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Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Clyde spilled his drink when he heard what Angel said.

"Are you crazy ?!"

He quickly lifted my face and faced her. His face was full of concern as he looked at me. My eyes widened at the bottle next to Clyde. I'm not mistaken, soft drinks. This is his fifth soft drink today!

He took the handkerchief from his pocket to wipe my sweat. I just let him because I'm used to it. Clyde has a younger brother and he looks like me so he should take care of me too. (And we really look alike if I don't have a mirror, he showed me a picture.)

After he took care of me, he turned sharply to Angel.

"Oi, don't play with my friend," he said threateningly. I was devastated when I saw his angry face and immediately intervened.

"A-What is it, Clyde? I'm just apologizing," I explained.

"If he has a plan to accept your offer, it should be just the first three minutes of your nod, he already spoke," he looked even worse at Angel.

I stopped when I saw that Angel was just smiling at Clyde. I can't understand his smile but I'm sure my friend will be even more annoyed with him. How did the scene turn out like this?

"Let's get out of here, Seth. You've already said what you should say so it's up to him to decide what he's going to do next," Clyde stood up and helped me to my feet as well.

I turned to Angel who was still smiling at us. Why am I nervous about him now? Earlier I was comfortable with the way he treated me as well as the smile he gave. But now, does it seem like something is wrong?

Clyde picked up our bags and handed me my bag. He also gave me the plastic bag he was carrying. I immediately looked at what it contained and I finally smiled when I saw the three yakult inside. He also bought our favorite biscuits and two burgers. He is really gallant.

"By the way, Seth is not to blame for the news spreading about you, ok? You were the first to approach him. So do something and don't put all the blame on him," Clyde turned his back on us and sped away. .

I turned to Angel who was still smiling. I swallowed before I knelt in front of him and then laid the yakult and burger on the grass. I tried to smile at Angel while he was still smiling at me.

"I'm sorry," I said. Suddenly his face was serious.

"I should be the one to apologize. Clyde is right, it's not your fault. Don't worry I'll take care of it."

I was dazzled by what Angel said. "Really? Thank you very much!"


I turned to Clyde, he was standing on a pole near the gate while frowning looking in our direction. I turned to Angel again and thanked him. I also apologized for what my friend said. It's good that he accepted right away. She's a really nice person.

Maybe he did that to me to see if I was sincere in my apology. I can't blame him. If my nose hadn't bled when he approached me, he wouldn't have issued it to me. What I just can’t accept is the spreading false news. I never thought to use my shyness in that way.

"She'll take care of it?"

Clyde grabbed the lollipop he had bought earlier at the store outside the school then looked at me full of doubt. I nodded.

"I think Angel will say that the rumors spreading about me are not true."

"Do you believe that?"

I stopped walking because of what he said. When Clyde looked back at me, I frowned.

"What do you mean? I thought you typed him?" He gave me a bored look.

"I said I typed her looks but it's not her habit. She's too nice for me. I really feel like something was wrong with her earlier when you talked to her. And," he pointed at me with his lollipop, "I type my girlfriend more , noh. "

Clyde had already resumed his walk so I hurriedly followed him.

"What are you saying, Clyde?" I asked when I reached him. "Don't you know Angel?"

Because I only know him from what I hear from other people. Even though he's my classmate, I can't really talk to him because his group of friends is different and there's no reason for the two of us to talk.

"I only talked to him twice and it was only about school works. That's why when I caught up with you earlier in that situation, I suddenly doubted him."

"What do you mean?"

I could not understand what he wanted to convey to me. What does he want to say is ...

"I just think something's wrong with her. Her smile was so creepy before," he said in disgust.

I just shook my head at Clyde. He became judgmental immediately just because he found Angel and me in that position. I don't want to tarnish Angel's name anymore because of me.

"There's nothing wrong with Angel. Let's not talk about him anymore and let's go to your friend in the park."

I had already walked into Clyde. I couldn’t understand how I felt but I was a little bored with what he said was wrong with Angel. I am really the cause of everything. If my nose hadn't bled in front of Angel, this wouldn't have happened.

We reached the park silent to each other. I feel like Clyde wants to talk to me but he's worried maybe because of my tone before. He sighed before walking into the park.

Lots of students hanging out here and most of them playing. I just followed Clyde who was still constantly looking for the man he should meet here.

When we left the gate earlier, he received a text and he asked me to accompany him for a while, after all, we only had one way home.

Where is he now?"

I sat down in an empty seat because I was so tired. We toured the park a few times but Clyde still couldn’t find his purpose.

