone seemed to care at the table”, Arya commented.
“I am not everyone, kitten”.
“Don’t call me that”, Arya retorted and continued, “My name is Arya”.
“As much as I love playing with you my little kitten, I must get some rest”, Leonardo said and walked back into the mansion leaving a furious Arya behind.
Leonardo unclenched his jaws as he walked away. There’s just something about Arya’s presence that makes him rethink everything. He knows it might be love but it’s sure as hell obsession.
I do not chase women.
But her.
But her, I will chase.
But her, I want to chase.
I will chase her till the very end of the
earth and even after.
No one can have her.
No one else can feel the softness of her
No one else is worthy to beget my
“How dare him call me that again”, Arya thought to herself as she watched him walk away.
In a way, she felt relieved that he didn’t spend the night with Maria but she was also somewhat upset. He irks her sometimes. He seemed sweet at the engagement but now he’s just so annoying.
“Well, well, well. Look who we have here”, a voice said from behind her.
Arya turned around and her eyes rested on the dark eyed bitch.
“How can I help you?”, she asked.
“Sweetie you can’t help me. I have an itch to scratch and only you’d fiancé can help me with that, if you get what I mean”, Maria said winking and reaching out to touch Arya’s face.
Arya moved back and Maria dropped her hands.
“I get what you mean. You’re one of his whores. He went that way if you’re looking for him”, Arya said in a calm tone.
“Don’t get smart with me”, Maria spat obviously getting irritated.
“I haven’t even said anything and you’re so furious. All I said was fact. By the way, I don’t have time for this”, Arya said trying to walk away but Maria stopped her.
“But you have the time to follow my Leonardo around. You’re just a show case wife. Your wedding is just a game of mafia politics. He doesn’t even like you. I am the one he comes to at night and not you”, Maria retorted with a smirk.
Arya let out a dry laugh.
“A tough life you must be living then, being the other woman and a slut in the Don’s harem. Excuse me, I have a wedding to get ready for”, Arya said and walked past Maria.
“Such a pretty face you have, I’d hate for anything to happen to it”, Maria said out loud for Arya to hear.
Arya rolled her eyes and shook her head as she walked away.