Adjusting to the kirjan clan and my new mistress's home wasn't much of a task. She was rather kind and I made sure not to offend her since I had a bad habit of remembering only bad encounters with people. I had written to my parents the day after I arrived but never got a response, not that I expected any, I was perfectly satisfied here, no one expected too much from me other than me fulfilling my duties of cleaning the house. thus no one knew of the fact that I had no wolf.
As painful as the thought of that sounds, I have to go on with my life, I have been blessed with gifts too, after all, it was just a little different. I told myself many times to console myself.
As for the house and the weird scent of my mate that it reeked of, I never went back there. In fact, I avoided it altogether, I had no desire for trouble or adventure, and being an alpha’s mate I fear would give me just that.
"Silveen!" I jumped off the short tree, on which I had been seating lost in my own thoughts when I heard lady Freya call my name. I rushed into the house, lifting up my maid gown as I did to prevent it from tripping me over.
The house was a one-story building with the Gamma’s room situated upstairs, the small kitchen and living room were downstairs and under the stairs was an empty room, which became mine the moment I arrived. The gamma and his mate had no children yet and the only other person who helped around the house was Maria, a short fat woman with a bright beautiful smile, she was married and so always came to do the cooking but goes back to her family at night.
"Lady Freya, you called for me?" I said as I walked in through the back door which led past the front of my room below the stairs to the living room. I met her at the bottom of the stairs all dressed up. She had always been one to want to get to know me more.
“You are like a little sister to me.” She had said to me when I first arrived and had wanted to know what my childhood was like. But as we already know, I had a secret that I would rather not disclose, so I shrugged her off with an 'it wasn't bad’ speech. But I liked her very much in my own way, even though she didn’t know that.
"Yes," she said eyeing my outfit.
"Go change into something more befitting, I have been invited by the Alpha’s mother for brunch and I want you to go with me."
My heart skipped a beat at her words and I began to fidget on the spot.
"What are you waiting for Silveen? Go on."
“Lady Freya, I haven't been feeling too well, I...."
“No more excuses silveen, if I didn't know better, I’d say, you are avoiding the Alpha's house."
“Well, you don't know better,” I thought to myself as I tried hard not to bat my eyelashes at her because that was exactly what I was doing and that was how I have been avoiding the Alpha’s house since my arrival. I always feigned an illness whenever Lady Freya invited me to go with her and trust me when I say she practically lived there.
It wasn’t that I didn't want to meet my mate, I was just scared. a lot was going on in my life right now, that was out of the ordinary, in fact, nothing in my life had ever been ordinary, not the fact that my parents didn't love me, nor that none of my siblings wanted to associate with me, even while I lived with them and no one had fought for me while I was being sent away. I loved the ghost life I lived here and I didn't want anything ruining it.
"You are going." lady Freya said authoritatively as if in response to my thoughts. I only sighed as tension built in my chest and walked back to my tiny room below the stairs.
The room was big enough for a tiny wardrobe that wasn’t big enough to contain my belongings; the medium-sized bed, that was now mine in the middle of the room, directly opposite the door; and a vanity mirror with a bedside drawer below it. A small door was just beside the wardrobe, which led to the small bathroom I used.
I looked through my bag which was at the foot of the wardrobe. I owned no nice clothes, all the ones I had were given to me by my siblings, back at home and they were not good enough, especially when I might be meeting him for the first time. I began to look through the wardrobe at the clothes lady Freya had given me.
"Who could he be?" I asked myself as I ransacked my own room anxiously looking for a better outfit.
"I hope he is not the Alpha," I said to myself, even though I knew that I was probably just deceiving myself. The only man who lived in that house was the Alpha and his mother, who is a woman of course.
"What am i doing? He wouldn't even look at me! I am an omega for crying out loud!” I said in frustration as I threw down the cloth I had chosen.
“He's our mate! Of course, he would accept us.”
I heard a bitter voice lash out in the back of my head, I looked around the room confused.