He took the phone out of his pocket and angrily called an unregistered number.

[Oh? Where are you? ]

"What are you doing ?! I've been looking for you here in the park for a while. Where are you ?!"

I was taken aback by Clyde's sudden scream. I was no longer comfortable with the way they were talking.

[ I found you. ]

I heard that the call was over and a few moments later a man approached us. My friend stared at him sharply causing him to raise both hands in the air.

"I'm sorry. I just went outside," he explained. Clyde snort at him.

"It's okay. Give me what I need."

"Oh, right."

The man took a small box out of his pocket and opened it. My forehead frowned when I saw the contact lens fill the black box. I turned to Clyde he was also holding the same box that the man had. When he opened it, the box was also filled with contact lenses.

"Ready?" the man asked Clyde.

My friend just didn't want to. I just swallowed as I watched them both. They took the contact lens out of their black boxes and put it on at the same time.

I was dazed when suddenly the man was pushing the air and so was Clyde. Do they see something I don’t see?

"F-ck! That item is expensive," I heard the man exclaim not far from us.

I'm not mistaken, they see something I can't see. Is this the game that Isha is also obsessed with? Is this the CURSE? With that contact lens can I also see their world?

The trade between Clyde and that man was even easier than the time we spent looking for him. Clyde and I were just separated at an intersection. He is going South while I am North.

As I made my way home, I couldn't help but think of what I had seen earlier in the park.

The contact lens, do I have to buy it too so that I can better understand Isha? How much is that? Come to think of it, I have no knowledge of the game Clyde is referring to. I'm not fond of online games and gadgets. I don’t want to add to the damage to my eyes.

But now, it looks like I need to know what CURSE is for me to be connected to Isha. Will I save enough to buy that contact lens? Looks expensive, eh. The pouch is beautiful. It's good that I have a part time job.

Oh, gosh! I just need to get ready for my first lesson tomorrow. Geez, a lot happened today so I immediately forgot what I should do. Maybe I'll just teach the basics first. If Kite already knows the basics, quiz right away. ‘It’s just a joke.

"Good evening."

I stopped walking when I heard a familiar voice from the other side of the road. I felt my heart stop beating for a moment when I saw Isha, seriously looking in my direction. Am I the one he greeted?

It looks like he just came home because he was still wearing our school uniform. He was already holding on to the waist -high gate of their house while I was also standing in front of our house. I was swallowed up, I was deafened by the excessive force of my heartbeat. Isha greeted me.

"G-Good evening," I greeted back to him.

His expression remained blank as he looked straight at me. I can feel it. The awkward way I look now.

When he was satisfied, he turned his back on me and finally opened the gate. I followed him with my gaze until he reached the door of their house. When he opened it, he didn't look back at me and broke down the door.

Gradually my lips formed a smile. I blinked a few times as I looked at Isha's door, smiling like crazy.

What was that?! Gosh, I'm screaming inside!

I jumped for joy as I covered my mouth.


When I noticed the prank I was doing, I stopped smiling and walked into the house. The length of time since he last greeted me. Gosh! I can't wait to tell mom!

I stopped in front of our door when I remembered something. I forgot to ask Isha about her level. Shocks. My insensitive.

Right! I need to prepare for Kite first and then I will study CURSE for Isha. I can do this!

I can't believe that it was just a 'good evening' from him to fix my chaotic day. I can't wait to greet her again like old times.

"You've become more cute now."

I smiled because of Mama's introduction to me when I came to the kitchen. I just finished preparing myself for my trip to Kite's house. My best dress is the one I chose to wear today not for Kite but for my neighbor.

I simply peeked out the window to see the house opposite us. All the curtains were down on their windows. Is Isha still asleep? It's already 8 am.

I slowly put down my bag containing visual aids that I would use in my teaching then I sat in the vacant seat next to it.

"Isha left earlier," Mama said as she dropped the plate with pancakes in front of me.

"What time is it, Ma? Why didn't you wake me up?" I'm contributing question. Mama smiled because of my reaction to once caressing my hair.

"The sound of your sleep and you're still smiling. I still have a conscience if I disturb you," he said. I just nodded and started eating my breakfast.

Others can't sleep right away if something like that ever happens to them like me but I'm different.

After I told mama what happened outside our house, she was happy for me. She even gave me a big hug to celebrate with me.

Aside from Isha, who was really the main topic of our whole dinner, we also talked last night about my part time job that will start now. That's the main reason why Mama woke up early this Saturday.

He is used to sleeping until eleven in the morning because from afternoon to night he is at the tailoring. Mama loves sewing so when our neighbor offered to work even part time in their shop, Mama immediately agreed.

