Ezekiel was staring at his best friend; he knew how much he loves Andrea and how they loved each other. He thinks that Andrea still loves him too until now, it's not just they were fated to each other.
"Dwayne, how long is she been there already?" he asks him.
Ash just drinks his beer.
"Maybe two years already." he said.
"It's been too long, I guess." Ezekiel said.
It's hard for Ash to move on from her, Andrea was his first love and ever first girlfriend so far. Ezekiel could see that he's still in love with her.
"Don't tell me, you're going to marry your fiancée for you to move on?" he asks.
Ash nodded; he was stunned.
"What if she'll come back?" he asked.
"I don't know." he said.
Ezekiel just sighed.
"You know what, If I'm in your place I'm going to forget about my past and just think about my future. Dude, marry your fiancée to be your future not to move on from your past." he said.
Ash was startled to what he said, he didn't see that coming. Ash thought he has a point.
"Wow, coming from you." Ash said laughing.
"Shut up, dude! Even I'm like this. I'm still innocent." Ezekiel said very proud of himself.
Ash just smirked and sips his beer.
"By the way, you're going to work tomorrow?" his best friend asks him.
"Yes, I need to." Ash said.
"Hey, you should be preparing things for your wedding day." he said.
"Nah, our parents will be the one settling that thing." he said.
Ezekiel laughs at him.
"Your parents were really persistent to make you marry her right." he said.
Their night went on slightly slow, Ezekiel left before he'll got drunk thinking they have both works to do tomorrow. Ash was continuing to drink when his mother is calling to his phone.
"Son." she said.
"Mom, what is it?" he asked.
"Nothing, it's just that you didn't came home. Are you in your condo?" she asked.
"Yes mom." he said.
His mom just reminded him about his meeting with some clients tomorrow. Ash ended the call after telling his goodbye to his mother.
Tina and Langston tag along Ivanna to their company, they want to show her how they manage the works done into their company. Ivanna was so excited to meet their partners. Didn't she know that Ash will also be there.
"Ivanna, try to be polite." her dad told her.
"Yes dad." she said.
Her parents knew her attitude over all. Ivanna was just following them, they went inside a wide room and she was shocked to see Ash, she smiled. Ash wasn't informed that Ivanna would be present to their meeting. They greeted each other; the other business men saw Ivanna.
"Who's she?" they asked her dad.
"Yeah, Every one she's my daughter Ivanna. Ivanna, greet them all." her father said.
"Good morning every one, please to meet you all." she said smiling.
But deep inside her, she was very shy.
"Oh, she's so beautiful." they admired her.
Ivanna just smiled at them; Mr. Villareal also told them that she's Ash's fiancée. Every one applauded for them. Ash was very silent; he doesn't want to be introduced like that. He hated his dad that moment for telling them that they're going to get married soon.
"You're lucky, she's so hot." Ezekiel said.
Ash glared at him but he just smirked. Ivanna saw Ezekiel whispering to Ash making him glares at Ezekiel.
"She's staring." Ezekiel told him.
Ash just ignored the fact.
The meeting went on, Ivanna sits in the corner, Ezekiel went to sits with her. Ivanna was shocked.
"Hi, I'm Ezekiel. I am Dwayne's best friend." he said extending his hand.
"Hi." Ivanna said and shake hands with him.
Ash was watching them both. He knows how playboy Ezekiel is. He just ignored them; Ivanna was having a nice conversation with him.
"Sorry, But I want to ask about your best friend." he said.
Ivanna was curious, she just laughed.
"How do you know her?" she asked him, with her eyebrows wiggling.
Ezekiel just messed his hair up.
"Did you stalk on me?" she asked.
Ezekiel was shocked and same time smiling bitterly. Ivanna was right, he stalked on her.
"I just did that because I'm so curious who is my best friend going to marry, and there I saw your best friend." he said.
Ivanna giggled, Ivy and Ezekiel have the same personality and she can see that they were very perfect for each other.
"You have the same personality." she said.
Ezekiel's face brightened up with his eye's went bigger.
"Really?!" he asked, she nodded.
They were shocked when someone clears his throat, it turned out that it was Ash and all the men inside the room was staring at them. Ezekiel and Ivanna smiled bitterly and asks an apology.
"Low down your voice." he said to her.
"You should be the one who'll low down his voice." she said.
They were both happy what just had happened, Ash doesn't know but he was feeling scratch while watching them so happy. The meeting ended and still they were both talking.
"Ivanna, let's go." her mom said.
"Where?" she asked them.
"Honey, you need to be familiar with our company." her mom said.
Ezekiel cleared his throat.
"Uhm mm, allow me Mrs. Hendrix to show her around." he said smiling.
"Hmm, good thing. That's so sweet of you." she said.
Her mom left and Ezekiel started to show her around. Ash was just scratched from them, thinking just to make Ezekiel sure that he's not going to fall for his fiancée.
"Ezekiel, are you working here?" she asked.
"Nope, we just have a meeting so I need to attend it." he said.
Ezekiel also told her that he was the CEO of their company also, like Dwayne.
"Speaking of Dwayne, I forgot to talk to him but never mind I'm going to talk to him later." he said.