"Don't you love this?" Isobel asked, undoing his pants. Leaning her back on the table. Cameron raised her up, pushing he...
I am running. Not in the woods like a normal cliché movie, but past blocks of apartments of a poor neighborhood. My heart beats faster with each step I take forward and every step sends spikes of pain through my skull, but I refuse to let it slow me down. When every limb in my body is on the brink of collapsing, one agonising headache won't be a reason for me to stop running.
I can't stop. If I do... only God knows what will happen to me.
My lips part, releasing a sharp breath that morphs into a scream. Despite the intensity of my cry for help, it feels as though no one hears me amidst the pursuit. That can't be right. People live in these buildings. Everyone knows everyone's business. Gossip is easy to spread around in this area. I know that because I lived here once. Yet it seems like no one was calling the police. The quietness of the night proves it. This is a very small neighborhood and the cops would speed up here if a crime is reported, there was nothing those vile people enjoyed more than taking people barely surviving in the slums into custody, yet there are no sirens blaring.
Everything tonight is fucked up.
I swallow, still moving forward. My heart thumps violently against my ribcage as I speed up.
I understand no one would invite a stranger to their house at night, especially one who is running for her life, but the more I ran and the darker the night grew without help, the more I knew no one cared. They're not supposed to but it sucks.
I run past the general, local trash dump and a frown forms on my face. The pungent smell of bins fills my nostrils and I pull my hand over my face to block my respiration a bit.
Why am I here? I don't deserve this. How did I even get in this situation in the first place?
I jump past a mini fence and sight a government scooter ahead. Sneaking a gaze backwards, I search my pocket for coins.
Come on. Come on.
My fingers hunt my pocket for any cent but I can't feel anything. I dip my hand in my other pocket, without stopping to catch my breath.
Still nothing. I can't find any coins. A terrified gulp slid painfully down my throat in desperation.
I can't see him, but I know he's here. He's everywhere. Watching me, chasing me. Monitoring my every movement and waiting for the right time to pounce. That's why despite the ache I feel in my joints and all around my body, I can't stop running. I swallow.
Maybe I should take a pause to relax. My knees can't take this any further.
I stop to catch my breath.
This brief moment gives me time to raid my purse, which I did.
Thank goodness, I found a coin!
My hand shakily holds the coin and I push it into the electric scooter. It comes on immediately.
I begin to ride. My chest heaves with every hard breath, and my body is trembling on the scooter but at least, I can relax my legs. This brief comfort gives me time to reminisce.
I'm not poor. I graduated from the best highschools and an Ivy League college. Why then am I in a neighborhood meant for the lowest class of society, you may wonder? That's something I question myself about too but my life is twisted and complicated. Very complicated.
The sound of something clashing on something metallic resounds in the environment causing my heart to skip a beat. I turn to look at it. Five dogs, begging to be freed, bark at me from behind a wired mesh fence. Thank goodness for the fence, or I'd be dead even before he catches me. I scoot further.
Everywhere is dark. The only stable light source illuminating the streets is the moonlight. I never thought I'd hate it and love it at the same time but here I am, enjoying the darkness that makes my body look like a shadow and blend with the night yet gives me enough rays to light up my path.
But the streets are empty. I remind myself. This is the scary part about nighttime. There's no where to run or stay undercover because there is easy access to everywhere. So no matter where someone hides, the person will always be found.
I look over my shoulder then avert my gaze forward quickly. I can't see anyone behind me. That may be a good sign or a bad sign but I don't care. I won't stop until I reach my destination. The honks of vehicles and chatter slid in my ears. I can already tell I'm close to the city.
The ends of my lips curl as bright lights, other than the moonlight, illuminates the path before me. I'm not so far away anymore. All I have to do now is scoot for a few minutes and I'll be there!
A glimpse of hope replaces the dreadful feeling that enveloped my heart.
I'll finally be somewhere that is crowded with people. Somewhere he won't be able to find me. At least, I'll have a few hours of freedom before the city gets quieter and I'll be able to think.
All I have to do is scoot faster. Just a few more blocks and I'll be near my freedom....
A loud noise deafens my ears for a second. I didn't need to think twice to realise what it was nor where it came from. It's a gunshot. Slowly, yet quickly, my body is falling to the ground.
My vision blurs and my chest feels heavy.
Did he find me? How?... I was so close.
The bullet barely dug in my skin yet my body feels like it is carrying the weight of something twice my size. I hear a thud as something hits the ground. It's the bullet.
I grunt and forcefully push my other hand up to touch the hand the bullet hit. Blood is oozing out of my arm. My skin was grazed hard enough to leave me immobile. Fuck!
Warm hands hold me before my body falls to the ground.
A hot breath cascades my neck, making it harder for me to breathe. I can hear the sound of his heavy breath hovering down my skin. This makes me realise how close my body is to his and it gives me goosebumps. "I told you I'd find you. Tag." The eerie, wicked voice of my step brother echoes in my ears.