He left her sobbing in the parking lot. Just as he turned the corner, he saw a figure in the shadows. The figure entered the light.
Yolande Saana appeared before him;
➖So the Virgin Mary finally made a fool of herself with you. If you were that desperate to have a Fabian fuck, all you had to do was ask.
➖FABIAN: Fuck you Yolande. Everyone knows you're an easy fuck, most of the kids at school have fucked you.
Yolande smiles;
➖This has never stopped you before. You may have the biggest cock in school but you know I can take you.
Fabian was still angry with Kemila, a temper made worse by the frustration of not being able to control his erection.
Then he said;
➖Go, if you suggest it, where do you want it.
She lifted her skirt;
➖Here it will do
She lowered her panties and leaned over the back of a bench;
➖Doggystyle, you know how much you like it like that, see how deep you can stick your cock in me, I won't scream, unless you make me cum, of course.
Fabian had to fuck someone, it wasn't like he hadn't fucked her before, it was a shame she was such a slut because she wasn't bad, plus she had great tits, it was just she never said no to anyone, all her peers had fucked her and by all accounts a few teachers had done it too.
He pulled his cock out and got behind her, sliding easily into her wet pussy.
She moans;
➖Ohh, that feels good... Go ahead Fabian, give it a good one.
All of her frustrations came to a head when he started pounding into her pussy, penetrating her with wild thrusts, hearing her moan as his body slammed against his. It only took a few seconds before he let out a deep moan, thrusting onto her and unloading his cum into her.
➖YOLANDE: Oh yes!
She sighed, her pussy muscles gripping him in time with his pulses, milking him with every drop of his seed.
Fabian was lying on top of her, his body panting. He was aware of the approach of a body.
Kemila says;
➖My God, you are really disgusting, you are like two animals in a field, I don't know what I have ever seen in you.
➖YOLANDE: Fuck you Kemila. You had your chance and you blew it, Fabian needs a good woman to satisfy him, not a little virgin like you.
Kemila burst into tears and ran away. Fabian finally withdrew and Yolande stood up, smoothing her skirt.
She smiles;
➖So, does that make me your girlfriend then?
Fabian laughs;
➖Fuck you Yolande. You know as well as I do that you'll open your legs to any guy who asks.
She laughed;
➖I never said I would be faithful. There's a whole world full of cocks out there, I want to try most of them, but trust me Fabian, you and I will end up together. We look a lot alike.
Fabian left her in the parking lot but her words followed him as he walked home. He couldn't deny that he liked Yolande, she was really pretty and one of the smartest girls in school but there was no doubt that she was a real slut.
When he arrived home it was obvious that his parents were in the middle of an argument, his mother had announced that she was planning to visit her sister who lived in the north of the country, she usually visited her three or four times per year and each time it caused an argument. The problem was that Fabian's father had a huge dislike for his brother-in-law, mainly because Uncle Nevis was very successful financially, which he took great pleasure in displaying. Fabian decided to stay away and went to his room, he passed his sister's room. Jemima was two years older and hoped to find a job in one of the city's banks.
There was no animosity between brother and sister but they more or less lived completely separate lives.
Jemima, seeing her brother pass in front of her door, said;
➖I heard mom and dad are doing it again
➖FABIAN: Yeah... It's the same old argument every time she visits Uncle Nevis and Aunt Martine.
Jemima declared;
➖I hope she goes... It always makes her feel good, she's so much happier when she comes back.
➖FABIAN: Yeah, well, I doubt living with Dad will be much fun
He walked to his room, put on his headphones and settled in to listen to some music. He reached into the drawer next to his bed and took out the latest magazine he had bought from the old man who ran a bookstore at the Saturday market. The magazines were smuggled from America and were far more durable than anything available on the legitimate market. Lately they had started to go even stronger with a mix of photographs and drawings, all centered around busty women being subjected to various punishments or abnormal sexual acts. The drawings usually showed them being tortured or raped by men or monsters with massive tails. Lately, the photographs seemed to focus on women engaging in sexual acts with animals, mostly dogs, but sometimes donkeys and even horses.
Fabian knew he had become addicted to the magazines and that they had an influence on his own sexual preferences. This was what resulted in what had happened between him and Kemila earlier. He was no longer willing to tolerate her putting things off, if she wanted to be his girlfriend she would have to let him fuck her and fuck her the way he wanted. His thoughts turned to Yolande, he wondered how she would react if he suggested she have sex with a dog, the thought made him hard, he undid his pants and pulled out his cock, slowly stroking himself as he closed his eyes and imagined Yolande on all fours with a dog riding on her back, his huge cock sinking into her pussy.
He didn't know how long he stood there, dreaming about girls getting fucked by various animals. He must have felt a presence, he opened his eyes, looking straight at his mother's face.
