"What's your actual profession?" Aslan asked, curious.
"I'm an aesthetic doctor; in Jakarta, I have a beauty clinic," Rose replied.
Aslan raised his eyebrows. "Ah, that's why you're so beautiful. You're actually an aesthetic doctor."
"And what about you? I mean, your job in London?" Rose asked.
"I'm just a wine merchant in London."
Rose laughed. "No wine is sold by street vendors, Aslan. Are you a wine entrepreneur in London?" she asked, remembering that he didn't look like an unemployed person at all.
"Well, you could say that."
Aslan and Rose passed by a few policemen who were on duty, and now they had arrived at the supermarket with a sign that read Centro Commerciale "I Gabbiani." Rose and Aslan stood in line, as the supermarket was limiting the number of people inside to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. When entering, they had to use gloves when handling the shopping cart.
After a few minutes of waiting in line, Aslan and Rose were finally allowed inside. They pushed their shopping carts through the aisles. Rose picked up several boxes of pasta, flour, eggs, tomato sauce, canned foods like fruits, edamame, mixed vegetables, salt, pepper, and other kitchen spices. Rose also bought toiletries and towels because she believed that the pandemic would last longer, and it wouldn't be easy to stop the virus instantly, knowing this as a doctor.
She purchased instant noodles and didn't forget to buy fresh milk and vitamin-enriched drinks. Rose also bought several multivitamins and medicines. Then, she went to the meat section and bought some chicken and beef.
When Rose saw that her cart was filled with all her necessities, she started looking for Aslan. She passed by several sections and found what she was looking for: Aslan was in the snacks aisle. She approached Aslan while pushing her cart, and he noticed her, smiling.
Rose looked at Aslan's cart, which was filled with meat, fresh milk, and snacks. It was almost full, and she didn't know what he had bought, but it seemed to be all food.
"Are you shopping or robbing the supermarket?" Rose joked.
Aslan laughed. "It's for stocking up for a few weeks. So, we won't need to go out again during the lockdown."
"Do you need to buy anything else?" Aslan asked.
"I was looking for rice. Have you seen where the rice is? Because I can't eat without rice," Rose said.
"I saw some basmati rice on the pasta shelf, it's at the very bottom, not easily visible if you don't pay attention," Aslan informed Rose.
"Okay, I'll go there," Rose said, taking steps toward the pasta shelf.
Aslan followed her from behind. As Aslan had mentioned, the basmati rice was indeed at the bottom of the pasta shelf. She picked it up and placed it in the cart.
"Is that all you're buying?" Rose asked.
"Yes. I can buy more if it runs out."
After shopping, Aslan and Rose proceeded to the checkout counter, where they saw the cashier scanning their purchases. Aslan looked at the cashier and handed over his debit card.
"You can just combine the payment with this," Aslan said, pointing to his cart while handing his card to the cashier.
"Alright, sir."
"I can pay for my own items, Aslan," Rose said as she was about to take out her ATM card, but Aslan was quicker.
"Just include it with mine."
"No, Aslan."
"It's okay; it's just food, not a big deal," Aslan said again.
A few minutes later, Aslan saw that their paper bags were filled with groceries. Rose hugged her paper bag, assisted by Aslan, as it was quite heavy to carry. Usually, when she went shopping, she would use her car and put the groceries in the trunk. However, this time, she had to walk back to the apartment while carrying the heavy load.
"Feeling tired?" Aslan asked, looking at Rose.
"Somewhat. It turns out my groceries are quite heavy, even though I only bought what I needed."
"We should have used a car instead of walking like this," Aslan remarked.
"Yes, you're right."
Rose turned to Aslan. "Have you ever met anyone from Indonesia before?" she asked.
"In London, yes. She was very beautiful, just like you."
"Was she your girlfriend?"
"No, she was the wife of a friend of mine."
"No particular reason. I was just asking."
"Does your clinic offer plastic surgery procedures?" Aslan inquired.
Rose nodded. "Yes, we do. We also offer chemical peels, botox and filler injections, and laser therapy. Like other beauty clinics, some of my doctor friends also collaborate with me. Right now, my clinic is closed due to the pandemic."
"Hopefully, the pandemic ends soon."
"I hope so too."
A few minutes later, they arrived back at the apartment. Rose and Aslan placed their paper bags on the kitchen table. Rose grabbed a soft drink that she had bought and took a sip. Her thirst seemed to disappear as if it had been washed away, and the same went for Aslan.