"Now I'm hearing things."
I said to myself as I shook my head wearily, picking up the casual dress I had thrown and going to put it on now deciding to stay within my rank in the pack and avoiding pipe dreams of any sort. The alpha could choose his mate after all and it wouldn't be me and God help me, there was no way I was adding the fight for a man to the list of my troubles.
I walked out of my messed up room, locking it behind me to hide the terrible sight of the mess I had made, and walked back into the living room to see Lady Freya smiling at me. She walked to me, pulled a small comb out of her purse, and began to comb my messy red hair, then packed it into a ponytail.
“Thank you, lady Freya," I said, wondering why she had a comb in her bag.
she smiled to me in response.
"You know sometimes, I forget that you are still just a child, come on we can't afford to keep her waiting."
She hurried off holding her blue satin dress with one hand and I followed after her, patting my neatly packed hair which I tried to glance at through the bronze shield by the door.
“Maybe I should have put on a lipstick,” I said to myself as I looked at my bland face for a second before running off to catch up with my mistress.
The journey to the Alpha’s home wasn’t a long one, so we actually decided to walk through it. Lady Freya seemed to be in an excellent mood as she got herself busy greeting the people we met on the street. I on the other hand knew no one, except of course Maria, who worked with me at the house. I never wandered because the last thing I needed right now was to meet him in some forest while I was busy looking around, so I just settled for the small tree behind the house.
And yes, he was occupying most of my thoughts these days, I mean what else could occupy the thought of a teenage wolf like me if it wasn't the thoughts of her mate who she was desperately trying all she could to stay away from.
The smell of the ocean, filling my nose was what brought me back to reality as I knew I was here at his home. A servant opened the front door for us and we walked into the house that looked more like a mansion on the inside.
Someone here certainly had an exquisite taste, I thought as I looked closely at the drapes that lined up the window blinds of the hallway, and the expensive vases that were placed in strategic places as decoration. if I didn't know better, I would assume this was an art museum or gallery.
What would it feel like to live here, I couldn't help but wonder as I took in deep breaths trying to contain the twirling in my stomach as the scent of him got stronger.
"It’s beautiful, isn't it. No matter how many times I come here, I never seem to get enough of the beauty and peace this house brings." lady Freya said to me smiling as she closed her eyes and breathes in the air.
She was right. It felt peaceful and safe in here, in a way that I had never felt before but somehow, it wasn't the decorations that brought about that feeling. it was his presence here.
“Ah. Freya, you made it. Good, I thought I would have to go to the meeting without you." We heard Luna Misheal say as she walked, along the corridor towards us, followed by a fat woman who was obviously her right-hand maid.
"Luna". lady Freya said as she bowed, I followed suit after taking a good look at the luna.
She was a tall woman with short white hair. Wrinkles hadn’t quite found their way to her face yet, but of course, that was no surprise as we werewolves aged slowly. She had the stance of a warrior and I would be damned if she hadn’t fought and won many wars. Her eyes however had the perfect shade of sky blue, making her look exceedingly stunning. She had the perfect look for a Luna and whosoever becomes the new luna would of course have to compete with this look.
I thought as I wondered about myself, I was a pure contrast to her, I wasn't as tall as many my age and I had not the slightest idea what combat was nor how to defend myself in a fight. My red mane, large brown eyes, and thin lips were also a contrast to hers. she was more good-looking than me in every way I thought to myself sadly.
"I see you brought someone."
"Yes, this is Silveen, she's my new maid."
I stepped forward and bowed my head to the Luna, as Lady Freya introduced me. She stared at me intensely for a while before she spoke.
"I have never seen you around here".
"Oh, she's from Estradol, her father sent her to me as a maid, because she is a troublesome child" lady Freya replied. I frowned a little at her statement,
Was that the excuse father had given her for sending me away? how convenient that must be for him.
“You’re welcome to the pack then," Luna Misheal said to me, a faint smile appearing on her face.