He screamed desperately trying to hide his throbbing erection;
The charger slid to the ground, he tried to catch it but failed. He looked back at his mother but before he could say anything she had turned around and all he saw was her back as she rushed out of the room.
Fabian stayed in his room the rest of the evening, he couldn't face him, he had no idea what he could say. Another problem for him was that he still had his erection, and he still had these visions swirling around in his brain. He had to do something to release the tension. It only took a few seconds for her to pump her hand on his cock before she let out a deep moan and unloaded into a wad of tissues.
In the morning he went downstairs, not knowing how he was going to handle the situation. Luckily, her father had already left for work but Jemima was still sitting at the table finishing her breakfast. He hurried through breakfast, making up some lame excuse that he had arranged to meet Belmiro before school. Several times he saw his mother looking at him but she didn't say anything out of the ordinary.
By the end of school, he had managed to convince himself that he had gotten away with it, that his mother had decided not to think about the incident anymore. This was confirmed when he came home and she was acting like everything was normal. Her father and Jemima arrived home and they all sat down to the evening meal. He glanced at his mother a few times but she showed no signs that anything was wrong. Jemima said she was going to spend the evening at her friend's house. His dad said he was going to take a shower before going to the pub.
Fabian helped his mother clean up after the meal. He was about to go upstairs when she grabbed his arm.
She said keeping her voice low;
➖We need to talk. Wait until they're both out.
Fabian returned to his room trying to think of what he could say to her. He heard Jemima leave first, followed ten minutes later by her father. He waited a few minutes then nervously went down the stairs. The living room door was open and he saw his mother sitting on the couch.
She says;
➖Come in Fabian, come sit here.
She patted the seat next to her on the couch.
Fabian sat down and looked at her nervously. He began to say;
She stopped him;
➖Where did you find this magazine
He has answered;
➖Why? If I tell you, will you report it?
She stated;
➖No, I'm not going to report him, I promise.
➖FABIAN: I got them from this old man who runs a book stand in the market. He gets them from Brazil, he says they are openly for sale there.
She says;
➖Can I see it?
Fabian looked at her and said;
➖But mom
➖I just want to watch it
Fabian was confused, he didn't understand why his mother wanted to see what was in that magazine, he could only assume that somehow it meant trouble for him.
He says;
➖Are you going to tell dad?
She laughs;
➖No, I'm not going to tell him, I just want to see him.
Fabian was confused, he had never thought of his mother and sex as a combination, he knew she wasn't bad and the few times he had seen her dressed up to go out to something special, she looked attractive, but usually it was just mom, always wearing these shapeless dresses that made her look simple and ordinary. Now, as he walked up the stairs to get the magazine, he felt his cock pressing against his pants.
He returned, sitting down quickly and hoping his erection wasn't too obvious. He handed her the magazine. She looked at the cover photo, it was a close up of a woman probably in her thirties holding what was obviously a horse cock to her cheek.
Fabian heard his mother gasp when she saw the photo, he saw her hand tremble as she opened the magazine. The first page showed a collection of photos of a few girls but mostly older women, each in some sort of position with dogs, either being ridden by them or sucking their cocks.
She asked, her voice trembling with emotion;
➖Is everything like this?
➖FABIAN: There are drawings and subjects. Not all about animals, but some drawings show women having sex with monsters
She said turning the page;
➖And that excites you, doesn't it?
The next page showed a drawing of a woman lying on the ground, a huge lizard-like creature standing over her, holding a huge cock, it was shooting his cum into her.
Fabian saw his mother trembling.
She says;
➖Show me
He looked at her.
She repeated;
➖Your cock, show me
He answered;
➖But mom
➖Do it, show me.
He stood up, standing in front of her. He undid his pants and pushed them around his ankles with his calcif then stood in front of her, his cock rigid.
She sighed;
➖Ohhhh my God! It's just like his...oh my god.
➖FABIAN: Whose mother? You mean like dad's?
She laughs;
➖You're kidding. Can I hold on?
➖FABIAN: But mom, we shouldn't do that
➖Just let me hold him Fabian, just for a few seconds.
He approached. She reached out with both hands, gripping his shaft, he could feel her hands shaking. He sighed as her hands grabbed him;
➖Oh my God, it’s beautiful. When I saw him last night, I was sure my eyes were deceiving me, but now, now, he feels so big, so powerful.
➖FABIAN: Mom, please, it's not true.
She says;
➖Do you want to see me?
Before he could respond, she took one hand of his cock and began to undo the buttons on the front of her dress. When she had them all undone, she pulled aside her dress revealing her naked body.
Fabian moaned, his eyes devouring her body;
➖Oh my God mom