The tiny street was filled with loud noises coming from the metals clashing against each other as people roared to the sound which was being supported by drums. Tents filled everywhere with different sellable under each one.
The festival of new season was being celebrated and every attendee painted some facial artwork on their faces to identify with the festival. Ranging from clothes, accessories, ancient crafts to everything one ever wanted, they were all available at slash prices.
“Get your fortune read! Don’t you want to know what life has in store for you? oh ye weak humans! Let the gods guide your path” my tiny voice managed to ring through the loud noise.
By the time I had screamed for more than five times, I finally had my first customer under my small red tent and I got down to business.
“You have to be careful today. There will be a large tornado at your workplace but if you are in the right place, it will pass you by”
The first customer seemed confused at the mention of the tornado but paid anyways and the next customer had her seat.
“Don’t give him those flower, he is allergic to flowers. Give him some warm rice instead and you will win his heart”
“You are on a luck spree this week. Just don’t stop going out”
“Your daughter is on her way home but..”
My smooth reading was suddenly interrupted by a sudden roar from one man dressed in his green silk pajamas.
“Don’t pay any dime to that lady! She’s a scammer!” he screamed at the top of his lungs
I head flew up at the sound of his voice and my eyes closed in frustration. It was the leech again. He was following me everywhere.
I had given him a prophecy but it didn’t happen due to a reason I also don’t know and since then, he had been after my life, ruining my business.
Seeing the way their facial expressions were changing as he planted the seed of doubt in them, I quickly stood up to assure them that he was just a mad man and that only added fuel to the fire.
“How dare you call me a mad man after scamming me out of my money? Do you want to see the real madness?” he grunted like an overfed pig and rushed towards my tent before I could even blink
*snap* *snap*
The roof of my tent disconnected from its base and everyone rushed out before he would do something dangerous to them. He didn’t stop there, every crafts that was set on the table was swept on the floor in the span of seconds but I was faster.
I grabbed my money bowl.
That was the most important thing to me and I wasn’t ready to lose it for anything. Immediately my hands got connected with it, I turned it into the already waiting sack with its mouth opened, zipped it and took to my heels.
“I have never seen anyone this tenacious. What does he want from me exactly? It’s not like it was my fault his destiny got changed”
I inserted between every breath as I cycled my old pink bike ferociously in order to get rid of him as fast as I could. The traffic light was still counting in the pedestrian favor with little time remaining and I knew I had to risk it.
My ears got filled up with a loud screeching noise and by the time my eyes was opened, I realized that I was on the floor, my bike shattered to pieces.
My throat groaned as I struggled to get to my feet. Thankfully, I only had a tiny bruise on my right palm but my bike was in ruins and that I couldn’t take.
“Are you driving with your eyes tucked into its hood? Do you plan to kill me?”
My yelling was loud enough to bring out the owner of the car and it was whom I never expected, the Rocco Lorenzo himself.
My heart skipped a bit at the sight of him but the thought of my ruined bike was more important so I didn’t let it get to me. Just as expected, his rough voice questioned my road crossing and I was dumbfounded.
I didn’t know when blood rushed up my entire cells and I blasted him for hiring a blind driver who is going on a killing rampage. He must not have expected me to talk back to him that way but I didn’t care. All I wanted was the money for my bike and who knows? Some extra change to take care of the loss the pajamas man had incurred on me for the day.
“Pay for my bike”
I stated firmly and stretched my bruised palm towards him for him to see. He just kept looking at my gut in surprise when I told him that I didn’t care if he was Rocco or Choco Lorenzo.
We were still at it when a young lady that looked like his secretary got down to intervene. She was about protesting against my attitude when Rocco handed over a bundle strap to me.
“Santo Cielo! (Holy shit!)”
The word flew out of my mouth abruptly and loudly that everyone paused to look at me. Ten thousand dollars was right in my face and I couldn’t believe I was touching something that golden just from my audacity.
“That settles it right?” his voice cut through my excitement and I nodded severally in the span of few seconds.
Just at that moment, the party pooper Pajamas man appeared out of nowhere and screamed at Rocco to retrieve his money because I was a scammer.
“You devil! Get thee behind me” I chewed in frustration and turned to the man
“How did you manage to escape from the ward? How come nurses don’t do their jobs excellently these days?” I chuckled and he had to look at himself from head to toe
He was indeed weird
“What sane person wears a pajamas under a hot sun? You are still young, I wonder what made you this way” I added, cackling my tongue as my head shook from left to right in pity
Rocco was less concerned about our drama and just headed back to his car. Suddenly, a strange cloud appeared over his head and only I could see it. Within seconds, the cloud turned to red with blood and disappeared.
“Don’t go to that meeting today or else, you will die”
I found myself blurt out against my will and he paused at my words. His hand that was extended to the car’s door froze and he turned to look at me. I stood there looking at him confused and surprised but I had said all I wanted, it was up to him to comply.