Athena Lemiere
I don't know if God knows what I'm thinking or what, but my house is so clear. There's no one because everyone is busy with their own thing. My mom and dad have an important dinner to attend, Chase and Caleb have things to do with work and Isaac went golfing.
I can go with Xander peacefully. I looked at myself in front of the mirror and I think I look okay. I wear a white turtle neck with a black skirt. I tied my hair up into a ponytail and put my A necklace on along with my simple circle earrings. I put my boots on and slung my small Chanel bag around my body.
My phone rang and it's Xander. I picked it up right away.
"Come out.. I'm right outside your house." He said.
"Okay." I ended the call and quickly walked out from my room and my house. I looked at my guards and gestured to them to shut their mouths. They nodded lightly and I walked out from my gate. I saw a nice black new BMW park right in front of my gate. I got inside and smiled widely at Xander.
"Hey." Xander greeted.
"Hey." I said shyly and he kissed my cheek. I didn't expect that and I made my face turn hot. I put my seatbelt on and turned to him.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"You'll see." He said.
"I'll trust you." I said and he started to drive. Suddenly the two of us didn't say anything causing us to have a weird atmosphere.
"I have no idea how to bring a girl to a date, this is my first time." Xander said and I found myself smiling knowing that I'm the first girl that he took on a date.
"This is my first time too.. going on a date." I said in a small tone.
"Good to know." He said smiling and I looked straight to the road smiling like an idiot too.
"I hope no one notice us together." I said.
"Yeah.. let's just keep this to the both of us first." I nodded totally agreeing with him. He drove towards the New York harbour that makes me questioning things. He parked his car near the harbour and he pressed my seatbelt button gesturing me to get out.
He got out from the car and I followed him. I looked at him still confuse.
"Xander, what are we going?" I asked and he walked to me to take my hand. He intertwined his hand with mine and pulled me towards the harbour.
"Eddy." Xander called and his butler lead us to a boat. It's a small ferry and I looked at Xander disbelief.
"You prepared all this?"
"Do you hate boats?" He asked and I shook my head.
"I love it." I said and he smiled. He got into the boat first and he handed out his hand for me. I took it and he pulled me into the boat.
"Eddy, you can go." Xander said.
"Roger that." Eddy smiled to us and I mouthed him 'thankyou'. We got inside the ferry and it's so warm. Xander already prepared the dinner along with the beautiful view. The boat started to sail and he pulled the chair for me. I sat down and he sat on the chair in front of me.
"Is it too much?"
"No.. I love it. I guess this is Redent style huh?" I asked and he chuckled.
"I'm dealing with Lemiere here so I gotta take it to the next level." He said and I smiled.
"I'm just an ordinary girl despite my last name, Xander."
"You're not an ordinary girl, Athena. You're far from ordinary." He said as I took my knife and fork to cut the steak in front of me.
"We are far from that huh?" I asked raising my eyebrows.
"Well.. it's in our blood." He said and I nodded. After that, we talked about a lot of things. Our dreams, our favorite food, our favorite animals and our hobbies. I never thought I will have a date with Xander Redent and to be honest I love it.
I learn about him a lot tonight and I can say that I love having a chat with him like this.
After the dinner, Xander asked me if I want to go out and of course I wanted it. We walked out from the boat to see the view and it was beautiful. I never think about seeing the view of New York from a boat.
"Here.. you must be cold." He wrapped his leather jacket around me and I smiled.
"Thankyou." I said and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
"You look really beautiful tonight, Athena." He said and I turned to him shyly. I leaned my head closer to him and kissed his cheek.
"You look cute too." I said and he smiled. I found that he has a small dimple on his right cheek. I put my finger on it.
"Cute dimple."
"It's yours." He said as he looked straight to my eyes and I looked away to the view.
"I heard that you hate the idea of moving to New York." I stated wanting to hear Xander's side.
"I was born and grew up in London, Athena. Moving to New York means leaving my hometown and I still can't adapt to that. I miss London's air, my house and everything about London." He said as he looked at the sky.
"Are you thinking about going back?" I asked in a careful tone.
"Yeah, maybe.. when I go to college." He said and I nodded because I don't know how to react to that.
"If I ask you.. do you want to go for another date with me.. will you say yes?" He asked and it made me turn to him.
"Yes." I answered and suddenly he looked at me intensely. He put my hair that's blocking my face to the back and he leaned his face closer to me.
"Good because I never take no for an answer." He said and then he kissed me.