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The amine chronicles
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I ring the doorbell and it is the butler Louis who opens the door. Louis: Miss Netanyahu, come ...

RomanceEmotionUrbanFantasycontemporaryMarriageSweetDivorcecontract marriagePregnantwifeSingle MotherPossessiveGoodgirlIndependentEroticSex


Today is a big day for me and Lea, it's our first day at university. I must admit that I was not a good student in high school but I don't know how I got the chance to join the university of my dreams. I mean Sorbonne University. I think my grandmother had something to do with it. Anyway, I'm getting ready in style because today is a big start for me (I forgot to tell you that I speak Prada, I love fashion and I'm a real addict always in the front row at fashion weeks thanks to my granny) So STELLA MCCARTNEY skirt, ISABEL MARANT top, and black LOUBOUTINS, I take my Chanel and Goooo bag to the university I get into my car (Range Rover evoque) and head for Neuilly to look for Léa.

I ring the doorbell and it's the butler Louis who opens the door.

Louis : Miss Netanyahu, come in !

Me: 'As I come forward' Hello, I hope Lea is ready.

Louis: Miss Lea is in her room, I think she is ready.

Me: Ok, thank you Louis.

I drift towards Lea's room and enter.

Me : Hello my dear

Lea: You're late, we don't want to miss the director's speech and I want to see the 4th year students, they are very cute. Come on, let's go!

Me: Thank you for your warm welcome my dear Lea.

Lea: Yes, yes, hurry up now.

We head to my car and head to the university. After 30 minutes of driving and talking we arrive at the famous Sorbonne. It was a very big university and very beautiful to admire. I could stay for days describing it but we stop here.

We enter and we drift towards a big room with a lot of students from all over the world. An old man walks up to a stage and is about to speak.

Director: Good morning everyone, I hope you had a good holiday and that you are now ready to start a new year. I would also like to welcome the first years and wish them good luck. Now my children, you may leave.

Everyone left the room and we went to find our room. Luckily, me and Lea chose the same subject which was Art History. So when looking for the room Lea said to me

Lea: We should go shopping after class I saw a beautiful Lanvin dress you'll love.

Me: Ok, then we can go for a nice tea and debrief about our day.

Lea : I love the idea, Sab look over there isn't that Julie ?

Me : ooh yes it's Julie, come on I think she didn't see us

Julie is just my big and only cousin, I like her but I don't know why

Me: Julie! Do you study here too?

Julie : Sabrina! Hello no no, I'm not a student but an art teacher and you?

Léa: We are students here!

Me : yes yes yes right

Julie : Ok then, good luck, I have to go and see you after 'she's leaving

Me : yes yes that's right little bitch!

Lea : Sabi, don't swear, she's your cousin.

Me : Maybe but I don't like her

Lea : ok, ok come on I think it's room B1.

Me : yes, yes, let's go

We go to the room and a veiled girl runs at Lea and BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM

Girl: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.

Lea: You can't see where you're going, bitch. Next time look before you venture out with your lame veil on

Young lady: I'm really sorry.

Lea: normally a veiled girl should not study, that's not what Islam says HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

The room bursts into laughter and the girl starts to cry and runs away.

Me: Lea that's not funny what you just said I didn't know you were a racist and you shut the fuck up. I run after the girl shouting 'WAIT DON'T GO!

The girl goes into the toilet and starts crying I come and crouch down beside her.

Me: Forgive her, sometimes she behaves like a child

Young lady : 'sniif' I am new and I didn't do it on purpose wallah.

Me : 'by taking her in my arms' shut up it doesn't matter, stop crying otherwise I'll get angry. My name is Sabrina Netanyahu I am 18 years old and I am new here and you?

Young lady: My name is Sarah Slimani, I'm 18 and I'm new here too

Me : Here is a common point between us : wipe your tears and come back, let's run

Sarah: Ok, thanks Sabrina.

Me: You're welcome.

We go back to class and Lea apologizes for her behaviour and meets Sarah.

At the end of the class, I ask Sarah to go with me, because Lea had left with a guy. So she's always flirting.

We leave the university and Sarah stands open-mouthed in front of my car.

Me: get in, I don't have all day, you know

Sarah: no no I'm going to take the bus home

Me: Sarah if you don't get on in 10 seconds you'll see another Sabrina. Go upstairs.

She decides to get in. That day I didn't know that it would change my whole life.

Part 2:

It was 6pm and Sarah and I were in the car talking.

Sarah: Thank you for driving me home!

Me: You're welcome

Emoticon grin

Can you put your address on the gps so I don't get lost?

Sarah: 'embarrassed' You know, you don't have to drop me off at the door, I'll just keep walking

Me: No, come on, enter the address!

Sarah enters the address I feel embarrassed but I don't know why, after an hour of driving thanks to the traffic jam. We arrive in front of a city, I don't mind, I'm not one of those materialistic girls.

She points out the building, I park just below and I notice men in front of the building.

Me: What are these men doing in front of the building it's 6pm it's getting late isn't it? Laughs

Sarah: They're wall holders. All day long they are holding the walls.

Me: Why aren't your walls solid and they are there to hold!

And we started laughing, I don't want to tell you that my car is attracting attention, but it's okay.

Sarah : Sab, can I call you that?

Me : Of course you are my friend now.

Sarah : Aah that's cool. Come with me to the house I want to introduce you to the darlings and the chicks!

Me: Who do you want to introduce me to? I'm lost here!

Sarah: My parents and my brothers, I forgot that you speak English.

Me: Nonsense!

We get out of the car and head towards the building. Of course it wasn't our day, the sitter is broken.

Me: My poor Louboutins are not used to this.

Sarah: go ahead and stop being a bourgoise.

Me : It's ok, I didn't say anything, we've arrived.

Sarah : Yes, yes.

She opens the door, then pulls me by the arm. The flat was not so big but well decorated. We walk into the living room. All her family was there and I felt a little embarrassed.

Sarah: Yemma, Baba this is Sabrina my new girlfriend.

Me: Uhm hello everyone.

There were her brothers and sisters, their husbands and her parents. Suddenly someone comes in and walks towards the living room.

Young man: A 2014 Rang Rover evoque is parked above come Imad everyone is taking a picture with it it's a beast that gove.

Sarah's mother: Weld lhram come here we have guests and you it's just the lihamek car (which is important) sit down!

Sarah: I think the whole city loves your car Sab.

Everyone looks at Sarah shocked afterwards the young man comes and sits in front of me and I think he noticed my pendant.

Me: I see that, plus I was going to change it Everyone has a Rank. I want a car that is not very common here.

Sarah: 'Laugh' so you! wait I have to introduce you to my family. On your right are my parents and next to them my brother Nassim and his wife Jamila. My sister Hanane and her husband Idriss and my single brother who loves your Gova Amine.

Amine: TG wesh I don't like his gove and who told you to bring us a burg here and moreover Jewish I see!

Me: 'Shock' I see you have a problem with Jews.

Sarah: You are Jewish. Why didn't you tell me!

Me: 'By getting up' I thought I met a girl who doesn't judge me by my religion but I was wrong. I thought I met a girl who doesn't judge me by my religion but I was wrong. Goodbye.

I head for the door and go down the 5 floors. I find a lot of guys around my car.

Me: Get out of my car go faster than that or I call the police.

Man 1: Who are you talking to the little bitch! Giving me money if you want us to leave your car.

Me: Are you crazy or what? Leave me alone!

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