The bright light of the sun rays hit the cold floor of Italy, with the cool breeze from last night's rain blowing against the earth, making everyone inhale deeply.
It had rained last night and the scorching sun this morning was very soothing to everyone. They really loved it when the sun shines after a previous night of rain.
Everyone was busy with his or her business, some hawking and others buying.
Disney walked through the busy market with her usual cheerful smile on her face. Her not-so-long black hair waved in the air as she walked through the market, staring at whatever her eyes caught.
She wanted to buy some fishes and vegetables to prepare a little soup for her mum.
Ever since her dad died and she lost someone so precious to her, which she didn’t want to think about, she’s been living with her bedridden mom, who she'd been making sure she (her mom) was fine.
Despite all what she's been through, she was still a cheerful girl as before.
She was a complete cute girl, and anyone would mistaken her as a 16 years old girl. Her cute lips stretched into a smile when she saw the person approaching her.
“Vixen!” she called cheerfully and the handsome guy scurried to her.
“Hi Disney Princess, you look beautiful this morning” he said in his sweet tone and pecked her cheeks.
Disney and Vixen were friends in the same neighborhood. They did almost everything together. They actually became friends few months ago.
“I told you to stop doing that, you’re so stubborn!” she said and jumped higher, grabbing his ears in the process.
Not to forget, Disney was a short girl, not entirely short though.
“I feel proud when you have to jump to either grab my hair or my ears, you’re short” Vixen teased and released her hand from his ear.
He stuck his tongue at her and took off.
“I’d kill you, Vix!!!” Disney yelled, running after Vixen with her pretty hair following behind.
The big castle-like building stood out in the big compound, with armed mobsters parading the place with cold and emotionless faces.
This place wasn’t an island, but that was what people referred it to be…SICILY ISLAND, because once you step a foot inside, there’s no turning back.
It’s equal to drowning into a flowing water of your own death.
The thick smoke from the cigar Damien was smoking filled the room as he f**ked the living daylight out of Monique.
He spanked her @$$ cheeks painfully and slammed harshly into her, fastening his speed.
Monique moaned loudly, gripping the table harder as he slammed her from behind.
He doesn’t allow anyone on his bed, and even his room, except Monique, who’s been his f**kmate since he could remember.
They were closer than being f**ckmates, and even as friends, he never let her on his bed, nor touches him, he'd rather do the touchings.
Damien huffed a thick cloud of smoke from his nostrils and mouth as he continued his hard bangs.
His strong waist moved flexibly with her shooted out a$$, his strong tattooed arm contracting and relaxing as he held her in place.
“Dam..ien!!! Yes, yes, yes, yes!!!! Ahh!!!”
“Kill me…with your…ahhh!!!!”
“Oww!!! Yes!!!! Kill me!!!!!”
“Ohhh!!!! I love that!!!!! Yes baby, yes!!!!!”
Monique’s moans filled the room as he went more deeper into her, hitting her right on the G-spot.
She was the only one who could address him by his name, no one else.
He had his eyes shut, as pleasure filled him, he wasn’t a fun of pleasure. He f**ks for pain, not pleasure.
Watching you beg powerlessly under him was his favorite. No one, apart from Monique could accommodate him fully into her, you might actually faint.
“I’m on…my edge!!!!! Damien!!!!!” she screamed loudly and squirted all over.
Damien gave her few more strokes before pulling out of her. He released into the condom and rolled it off his d*ck.
Monique smiled and faced him, she crouched down and wrapped her warm hand on his d*ck.
He stared at her with a bored look and she smiled at him. He was so long and veiny, she might probably get choked.
No, Monique was used to it. She was the only one who could satisfy him.
“I’m gonna pleasure you, Damien” she said seductively, locking gazes with him.
He said nothing, and continued smoking his cigar.
Monique grinned and licked the tip of his c*ck, he hissed in pleasure, and she smiled victoriously.
Of course, she was the only one to pleasure him ~ she grinned more.
She licked the tip for a few more seconds before taking in a little part of it. He shut his eyes, and a throaty groan escaped his throat.
She brought it out and took it in again, this time, taking in his whole length. She began sucking on it like it was a favorite lollipop, all the while, massaging his balls softly.
“F**k!!” he cussed and gathered her hair in his hand, f**cking her mouth slowly.
Monique opened her mouth widely, making sure to take in the whole of him, she felt him hit the back of her throat and she gagged slightly.
He was choking her, but she was enjoying.
Soon, his slow thrust became rough and he started f**king her mouth roughly, hitting the back of her throat cruelly.
She coughed and gagged, her eyes became red with tears, yet she wouldn’t let go. She massaged his balls softly, passing her tongue on his thing as he mouth-f**ked her insanely.
