Rey's POV
"A protégé!! She's a freaking protégé!! Damn it, Luca!! What am I supposed to do?" I yelled the moment he picked up.
"Rey! What are you talking about?" The Lycan asked lazily. The kids' laughter in the background reminded me that he had guests over.
"My mate, Luca! I found my mate and she's some vampire's protégé." I punched the wall, making another decorative dent in the office wall. Well, it's Luca's office wall to be precise but I didn't care right now.
"You found your mate? When? Where?" His tone got serious, giving me hope. I knew that I stood no chance in this kind of situation, but If I have the Lycan's help I could hope for better negotiation with the vampire holding my mate's fate.
"Yesterday! We found some kind of hidden dungeon. We found wolves, vampires, and a Human held in there. The Human, Advica, is my mate. But the vampires present there didn't let me get anywhere close to her. They threatened us with a potential war." I huffed, recalling their warnings.
"Rey, what did you do?" My body shook at his tone. Even through the phone, his aura was frightening.
"Nothing! I didn't do anything!" I defended myself. I felt a bit offended that he didn't trust my good senses and my professionalism. I was his student after all. And I would dare to say that I'm the best of all the ones he had ever trained, including Rain Black.
"So, you let her leave with the vampires?" He asked, even though he knew that there was no way I would let her go.
"No! She's here in the Royal pack." I knew that it was sick being glad that she needed medical help. Otherwise, I don't think that she would be here.
"REY!! Did you claim her?" He snapped at me, making me almost regret calling him. He was the head enforcer after all and before everything.
"No! of course not! I meant that I brought her here for medical treatments but it was with the consent of the two vampires." I swallowed, feeling like a kid waiting for his punishment for misbehaving.
"Good." He finally said after a long minute of silence. "Which clan are they from?"
"The woman is from the Moonrow Clan and the guy is from the Mesiac Clan."
"Moonrow and Mesiac!?" He sounded as surprised as I was when we found out. "How? Who would dare go against these two clans?"
"That's what we are trying to figure out. All we know is that the kidnappers are from both species. The Mesiac clan vamp requested a joined investigation. What do you think?"
" We'll see about it. From which clan is your mate? Did she contact her lord?" I squeezed my eyes shut. Her lord is the man I didn't want to think about right now.
"I don't know. The two vampires made phone calls when she was out. I suppose they contacted her lord too" The strain in my voice made him sigh. "What am I supposed to do Luca? She was hurt and I couldn't even help ease her pain".
"We'll figure it out, Rey. Stay as close to her as it's allowed for now. Try not to anger them until I get there."
"What about Maya? Listen, I just need you to put a good word for me with the lords you know and I'll take care of the rest. You don't need to leave your mate to help me out with mine." I meant every single word I said. Despite my need for his support, I knew how hard it was for him to be separated from Maya. He lost her once and it was more than enough.
"Worry about yourself, pup! Just take it easy and we'll get through this mess, my friend, I promise." He hung up leaving me to deal with the mess in my head. How am I supposed to take it easy when all I wanted to do is to rush into the hospital room and take her away?
Panic started bubbling inside me. What if I mess up? What if we really end up with war? The last battle that took place between wolves and vampires ended with more damage than the two parties could handle. Two clan lords were killed and an entire pack was wiped out. It was thirty years ago.
I took a deep breath then dropped to the floor and did push-ups until I couldn't feel my arms anymore. After a quick shower, I drowned myself again with reports to read and documents to sign. Thankfully, the council took over the preparations for the vampires' visit. I didn't want to think or know anything about her clan and lord. All I wanted is to think of Advica. What a beautiful name!
I stood up and walked out to the medical wing. I needed to see her, to make sure that she was alright. Our medics kept me updated on her case since she was admitted yesterday. She did have a concussion plus endless nasty bruises all over her body and a broken ankle. She was sleeping most of the time with her protectors by her side.
