With a hammering heart, I walked up to their table. The brunette with a very irritating nasally tone was telling something while Dominic was busy scrolling through his phone. Good. He won’t notice. But when was my luck ever in my favour? Never. I placed the tray on the table and mumbled, “Your order ma’am”. The brunette was so busy she spared a glance before nodding and Dominic was typing away something furiously, too engrossed to notice. I mentally sighed in relief even though my traitorous heart twinged a little when he did not look up after hearing my voice. It wasn’t like the cafe was crowded. Even though I had mumbled but still. He really did forget me. But that again, helped me from being recognised by him As I was about to leave, he called from behind, “Excuse me. Can I get a large espresso?”
With a herculean effort, I turned around because if I nodded with my back towards them then it would be offending them. He hadn’t noticed my voice, maybe he wouldn’t notice my face either? People change, right? I mean an example was sitting right behind me and often I got the comment that my face was very common, whatever that meant.
“Right away sir”, I said blankly, hoping and praying that my face remained impassive. Thankfully, my voice came out steady and professional. My gaze was already lowered so I just turned on my heels and was about to go when I heard the scraping of the chair before a breathy call, “Mandy?”
“What is the meaning of this?” brunette screeched. I had almost forgotten her existence. The kiss had created a spectacle. I tried to pull away, but he did not let go of me. His hand had snaked around my waist, holding firmly in place. Blood pounded in my ears. I did not want to stay a moment longer in his arms. I wasn’t about to be a gateway for him anymore.
“Let go”, I gritted, trying to subtly free myself. “We have already created a scene. So...no”, he outright refused and turned down my demand.
“Dom, you-you. How could you kiss her?” brunette had finally walked up to us. She spared a reproachful glare at me before turning her wrath towards him, “We are dating if you need a reminder Mr.Giovanni. What the fuck are you doing?” wow brunette could curse? Welp.
I really wanted to say that it wasn’t me, it was him. Why did he have to kiss me? Just saying a hello would have sufficed. But no? This guy couldn’t just do anything subtly or quietly. He had to create a scandal.
“Well. I can’t help it. She is my long lost love”, he explained as if that made things better. Dominic you absolute idiot. “I-I can explain. Um…” I hurriedly began wracking my brain to come up with a plausible excuse that would also serve as damage control. But before I could say further or brunette yell anymore, Dominic’s manager (probably) rushed in. He was a man close to Dominic’s age, “I think we should leave”.
Dominic opened his mouth to say something but a pointed glare from his manager and he shut up. Throwing an apologetic look towards me and murmuring a hurried apology to brunette, he ushered us out.
“Wait, why me?” I protested.
“If you stay here, you will be surrounded by sharks. Until we can do some damage control, I am afraid you need to come with us ma’am”, the man responded guiltily. He was right, if I stayed back, I would have to answer thousands of God know what kinds of questions.
“Alright”, I conceded. He ushered me into a different car while Dominic reluctantly was guided towards another one. Brunette stomped towards that car as well and closed the door with a slam. I, on the other hand, exhaled a shaky breath. Relieved that I was not in the same car as him, but that sense of relief did not stay for long. As the car rolled into motion, my panic began to stir. What had I got myself into? My already messed up life just became more chaotic.