He threw his head back in pleasure, going so deep into her mouth. His thrust was hard and fast, and soon, he fattened in her mouth.
He went deeper for some few minutes before releasing straight down her throat, then pulled out.
Monique happily drank him, she licked her lips like she's got a tasty milk before standing up.
“You’re so sweet, Damien” she said and made to touch him but he pushed her, she fell in the process.
“TF! Damien, what is wrong with you?!!” she snapped, giving him a confused look.
“Don’t ever try touching me, unless you want death” he muttered coldly and headed to the bathroom with his cigar.
Monique sat on the floor, glaring at his well-built backside.
He was a handsome devil!
She rolled her eyes and stood up, she dressed up and stomped out of the room.
Minutes after she's gone, Damien came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist.
Droplets of water cascaded down his hair to his face, then finally snaking down his toned chest which had tattoos on halfside of it.
He went over to the table where he had f**ked Monique earlier and picked his phone.
He saw a message on it and he smiled.
“Time to come for you, darling” he said, his smile vanishing almost immediately.
The training arena was filled up with mobsters training tirelessly. Some were doing Archery, other’s were doing sword fighting, others were also shooting guns…and more other training activities.
Inside the training hall had another training hall, a personal one, purposely for BLOODYSONS!
They were a group of 8 most powerful mobsters in the clan.
Baddie, Fallon, Wildcat, Blondie, Margot, Dynasty, and Pierre.
Wildcat and Margot were actually twins but never got along well. They looked so identical and if not for the scary tattoos all over Margot, it would be very difficult to distinguish between them.
The place was so big and unique, with all sort of training materials.
Pierre moved closer to Wildcat who was throwing some arrows into the bull's-eye. She wasn’t really an expert in archery, hers was gunfight.
“Hey” he called and took an arrow and bow.
Wildcat glanced at him and looked away. She was an egoistic b*tch. She talks to no one except her best friend, Monique.
Yeah, Monique was also a member of BloodySons. She was the strongest among them, almost making her look like the leader.
“Let’s go for a dr…”
“I don’t want to, leave me alone!” she cut in and dropped her bow and arrow, going over to the shooting range.
“You’ve gat to stop trying, she's not the one for you” Fallon's voice came behind Pierre and he glared at him.
“Who said I wanted her? D*ck!” Pierre hissed and also left to the gym side.
“Oh nice, I think I love what’s going on” Dynasty said from where he was and Fallon glanced at him.
“What’s going on?”
“Are you gay?” Dynasty asked and Fallon frowned.
“The f**k are you talking about??” he snapped and Dynasty grinned.
“Because I can see in the spiritual realm that you like Pier…” he said but Fallon's boots landed on his head before he could finish.
“You’re insane!” Fallon hissed and made to pounce on him but Dynasty ran off before he could get to him.
They began running around in the hall like kids.
Baddie and Blondie shared a look then looked at them.
They were dueling ~ sword duel.
“Are they serious?” Blondie asked rhetorically and Baddie shrugged, she had a lollipop in her mouth.
It was almost her addiction.
“They’re obviously out of their minds” she said and they continued their duel, the sounds of swords slashing against each other filled the room, accompanied with the sounds of gunshot from Wildcat's side.
The door opened, and a loud voice was heard.
“What’s going on here?” Monique’s authoritative voice came and the two guys stopped running around, with Fallon glaring at Dynasty.
“I asked a question” she said again and Baddie hissed.
“Can’t you see what’s going on? Or are you blind?” she snickered and Monique stared at her.
“What did you say?” she asked daringly, taking slow steps towards her (Baddie).
“I asked if you were blind” Baddie said, and when Monique made to slap her, she twirled the sword expertly to her back and sliced Monique’s arm.
“F**k!!!!!” Monique groaned, holding her already bleeding arm.
“Don’t dare me!” Baddie said coldly and pulled out the lollipop from her mouth sexily. She threw it up and caught it with her tongue and continued licking.
She raised her middle finger at Monique and catwalked out of the hall, fixing the sword back into it’s sheath. She was really good at sword fighting.
“Damn! She's really a Baddie!” Dynasty grinned.
Margot came in after and her eyes immediately caught Monique’s bleeding arm.
She rolled her eyes and went over to her favorite spot, archery. Well, she was a silencer and those tattoo on her neck and arms made her look scary.
She was the next strongest after Monique, no, almost stronger than.
Blondie smirked and walked out too.
“That b*tch! Let’s get you treated” Wildcat said and helped the fuming Monique out.
“Girls and their endless drama” Fallon rolled his eyes and joined Margot at the archery side. They both trained in silence.