"Do you trust me?" He asked me, still staring at the door. I wanted to tell him that I didn't just because of who he was...
~From the Eyes of a Villain~
Paramount City. Home to thousands of people that ranged from the stuffy apartment dwellers to the extravagant suburban sprawlers. There was the rich - but then there was the more rich. A perfect place to snatch a loose handbag, swipe someone's cell phone from their back pocket - hopefully a girl with a big ass - or steal a couple thousand dollars from the bank. No harm done.
Nah, I'm just kidding. Who would do those things?
That last thought was a joke, of course. Take note of the sarcasm in the future.
I sipped my Guinness Stout, eyeing the women nearby at the bar. There was only one stool separating our parties. The woman closest to me caught my look so I gave her a crooked smile. She returned the grin with undoubted confidence before turning back to her friend.
Even though I looked away, I couldn't help but listen in on the ladies.
He's so cute. I should definitely tell Ang I won't be needing a ride home.
Well, I didn't expect it to be that easy. Lack of playing the game was kind of a turn-off. I turned back to the bar and set my drink down. The can was starting to sweat. Condensation rolled down the side, suddenly becoming more interesting than any of the people in the building. To my left there was a surfer-looking guy perusing the megatouch screen. Every now and then he would swing on his stool to look at the back of the establishment where the restuarant portion of the building resided. More than likely scanning the dead room for a live girl. Good luck, buddy.
On my right were the only ladies in the room. I sighed. Maybe it was the time. Kids weren't allowed to come in a bar at noon. Too many complications - school, jobs, what ever. The kids that were about sixteen/seventeen were the best to fuck with. Always over-dramtized stories to the press, hoping for sympathy but mostly attention. What was I planning to do, anyway? Rob the place with a crowd so I could start up the reputation process? Take one of the barmaids sitting nearby in the bathroom then slit her throat?
No. I wasn't angry enough to do that. Yet. The idea sure pricked my conscious a couple times in the past. Was I that far gone?
"Hey Mac," the brunette called softly, leaning against the bar. It pushed her C-cups higher. An attempt to beg for a free drink. The girl and Mac shared a few hushed words that didn't concern me too much. She was pleading to a statue. He didn't budge. Despite her trying cleavage, it must have taken more for the mixologist to give in. The brunette looked slightly embarrassed as she slipped a credit card from her purse and placed it on the wooden bartop. Mac muttered something as he grabbed the card and stalked off down the line of glass bottles to the register on the other side. Must have reached her limit for the day.
That was all the more chaotic it got around there? 'Oh, you didn't pay your tab in a while, so let's make sure you even have the cash'. I pushed my drink away, disgusted. There wasn't any fun in a pristine little city like this. What the hell was I doing there? I should have been somewhere like. . .New York. Yeah, Manhattan. Or Chicago. Detroit. The crime-city capital of the states.
But the thing with New York, Illinois, or Michigan was that crime was already there. Those cities were crawling with everything imaginable. But Paramount city. . .that could be the unimaginable. Paramount was new. Fresh. Spotless. Aside from the petty thievery, what more could have been handed to me on a silver platter with a golden fork to spear it with? Yes. Yes. That was opportunity. And opportunities can come once in a lifetime if you're not careful. Paramount was flawless. It was high time that someone made a mark on her pretty face. Who would do it if not me?
Determination spurring me up, I grabbed my leather jacket on the back of the barstool. I paused.
Why not start now?
The bartender placed the girl's credit card softly on the bar. He walked away and she didn't even notice. The Brunette's attention was focused on the friend at her side. They chattered animatedly, or at least the brunette did the talking. She seemed to be dominating the conversation as I stepped up to them. Oblivious. The girl hadn't heard me yet. I placed my hand over the credit card casually, covering it from her sight, then cleared my throat.
She stopped the boisterous chatter and turned around slowly with that same confident smile. No denying she was cute, but young. Definitely too young to be drinking.
Who are you to judge?
"Hello," I began, timidly looking between her and the floor. They always fell for the shy bullshit thing. "I wanted to make sure someone told you today just how beautiful you are."
She melted. I could see it in her brown eyes as they thawed from hard chocolate to soft. How much easier could it get? Cheesy made all of them swoon. So far that town wasn't half bad.
"Thanks," her sweet voice drawled. "It's only fair that someone tells you the same thing."
There was a small groan from somewhere behind the brunette. The friend. The barstool squeaked as The Friend stood up and turned to go to the back of the sports bar. Her sudden leave took the attention of the brunette momentarily, allowing me a slick second to slip the credit card up my long sleeve. The plastic was hidden. High time to bounce.
"Maybe I can take you out sometime."
She opened her mouth to try and speak but I cut her off smoothly with:
"Another time."
A crestfallen look covered her features. A split second passed in when I almost felt bad. Almost. I patted the bar in a good-bye manner, flashed her a smile, and stepped away. Her eyes followed me all the way to the door. The chocolate was a little too saccharine for my tasting. It didn't bother me but I could tell it bothered her. Women were too predictable. The self-esteem inquisition would ensue:
Am I not pretty enough? No, I'm pretty enough. Was there spit on my lip? Oh god oh god,-
I nearly snickered when I heard the door to the bathrooms slam. Women. Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em. She was too busy fussing over my abrupt leave that she didn't even notice daddy's card would be missing. Pop would notice, no doubt. What was first on the shopping list? How about a subscription to Playboy and some new lingerie? The ideas kept sprouting up in my mind, making my grin of possibility grow all the more wider. Devastation was so much more tastier than revenge. No matter what anyone said.
As I reached the metal exit door, I turned back to look at the bar. The blonde guy at the Megatouch turned around at that exact second and glanced at the back of the place. Curious, I followed his gaze and caught sight of the blonde girl that ditched her friend. She was playing a game of pool by herself. Her tongue was sticking out of her mouth in concentration. The method wasn't very effective; when she pulled the wooden pool stick back and sent it forward she missed the ball completely, swearing softly to herself. Now that made me chuckle.
I thought my amusement was kept to myself but it piqued the attention of the blonde guy at the bar. His stare stalled me for a moment. I sensed a challenge in the look that he sported. Not the challenge of the girl but something else. A dare.
Didn't matter anyway. I pushed the door open, slipping the plastic credit card from my sleeve and thrusted it into the pocket of my jeans. Road to annihilation, step one completed. Step two; find the blonde girl again, hope she has on tight jeans, and swipe that cellphone from her back pocket. Sometimes vanilla was just a little more satisfying than chocolate.