“Thank you, Luna," I whispered, barely finding my voice.
“Your hair, is it natural?"
“hun?" I looked at her confused then realized she was talking about the color.
“Yes. Yes it is"
“it’s beautiful.” She said and my cheeks blushed pink.
" Thank you, Luna."
"You can help Mathilda around the house, while you wait for your mistress, we have some duties we'd need to attend to," Luna Misheal said hastily, a seriousness filling her voice as if she hadn't just given a compliment.
“But Luna, I thought we would stay in the house and chat over tea?" Lady Freya said in an almost tiny voice, I could tell she really adored the Luna and didn't want to offend her in any way.
“Not today Freya. Let’s go." was all the Luna said in response, before leaving the house, walking past us. Lady Freya gave me a concerned glance before rushing after her, reminding me of how I had done the same earlier. I guess everyone had someone they feared.
“Let’s go Silveen." I heard the fat woman, who was obviously Mathilda say to me, before turning around and walking down the hallway. I followed quickly.
I couldn't help but peep into the living room as we walked past it in the long corridor, it was as elegantly decorated as the rest of the house and I knew the elegance this house showed off, was all the handy work of Luna Misheal. one could tell by merely looking at the sky blue straight gown she wore.
We soon walked into the dining room and then the kitchen, which was connected to it by a small door. The kitchen was filled with women going about the duty of preparing the evening meal, it was the busiest kitchen I had ever seen and I stood there in awe. Mathilda looked around at all the busy women for a while.
"Hey, Eunice". I heard her call another woman, who was slightly bent over a cauldron. Eunice turned around and smiled at Mathilda, then walked to her.
“What’s up."
This is Lady Freya’s maid, give her some work to do while she waits for her mistress."
That was all Mathilda said, leaving before even Eunice could process the information amidst the noise, or was it I who took longer to process the information, because before I knew what was going on, Eunice had pushed a pile of table clothes into my hands.
"Go and lay those over the dining table." She said then disappearing into the crowd of busy women.
I sighed, then walked back the way I had come, into the dining room and began to clean the surface of the large table, which was more befitting for a feast.
This was not what I had planned to spend my day doing, but nothing in my life was what I intended it to be anyway so, that works just fine.
I had begun laying the table clothes over the table, though now lost in thought that I didn’t look up, when I heard footsteps walking past the dining room, nor when it walked back and in.
I just assumed it was one of the busy maids, going about their duties. I also didn't notice how strong his scent had become either as I could perceive it all around the house, except for the kitchen of course. Perhaps if I had a wolf, she would have alerted me of his presence.
I turned around quickly and my head collided with the chest of someone, obviously taller than me, who I didn't even know was standing there, right behind me. A thousand butterflies erupted deep in my stomach causing my knees to quiver.
I held my breath staring at his white shirt for a while, before slowly stepping back and looking up to see his face, knowing who it was even before I looked up, but not excepting to stare into a sea of dreamy blue eyes and thick black lashes.
"Mate?" he said as if asking me, looking into my eyes and causing my heart to skip beats repeatedly as his blue eyes darkening with intensity or was it confusion.
I let out shaky breaths as I stared back into his eyes, forgetting all my pep talks about not wanting trouble in my life. A strand of his short dark hair fell on his forehead and I bit my lower lip as I resisted the urge to stroke it out of his eyes.
How long we stood there, I don't know for sure, but I do know that this man recognized me just as I did him.
The sound of footsteps in the corridor, jerked me back to reality, and I immediately began to step away from him but before, I could do that his hands were around my waist and he pulled me back to himself, my hands landing on his chest.
My eyes went wide in shock as I now stared at him, not sure how to react or respond. My head was blank.
"You are mine."
I heard him say almost as a whisper and I gasped, as my knees buckled beneath me, but his arms around my waist tighten preventing me from falling.
“My mate". He said this time a smile playing on his lips.