The gorgeous man was Ana's fiancé. I found out the next day, after waking up with a righteous headache and almost puking out my guts. Ana had been the perfect host that even my hate from the night before was all but forgotten.
When Ana repented four years ago, she'd meant it, and now it was hard to fault her for anything. It made me mad, because if I was going to hurt someone, I needed a reason for it, and Ana had done nothing wrong, except deliberately throwing her wealth in my face. But I was sure even that wasn't deliberate.
We were all at a restaurant - the fiancé's treat - and I wondered why the world was so unfair. Ana always had the best things, and sometimes, I hated her for it. I'd tried not to be like the rest of the selfish population, but I couldn't help the envy in my chest.
My heart drummed unsteadily in my chest as Ryder's gaze locked with mine. He must have noticed me staring since I've been told I have a searing gaze that drew one's attention.
He raised a brow in question. I do not break eye contact but just shrugged, and he smirked before looking back at Ana, his eyes lightening up as if they'd seen the most precious thing in the world.
I'd called dibs. He should be mine. Why was I stuck with men who only wanted to hurt me? He was the first guy I ever truly wanted, and it sucked that he was already taken.
"You're being awfully quiet Brea. What? Are you planning a murder" Candice chuckled, the sound of it grating on my nerve? The question had been deliberate, and I knew that from the unsure quivering that had accompanied the words. She was scared of me, but she still asked it anyway.
I forced a smile as I turned to face her, then picked up my fork, my grip on it lethal. "As a matter of fact, I am, and your name is written all over it Candice".
She laughed nervously before swallowing. "Goodness, you don't know how to take a joke do you?"
"Stop Candice," Brian chastised, his gaze hard on hers, and Candice sulked. "Brea is still hungover. Don't make her mad".
"You all are an interesting lot" Ryder's gruff voice interrupted, and my gaze jerked to his. "Your friends are quite entertaining, Ana".
Ana chuckled. "You haven't seen anything yet, babes. Wait until they really get into it".
"We are not that bad Ryder. She's just exaggerating. She's the worst of us" Candice chirped with little enthusiasm.
I stabbed my fork into the salad, my pulse speeding up.
The sound of his voice did things to my inside that I'd never felt before. What was he, some sort of incubus? Who was he to be able to get me to react to him in this manner? Who was he to get under my skin and make me feel foreign things, emotions I never thought I'd feel?
"Are you alright Brea," he suddenly asked, his hand coming over mine and I flinched, smacking his hand away. Hard. I stared at my hand, which he'd touched before meeting his gaze. He looked shocked, and so were the rest of my friends.
My hands tingled on the table, and I let them stay in the same position as Ana laughed nervously.
"Brea doesn't like people touching her. She only tolerates me," she told Ryder, whose surprise immediately turned into mortification as he turned to me.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know that... I hope I didn't offend you," he asked worriedly, his tongue darting out to lick at his lower lips.
I clenched my thighs as sparks erupted deep inside. It was as if he'd licked at my skin instead. I was horribly infatuated, and I didn't plan to just let it go. I was going to make Ryder mine.
Leaning a bit toward him, I made sure that my gaze wasn't harsh as it tended to always be. "It's fine Ryder. I am not angry at all. You just caught me by surprise" I said sweetly and he grinned.
"Great. For a second there I thought I messed up. I hate being the cause of other's discomfort you see"
"You can never mess up though," I blurted out before I could stop myself.
The three other occupants stared at me as if I was an alien they had never seen in their life. Even Ana looked surprised.
"I'm glad you both are getting along. Brea is very hard to please you see".
"I think you exaggerated that bit, Ana. Brea is pretty outgoing as I've come to see... I mean she might be a little intense but that just makes her unique."
I smiled. "Those are very kind words, but Ana is right, I can be very troublous sometimes, so don't rule that out yet. I'm just in a very good mood this morning," I said, going out of my way to keep his focus on me, but once I finished talking, he turned to face Ana.
"I guess you were fifty percent right then," he said, linked his hand through hers, and kissed it.
My heart twisted as I watched the display.
Candice grinned widely. "You both are so sweet, I think I'm getting diabetes".
"Ugh," Brian rolled his eyes. "Can you stop being so cringed all the time"?
"Can you be a bit sweet sometimes, 'cause if you can't, you should learn from Ryder right here, 'cause he's got it in spades"?
"You both are so annoying," Ana muttered under her breath.
"Will you like to go camping with us, Ryder?" I asked and everyone's gaze snapped to mine, but I just ignored them. The plan I had in my head was already materializing to life and there was nothing that would make me stop.
Did that make me the villain, I didn't care. This was the first time I'd felt something other than pain, hate, and anger. I was going to chase it, and then punish myself since I knew I would inevitably hurt Ana.
"We canceled the trip just last night, or were you already drunk at that instance? In case you haven't heard, that wood is not safe for tourists around this time of the year." Candice spoke up, her eyes darting toward Ana for support.
"Candice is right. We should just stick to town this year... "
"And where is the fun in that? We have always gone camping. Are we going to let some stupid rumors keep us back from having a great time? Ryder has never been, it would be such a shame if he missed out on this. This was to be our last trip since we're all going to be separated soon" I said, my gaze on Ryder the whole time.
Ana cleared her throat, her gaze dancing around us. "I don't know. What do you think Brian?".
"Camping is always epic" he shrugged, "And if Brea is this excited to go, I don't see why not. I mean, have you ever seen her so passionate about anything".
They all laughed, and I joined in at the last second wondering what he had said that was so funny.
"You are very right, Brian," Ana giggled then turned to Ryder. "So?"
"Are you inviting me to your weekend gateway?" He grinned, his lips lifting at the corner.
"Yes she is, and you better say yes. This is all for you anyway" I said and gave Ana a pointed look. She laughed nervously and swept her curls backward.
"Brea is all for including new members of our group. I guess she approves of you a hundred percent".
Ryder grinned at me, his eyes crinkling beautifully at the edges. "I'm very honored".
"Well, make sure you know what to take with you on these trips. The woods are not like the mansion you live in".
He chuckled. "I'll be sure to remember that Brea", he said, and almost as if he couldn't resist, he tapped me on the nose. I heard Candice's audible gasp, but it got drowned out by Ryder's question "Are those freckles real."
I smiled widely. "Yes. They are very real".
"They're beautiful" he complimented, and my heart literally flipped in my chest.
"Cut back on the cringe Ryder, or you're going to get on Brea's bad side in a twink after all that special treatment".
"I won't. I like Ryder," I stated with a smile and they all laughed again.
Ana stared at me and I could tell she knew what I'd meant. Her eyes couldn't hide her surprise or the uncertainty in them.
"So, Ana, you're gonna be the designated driver as usual right..."
"No… I'm going to sit with Ryder. It's your turn to drive douchebag".
Brian groaned. "Gosh, I almost escaped that one. Do you know how terrifying it will be to seat all through that drive with Brea?"
"I'll seat at the back with Ana" I chipped in, and the shock in their gazes was almost comical. "You and Candice should stay together for this trip."
"You really need to get yourself a boyfriend, Brea. You'll be the third wheel on this trip" Candice said, and I just stared at her, before I grinned.
"That might be true, but at the end of the camping trip, I won't be the third wheel," I said, then stabbed the salad on my plate ignoring the curious and shocking face of the trio.
Just like it has always been, I was going to get what I want.