Lucca was very nervous, since he received a call and when he answered he heard Alexander's voice and was startled, he took a breath to calm down and answered
Hello Alexander, how are you?
Bad man, they almost killed me
-What what? How did they almost kill you? Lucca said surreptitiously.
They ambushed me, man, they shot the driver, they killed him
But I managed to escape a girl, I stay at her house
And healed me of my wound
- A little girl?
If my luck that I knew about medicine
He gave me a transfusion and removed the bullet
-Wow, lucky Alexander, and do you know who they were?
No friend I did not see the faces of any of them
But this is from within my organization
No one knew that it would go that way
So there's a spy inside.
More than a spy, it's someone on the inside who wanted to kill me.
Do you have any suspicion of who it is?
No damn that's my bad luck
I wanted to ask you a favor friend
I'll be home convalescing and
I wanted you to take over the casinos and
The shipments, you already know the routes that the trucks must take
Be careful that the police do not suspect
-Okay Alexander, you know I know the business
As he moves, he loses care
-Thank you, friend, I'll wait for you tomorrow to talk goodbye
-Goodbye Alexander
He closed the call with unheard of fury, they didn't do the job and he was very angry about it, he had to continue under the orders of who he hated because of the way he treated him in the past, he had already changed but he would never forget that at first he treated him like garbage like scum and that was the grudge he had for his partner.
Alexander lay down on his elegant bed with silk sheets, he closed his eyes to remember the pretty young lady named Jessa, she smiled but without malice and that he was lewd, lustful, passion and seduction ran through his veins, she meant to him powerful millionaire an innocent soul who would one day reward him for saving his life
Alexander dreamed of a woman who gave him her hand to run along the beach, they were both laughing but he couldn't see her well, her face was a bit blurry, they sat on the beach and kissed, he felt very happy as if he had found the ideal woman for Him, I watch her dance from a distance as if she were a beautiful swan, a beautiful dance, she stood on the tip of her feet like a ballet dancer, and there she woke up, I associate her dream with having listened to the girl who wanted to study ballet and he went back to sleep without dreaming anything anymore.
While Jessa went to school calmly, always accompanied so that nobody bothered her, Jorge was closer to her, he helped her with homework or buying something she needed, her very calm parents worked until late at night, the house was always surrounded by gang members, no one came near knew what the gang was capable of.
Her life continued very quiet, sometimes at night in her room she looked at the card and remembered that man she helped, how handsome he was, how kind to her, how polite he was, she smiled happy for having done good, but there is things in this life that sometimes happen without meaning to and that was what was about to happen in the life of this sweet girl, who was close to reaching the age of majority
Her parents and the other neighbors had planned to throw Jessa's 18th birthday party, she had already graduated from high school, the preparations were going from strength to strength, the friends of the gang were getting things to put on the table of snacks, glasses , silverware and more, Jessa's parents had already resigned with the gang because they took care of her and that's what they were grateful for.
In the street they held the celebration, the gang cars made a huge enclosure for the party, everything was inside, they just waited for the arrival of the birthday girl, she left the house on her father's arm, she was very beautiful in a blood red dress but she, being white, stood out in her skin, they made a small toast, the street was packed with gang members, but one of them entered carrying a gift in his hands on behalf of all
-Jessa, on behalf of the gang in which we all love you friend, here I bring you a gift that I know you will like -I hand it over to her and she opened it. It was a state-of-the-art cell phone, she put her hands to her mouth. surprise was something he had always wanted.
They all applauded, she gave the package to her mother and she danced with the gang leader who did not touch her at all, he took care to put his hand on her waist, they loved her as a friend as a sister and they showed it to her.
They danced, they drank, they celebrated in a big way, it was a beautiful reception that Jessa appreciated because all those who loved her had contributed their bit to make it. The place was becoming empty, only a few relatives were left, the gang members left earlier, only a few were left waiting for the residents of the birthday girl's house to enter.
Many were already drunk and staggered to walk, in the almost silence and tranquility of the night several cars arrived there, several armed men got out and started shooting, they killed the gang members who were there, Jessa's father pushed her so that she fell into the ground and do not hurt her, her mother was scared next to some sisters, but those men came to kill everyone, with their submachine guns they shot at close range, when they stood at the foot of where the birthday girl was, the damn murderer, I observe the Jessa's parents and I just pointed at them and riddled them as well as everyone, they just left the girl alive.
They checked the others and the one who was acting as leader said furiously
"Stupid idiots, those two were also useful to us, they're already fucking dead, burn down the house, let there be no witnesses," I order, lifting the terrified Jessa off her feet, I load her as if she weighed nothing, I throw her into the car, two men rush they stood on each side of her and the one who was the ringleader said
-Don't do anything or I'll kill you stupid -Jessa just watched how the two who were next to her looked at her with desire and morbidity, but did nothing to touch her
The poor thing was scared and sad because she saw her parents and her family die, she did not understand what was happening, the car hit the road, Byron the ringleader was smoking in the front with his feet up on the dashboard and suddenly he addressed the prisoner
-Hey, are you a virgin? -That question left her absorbed, but she didn't answer because she was crying for the loss of her family, the guy turned and looked at her with fury and shouted.
-Are you deaf? Answer idiot are you a virgin? -to which she looked up and just nodded her head.
-That's good, they're going to pay me a lot of money for you, hahahaha your gang thought they were protecting you, we already had them under surveillance a long time ago, that's why we're waiting for your party, but now we're going to your little party for the first time, hahahahaha
Jessa did not understand anything, she was just very scared, she did not know where they were taking her or what they were going to do with her.
The car entered through a deviation, almost twenty more minutes of travel and they reached their destination, the one called Byron got out first, he said something to the guard and they opened the electrified doors that were there, he got back into the car, they went through the doors that were closed behind them, I park the car at the foot of a beautiful mansion.
The poor girl suffered what hurts the most in this world, seeing with your own eyes how your parents and your family die, as well as being kidnapped by some strange men who take her to an elegant mansion without knowing what fate awaits her.