Apart from taking care of me, Mama has nothing else to do here at home. That's why I was happy to know that he could do what he wanted besides taking care of me. Oh! Dad was also happy to hear Mama's news about her part time job. Mama has been in Tita Paula's shop for only one year and she is staying there well.

"Let me guess, you chose that outfit for Isha, noh?"

I stared at the blue polo I was wearing tucked in to my black pants. My choices can't really escape mama. Even if I chose a dress and this is the reason I chose it, would he guess? Or am I just too obvious?

"Um," I admit.

"You look great," he praised me. I smiled at mama and resumed my meal.

After I had breakfast, I immediately headed to the bus stop. They are in the other town Mr. Santos and I had to take a bus to get there. Right when I arrived at the bus stop, a bus arrived going to my destination so I got on immediately.

I chose to sit at the far end of the bus. It is also an hour's drive to Mr. Santos so I'll just study CURSE while I'm still on the flight. I wasn't able to search for it last night because my priority is Kite — teaching isn't a joke, noh — then I also fell asleep right after I did the visual aids. (Fell asleep with great joy because of Isha's feeling hehe.)

I dropped my backpack next to me and then picked up the paper I had put in its front pocket. This is the role given to me by Mr. Santos on Thursday. This paper contains all the information I need for my part time.

Before ten o'clock, Kite and I should be at home. It says that my teaching time is ten. Never mind that in one hour of teaching Kite I will receive 200 pesos including my travel allowance. I am no longer at a loss. But if Kite wants to study in the afternoon (the decision is up to him, Mr. Santos said here in the contract), they will pay me an additional 50 pesos per hour. I'm not really at a loss!

I smiled and put the paper back in my bag and put on my earphones. I also opened my phone data to search CURSE online. While I was waiting for the page I clicked to load, the bus suddenly stopped at the second stop.

I looked at the riders and was shocked when I saw Isha. I couldn’t take my eyes off him. Should I greet him? Wait! Should he see my face now ?!

He walked closer in my direction and sat in the vacant seat in front of me. He leaned his head against the window and put on his white earphones. She doesn't seem to be on her own because she didn't even notice that I was here and she looks gloomy.

I also leaned against the window as I just looked behind Isha. I wanted to touch her hair but I restrained myself. Her hair is really beautiful. The one you thought rebounded but it turned out to be very natural. It's a pity he cut his hair short.

When he noticed that I was staring at his hair before, he himself would take my hand to hold it to me. When will 'then' be repeated?

The bus stopped again and more people boarded now. When I noticed that there was a man approaching in Isha's direction. I quickly moved next to him before the man could even sit down.

Disgusted, the man looked at me so I just acted unaffected by his presence. But actually the strength of my heartbeat was really due to the extreme shock. I was shocked at what I did! My body moved spontaneously because I didn't want Isha to have anyone else next to me.

The man was blessed with me and then sat behind us. I really thought he was going to punch me!

I adjusted my glasses and then slowly turned to Isha. She's sleeping. The strength of my heartbeat was still due to the extreme shock of what I had done. And my heart is beating even faster now that Isha is next to me!

I dropped my backpack on my lap and then unpacked it. I proudly smiled when I realized that I just did something cool!

I smiled and looked at the person next to me and took a deep breath while leaning back in my chair. I'm cool, I'm proud of myself.

"See, Isha. I'm cool, aren't I?"

I laughed to myself. How will he know that what I'm saying is true if he hasn't seen me?

I parted a few strands of hair that covered Isha's face. The sound of his sleep.

Where would he go? I really plan to follow him now but because I need money I chose to tutor first. Maybe Clyde was right. I am more biased by things and opportunities than by the people around me. Thank you,

As I looked up at the roof of the bus, thankful that I had no trouble finding Isha, I felt someone lean on my shoulder. And my world stopped spinning when I realized that it was Isha's head.

I blinked as I just looked ahead of me. I couldn't move my body because I didn't expect to experience the scenes that Mama and I were just watching on TV!

I can hear Isha breathing! I can feel the heat of her body! My skin still clings to hers! I can't believe it! It's good that I've scrubbed a few times before!

"Isha!" EH?

I went back to the present when I heard the driver call next to me. Will they meet?

"Isha, here you go," he said. They will meet!

I felt the one next to me move causing me to panic! He can see my face! HE WILL KNOW I AM SETH!

My eyes widened when Isha suddenly sat up while rubbing her left eye. I was devastated when I realized that any minute he could know that I was next to him now! I have no choice!


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