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Since it was Friday, I jumped on the opportunity to go out with everyone. After this mornings events, Finn seemed reluctant but he gave in. That didn't stop him from sending me worried glances for the rest of the day.

So after my lecture, Owen and I waited outside the Business building for Emma and Finn as well as Jason, who was coming from a near by engineering building. We all ended around 6 but our classes started at different times.

Once we were all gathered outside, we decided to go to our apartment first so we could drop all of our shit off and so I could change.

"Do either of you have a car?" I asked Owen and Emma as we walked to one of the nearby parking lots.

"I do. Why?" Owen asked.

"Because my D-pole is in ours so all five of us can squeeze into the first row of our Suburban or you can drive." I replied.

"I'll drive. Just give me your address and I'll meet you there." Owen said before passing me his phone. I typed it into the gps and handed the it back to him.

"What's a D-pole?" Emma asked while looking at the four of us like we had seven heads.

"I forget you're from Alabama until you say things like that." Jason stated. "You know we play lacrosse?" Emma nodded with her black eyebrows drawn together. "So defense players have longer shafts on their sticks so they can block easier. So Sylvia had a D-pole while the three of us have normal sticks."

"I'll have to see one of your guys's games some time. But I'll need you guys to explain it to me before because I don't even know how it works."

"I'll go with you to one of their games in the spring." Jason replied as we reached the Suburban. "So are you coming with us or Owen?"

Emma's glance lingered on Owen for a moment before she spoke up. "I'll head to the apartment with you guys because I want to finish this conversation."

Owen gave a nod and pulled his keys out. "See you guys in five."

Once we all climbed into the car, Finn started the engine and we pulled out of the parking space. "Don't you play with the three of them?" Emma asked, referring to Jason's earlier statement.

"Nah. I only play with Sylvia and Finn. My NCAA contract was up my senior year. The three of us are here for Olympic training. They play with Owen on the school team." Jason explained.

I heard Emma let out a very quiet gasp that she tried to suppress. "You three are going to be in the Olympics?"

"The one and only." Finn replied with a smile on his face.

"That's how we know Jason, we met him at trials." I explained while watching the road ahead of us. I still don't think Finn or myself drove like NASCAR drivers. We were perfectly average aggressive Northeasterners. Although everyone not from CT or NewYork just calls us New Yorkers. It was annoying really, but that's besides the point.

"They weren't dating back then so I didn't have to deal with shit like this," Jason gestured from his seat behind Finn to our hands that were intertwined on the console. "Then they show up in April all lovey-dovey and it's too late to back out. Next thing I know I'm walking in on them having sex."

I turned my whole body around to see a blushing Emma. I suppose she was an innocent one compared to everyone else I knew. Or maybe I'm just blunt from being one of the guys. My gaze however, settled on Jason. I glared at him with everything I am.

"No one told you to break into our apartment."

"It's not breaking in if the landlord let me up." This was the first time Jason had spoken directly too me since this morning. The car ride to campus was awkward to say the least, but I didn't say anything. "And no one told you to fuck your boyfriend on the island in the kitchen."

"We weren't fucking."

"Yet." Finn added under his breath with a smirk. I turned back around in my seat and hit him in the arm, hard. "Jesus. This is becoming abusive."

"Uh huh. Sure." I muttered and unbuckled my seatbelt as we pulled into the parking lot of the tall apartment complex. Owen pulled in a few seconds after I climbed out of the car and grabbed my shit. Jason keeps his stuff in our car because he only had Olympic practice and we're his ride. His apartment was down the road so he walked here in the mornings.

Finn grabbed his stuff and shut the trunk before we all boarded the elevator to our apartment. Jason hit the top floor button and the doors shut. "You guys live on the top floor? How much does that shit cost?" Owen asked in awe.

"Not that much. It's a one bedroom. The only reason it's expensive is because of the location and it's furnished." I replied before the doors opened. After a short journey down the hall, I unlocked the door and walked in. "Feel free to dig though our food. I'm just going to go change and we can head out to that bar for dinner."

My duffel dropped on the floor near the door and my stick leaned against the wall with Finn's. Most of our shoes were by the door so I slipped of my sneakers, leaving the black Nikes with the pile of cleats.

"Why do you have so many tennis shoes?" Emma asked with a raised brow. I was jealous of how shapely and perfectly arched they were.

"Different pairs for different uniforms." Owen replied for me. My sock clad feet padded against the cool wood floor of my apartment as I entered the bedroom. Finn followed me and closed the door behind him. Everyone else was already dressed decently but we looked like we just came from sports practice, technically we did. Jason had to dress up for a presentation so he already had a button down shirt on.