I reached her room but I didn't get inside. I stood outside listening to the sound of her voice. I leaned back on the wall, closing my eyes. Just being this close was putting my wolf and nerves at ease. My usually very calm and wise wolf was standing on the very edge of sanity. Despite knowing how delicate this situation is, he couldn't understand why he can't be by his mate's side.
"Eavesdropping is unpolite, wolf!" I glared at the male vampire who was standing with an ice-cream cone in one hand and potato ships pack in the other. "If you want to go inside, I advise you to do it now when you still can." He opened the door and stepped inside, leaving it ajar. I took another deep breath and walked in.
"Enforcer Wilson, please have a seat." The female vampire said without lifting her eyes from my mate's hair. She was sitting behind her on the bed, applying some sort of scented oil and massaging her scalp. Advica had her eyes fixated on me with an unsettling blank expression. I watched the man named Josef distract her with the ice cream cone making her smile at him while I glared at him.
"What is it?" I asked the two women even though I knew the answer.
"Rosemary oil mixed with coconut oil. It has powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. it's for her headache, I hope it's not too strong for you."
"It's still better than urine and vomit's smell," Advica mumbled to herself, knowing fully well that we could all hear her.
"Women! We were kidnapped, facing an unknown future and all they think about is how they smell" Josef sighed, earning himself a glare from both of them. I ignored him and kept my focus on my mate. I clenched my fist in my lap. Her face was black and blue with a busted lip but she never winced or acted like she was in pain.
"How are you feeling?" I finally managed to speak to her. Funny how my tongue becomes all tangled every time I stand in front of her.
"Better, thank you." She met my eyes and her mask was back on.
"Do you need anything?" I eyed the ice cream in her hand, wishing I was the one who got it for her.
"Nothing, thank …" She paused, closing her eyes. She took a deep breath before opening them again. The darkness of her eyes was mesmerizing. "I...." She hesitated for a second, giving the two vampires a side look. "Is it possible to go out for a walk?"
"I don't see a problem as long as you have the doctor's approval. Did you ask him?" She nodded her head slowly with a frown. "He said it was OK to walk around the hospital but he said that I needed your permission to go out to the garden."
"Outside? I don't think it's a good idea. It's snowing!" Besides, her ankle is broken.
"I know!" She cutely pouted. "I just need to see the sky and breath the fresh air. I won't cause trouble, I promise. I...I...just need to go outside." I looked at the other two and noticed the pitiful look they were giving her.
"The snow is a few inches thick. There is no way you can walk with crutches and pushing a wheelchair through it will be hard." Her face beamed with joy, realizing that I was not against her going out.
"Josef could carry me!!" I couldn't hold back the growl that escaped my lips at the idea of my mate being in some other man's arms. Her eyes widened at my reaction to her suggestion.
"If you want to go out this bad, I'll be the one carrying you!" I glared at Josef, stopping whatever comment he was about to say. Eve put her hands on Advica's shoulders, giving me a meaningful look.
"Just remember what's at risk, enforcer Wilson." I nodded and walked out to collect what's needed for this short outing. I was very excited to spend more time with her. Ten minutes later, I was back in her room. Advica was wrapped in a thick hooded cardigan and a cute knitted beany on her head. I adjusted my bag on my shoulder before leaning down and carefully lifting her in my arms.
Her face was as blank as ever. If it wasn't for her fast-beating heart, I wouldn't know how nervous she was. Once we were out in the cold evening air, I pressed her harder against my chest. My wolf howled from joy. He was this close to starting purring like a cat. I had to remind him that the gesture was purely done to share some of my body heat with her.
Surprisingly, the two vampires didn't follow us out. They stood by one of the big windows overseeing the garden. I didn't know what to think of their behavior. They were almost glued to her sides, never leaving her alone, Keeping an eye on me, and making sure I never got too close to her. And now, they're coolly watching us from afar.
We reached the round wooden gazebo in no time. I carefully put her down next to the bench. Thankfully, one of the sides was a fully built wall where we could partially cover from the cold wind. I held her with one hand while I used the other to open the bag and take out two soft cushions and a furzy blanket. I helped her sit down on one of the cushions and carefully put her injured foot on the other. I wrapped her in the blanket then took a step back, leaning on the pole opposite to her. My eyes went back to our chaperones, who were still keeping an eye on us.
