In the end, we ascend to earth from the primes and remain connected, tracking Carl and Nancy. They are still watching us.
Carl said, "I've watched a lot of porn as you know, but this is one of the sexiest, most erotic things I've ever seen."
Nancy said, "I can confirm that. I think Carl is 3 inches longer and twice as thick as he was at the beginning. He's beautiful!" She swayed her pussy and Carl rolled his eyes.
Nancy leaned over and kissed Carl, whispering something to him that I couldn't hear. The two began to get along for a bit and then Nancy moved away from Carl, away from him, and stood next to the deck chair.
Carl lay on his back in the middle of the sofa and Nancy pulled him up so they were facing each other. Carl reached out and stroked Nancy's chest; she began to mount him forcefully, each time sliding almost completely off his cock and then dropping her delicate body into his chest. Nancy's breasts swayed seductively as she moved over his head.
Sy and I saw them bumping into each other; Carl pushed his cock upwards to respond to Nancy's strong caresses with his whole body. As their bodies touched again and again, I could feel Sy's erection deep inside me, where his soft cock was still nestled. Plus, I can feel my juices flowing again. God, they were "hot".
Nancy began to let out a small, near-silent "ouuh" every time her body snuggled against Carl's. Those sounds were barely audible at first, but they grew louder as her efforts increased, and then, with a loud scream, she arrived. Carl must have arrived as well as they held onto their curvaceous bodies until Nancy collapsed on top of Carl.
Sy and I kept quiet and left them to their sanctity. The two closed their eyes to prolong the sense of unity and passion they had just shared.
Slowly, Carl's eyes opened, then Nancy's. She snuggled into her arms as I lay inside Sy.
"You two had a great show," I said.
Sy added, "I agree with that. You've made it harder for me and I haven't even left the fold of Kara's beauty since the first time." He pumped on me a few times.
"We can start over...and again... and one more time? "Nancy asked rhetorically." I love this man," she said, leaning in and kissing a very happy person
"I think this has all the potential to really improve an already great neighborhood." Sy and I into laughter. Nancy scolded him for his bad behavior, but we all carried a heavy load on our shoulders trying to find work.
Sy and Nancy finally took their clothes off the patio chairs. Instead of getting dressed, the two weave their way through the darkness in their own backyard and the back door of their home.
Carl walked up to me, hugged me tightly on the couch and asked, "Are you okay?" We drank a lot but I knew what we were doing. It was a very beautiful evening and I personally would love to do it again. "
" Oh yes, "I said." It didn't go to plan and I'm glad it happened. "I stopped and kissed Carl." More than that, I wouldn't mind if that happened too. I love the change of pace, plus I find it erotic watching you fuck Nancy, especially when you both come in while she's riding you. Her chest vibrates to the beat of your push. They both look very happy and I think I made Sy happy. "
Carl gets erect again; I'm still hot. I leaned over Carl until he could shove his dick into my pussy. We shared a romantic love affair on the sofa. until we both came over and hugged each other for a while. Somehow, the worries of the day and finding work calmed down a bit when we slept.Finally, we went into the house and went to sleep.
Nancy arrived the next morning with a familiar cup of black coffee. She doesn't knock; She just opened the back door and walked into the kitchen. Carl is sitting in shorts and I'm wearing a small bathrobe that barely covers my long legs.
"Hello everyone," Nancy said. "I just want you to know that I had the best time here last night. It was a great BBQ, hot tub and everything. She smiled lustfully at Carl and savored him with her cup of coffee. Nancy crept into the breakfast nook and kissed him on the cheek. "Where's Sy?" "I ask.
"He's on the phone trying to set up some screenings later today," Nancy said.
The three of us talked a little more about our plans and hopes for the screening until Sy showed up at the door carrying his own cup of coffee.
We all looked at him expectantly, but he shook his head.
"No," he said. “I can't get someone excited enough to even look at the property let alone buy it. I tried to invite a couple to come see it just to get some decorating ideas for their apartment, but they turned me down.”
We all sighed and went into mop mode. I went to meet Sy and kissed him on the cheek. The kiss seemed to lift him up a bit.
I asked him, "Did you like what we did last night?"
Sy looks surprised. "Of course," he said. "That was amazing. I've wanted to be with you for a long time and I hope we can do it again soon."
"Carl and I feel alike," I told him.
Sy said, "You know I mean what I said, about loving you."
"Me too," I told him.
Carl said, "I mean we also say I love you." Nancy rested her head on Carl's shoulder.
Sy said, "One thing we don't want to happen is that anyone feels cheapened, prostituted, or threatened with their marriage.
"On the contrary," I said. "I feel satisfied. happier and happier, even though the rest of me feels like damn because I don't have a job." We laughed
We let go of the issue of jealousy and agreed that emotions would only arise. if either of us feels like we're going to lose something or be treated unfairly in some way. We're committed to checking in periodically to make sure everyone feels they're gaining something rather than lose something and they feel they are getting their share.We want open communication in our open relationships.
Nancy said, "I don't want to own or own Carl or Sy for that matter. I want to give them pleasure, fulfill their needs, not just their physical needs. I really want to be there. for you.
" Me I said to her, hugging her, placing a kiss on her forehead.
Carl developed a point that happened. "Last night, I felt very happy to see Kara being pleased by Sy. When she feels good, so do I. When she comes, I am close too. I am like her. I am like Nancy. . I feel very attached to all of you."
We agree that we should strive to maintain this joy-seeking attitude when your loved one finds joy, even if it is with other people. Somewhere in the middle of the conversation, we begin to cite the rules that different societies and churches try to impose on us; we agreed that there should be exceptions to monogamy and we think we qualify. The word “Love” comes up a lot in the discussion.
We agreed to meet again that evening for rehearsals. Carl and I both have a "to-do" list for the weekend and we want to get there. Also, so are Sy and Nancy. We parted ways and arranged to meet at their house for dinner.
Three weeks later, the four of us had sex a lot, but none of us had a job. Looking back, I think we've replaced sex with something more mundane in our job search. The economy "goes down" meaning companies simply aren't hiring.
One night the four of us had a particularly enjoyable sex session in our king size bed and we lay there, gasping for air in the aura that accompanies good sex. I said, "I'm so excited to see you two make love. And Nancy, when you get caught by Carl and Sy, I really came just to see."
"Well, you can get it tomorrow," Nancy said, squeezing my hand and then stroking the erect nipple on one of my breasts. "I think our toy boys are a must-do for the evening. Twice is all they can regularly muster."
"Physiology is different," Carl said defensively, hugging me. We laughed. "We just need time to recover."
I added, "What we should do is document it so we have something to watch at times like these." I held out my hand to Nancy and she walked in. I stroked her breasts and we kissed. We played more and more dating girls in front of guys, at first to tease them but then we discovered that we could also please each other. However, every time I touch Nancy's skin, I get a charge and I know she does too.
Nancy turns and we both kiss. We pull out and check in with each other then kiss again, this time with more passion and more tongue. We played and shoved, running our hands over each other's bodies.
My fingers found her steamy cunt slit, still dripping with the juice from the two love affairs she'd done with Carl. I massaged her clitoris while she found mine. We both groaned.