After quickly digging through my drawers, I produced the same high waisted leather pants I wore to the club with Finn and Al almost nine months ago. I paired it with some low black heals with straps around the ankle and a dark tan cotton button down. I tied the two halves at the waist where my pants ended while rolling the sleeves to my elbows and slapping on the silver watch my father gifted me for Christmas. I grabbed my black leather purse and spun around, almost walking into Finn.

His hands banded around my waist to keep my from falling. My eyes briefly flashed over his body, and how his muscles stood out in his button down. When my gaze settled on Finn's face, he was already looking at my eyes. "Are you sure you want to go out?" He asked.

"Yes, Finn. It was just a news article. Nothing to be worried about. Some losers opinion is not going to affect my night. It's over and done with. I over reacted this morning." I reassured him.

His eyes ran over my body once more. "You look sexy." He said before kissing me. I smiled into the kiss and moved my lips against him. My free hand settled on his neck as he pulled me closer to him by my hips.

"I can hear you two making out! Come on! Let's go!" Jason yelled before knocking on the door. We pulled apart and I ran my right hand threw my hair before opening the door and walking out of the bedroom, past a bored looking Jason.

"I love that you've become so accustomed to it that it doesn't even disgust you anymore." I laughed at his expression as we all reconvened in the living room. Owen and Emma were on one of the leather couches, laughing at something when her eyes ran over me.

"You have style, my gosh. I wish I was your size now." She laughed and stood from the couch. Emma would be what I considered a tryhard but really, she was from Alabama so she dressed up a lot. She wore short white heals with light wash ripped jeans and an army green shirt.

"I think it goes both ways." I smiled and spoke truthfully. "Are you sure you don't play a sport?" I said, only half joking. If Emma gained eight inches, she would be a model. Her physique was perfect.

"Are we done here?" Owen interrupted. "Or are we going to talk about what hairspray brand is best, too?"

"You weren't friends with many girls, were you? They all need a minimum of ten minutes to compliment each others outfits and boost their egos." Finn replied while crossing his arms.

My eyes narrowed at Finn. "Fuck you."

"You already did." Cocky bastard.

When we all got into the Suburban my phone buzzed so I unlocked it as Finn drove.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath through my nose before opening them and typing 'I'm fine.' alittle more aggressively than required. Finn noticed as always and sent me a questioning glance.

I showed him the screen. He didn't have to read beyond the first text bubble before his eyes returned to the road and his free hand settled on my lower thigh comfortingly. Finn gave it a squeeze before resting his hand there.

"Sam got starter." I said to Finn out loud once I read the text. "You might need to make the hour drive to save him from the Junior goalie who is out for murder."

"Who's this?" Owen asked from the back.

"Our friend from Groton. He played goalie. He's the starting goalie for John Hopkins now." Finn answered.

"He's basically the reason we were winning so much." I added. Sam was a savior from god. I honestly don't know if Finn or myself would have gotten this type of recognition had Sam not been goalie. "He might come visit us sometime for a weekend or something. I'm sure you would all love him."

Sam had that effect on people. I hopped I would be able to see him after the trial. Finn and I were driving down as we were going to pick Sam up because we passed him on the way home. I was glad some of my friends would be there for me.

Al was stuck in Texas but I might be able to see Chris. Depending on his schedule he might drive down from Uconn to see the three of us.

I couldn't wait to see them, but then again; I could definitely wait for the trial.


Dinner went well. We all had fun and had good food. Jason and I found this place when I was forced to take him for dinner earlier in the week. Just to spite me he bought a nice stake and had an expensive beer to mock me. I didn't mind, though.

Emma was the only one who could get hoards of unhealthy food and I was jealous. The rest of us were on strict diets but there was still good food. Granted, it wasn't the best choice but it was healthy enough for a cheat day. I mean it's like a pub; so what do you expect?

We were getting ready to leave so Emma and Owen went to use the bathroom. Finn must have noticed the look on my face and excused himself, leaving me with Jason.

All night Jason had talked easily with the group, but when it came to me or a sexual joke he would seem more hesitant. It was starting to piss me off. Practice was awkwardly silent for the rest of the day and I didn't need Jason to translate that outside of UOT.

With crossed arms, I eyed Jason in the booth across from me. He looked from his now empty plate to me, giving me a reserved expression.

"If you want to say something, just say it Jason. I'm a big fucking girl."

He opened his mouth like he expected something to just tumble out, but I was met with silence. I waited a few more moments before I sighed. It was obvious he had no clue what to say and that he just felt awkward.

"Look, if you don't know what to say, then fine. Don't say anything. But don't start treating me like a peice of broken glass. I'm serious, Jason. Stop looking at me whenever someone says something sexual and stop watching yourself around me. It was a year ago and I'm fine. Let it go."

Just as I finished my spiel, Owen returned looking clueless as ever. Jason diverted his dark eyes from me.

Great. Just fucking great.

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