"This is the best I could do." My eyes went back to her. Her head was leaned back and she had a peaceful expression on her face. I guess she really needed the fresh air. "I wanted to talk to you alone." My heart skipped a beat knowing that she was not completely indifferent toward me.
"Thank you," I uttered the words without thinking. I was really grateful for this opportunity.
"I wanted to say that I'm sorry!" She straightened up and looked at me. I loved how her eyes would always seek mine and never weaver. "I know how important this matter is for you, but there is nothing I can do about it for the moment."
"I know," I sighed never breaking the eye contact. "As much as I want to claim you, I can't risk a war. I'm not saying that you're not worth it. It's just that I can't ask my brothers to risk their lives for my mate when they have theirs waiting for them." She hummed, nodding slightly her head.
"It's the same for me. I want to give this a chance, I want to know you better. But there is nothing I can do about it. You have no idea how many times I have dreamt of you since that day. I.." She stopped talking, searching for something in my eyes.
"I remember that day. I've been thinking of you too." I reassured her. I reassured myself too. She remembers me and she feels the same longing I've been feeling all these years.
"I made a promise that I can't break. I'm bound by that promise" She looked down at her intermitted fingers. "That's why I can't come to you. I have to wait until I meet....him." She looked back at me with a sad smile. "And I need his permission."
"Your lord?" It was so hard to suppress the hate I felt toward this mysterious lord.
"Yes. He'll be here tomorrow. I'll try to talk to him before the meeting". Her eyes begging mine to wait for her.
"Let me do the talking." I wanted to be part of this discussion. I didn't know what kind of a man he was and what kind of a reaction he would have when he realize that she wants to leave him for me.
"NO! I need to break it to him. I own him this much." Her tone held finality. I searched her face for any emotion, but the only one she was showing was determination. I felt resigned. At least there was no fear in her eyes while she talked about him.
"Is he good to you?" My eyes were still fixated on her, still trying to read her. She smiled at my question with a light in her eyes.
"Good doesn't even begin to describe how he's been treating me. No one has ever treated me as good as he did." That annoying light in her eyes was getting brighter as she talked about him.
"He cares about you." It was a statement more than a question. Part of me was disappointed that he was not an abusing jerk that she couldn't wait to get away from.
"More than you can ever imagine." Her answers were seriously annoying me, fueling the dangerously growing jealousy I was feeling toward this lord. I knew that I needed to stop, that I needed to shut it or talk about something else, but I couldn't. I needed to know.
"What about you?" I was hurting myself. I knew what a protégé is and it's always consensual. No vampire could force a woman into this particular position. The king has to validate the position of every protégé candidate to make sure that they are willing.
"I do," she whispered, looking away. She knew the weight of her confession. My wolf howled, feeling betrayed. Our mate was admitting to caring about another man. the realistic part in me should be grateful for her honesty. After years in my position, I developed the ability to detect lies. This was useful during interrogations or meetings, but right now it was simply torturing.
She kept her gaze on anything but me. She was getting nervous about my prolonged silence. I wish I had the force to comfort her, to tell her that everything was fine, but I couldn't. I was too stunned to do anything. I didn't blame her, I couldn't. I didn't know what kind of circumstances pushed her to make this particular choice in her life.
Usually, it's the illusion of eternal youth and wealth that seduces women into seeking and accepting this position. But she didn't look that type. If she was that type, she would've had the same reaction I've been having from she-wolves after taking over the role of head enforcer. Even the two vampires tunned down their attitude after knowing who I was.
"If things don't go our way, who would you choose? Me or him?" My wolf took over and threw at her this stupid question before I could stop him. The look in her eyes hardened, and all her body tensed. She took a deep breath and looked me straight in the eyes, and for the first time since forever, I was scared.
"I'd chose loyalty. And my loyalty will always be with him,"