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Chapter 7




With a distressed look on his face, Roberto pauses and steps back a little.


I sat up after noticing the shift and worriedly looked at him, asking, "Hey, what is wrong? You stopped, but why?" I enquired.


Roberto inhales deeply and releases the air gradually. He answered, "I...I am sorry, I just can not focus right now."


I gently stroked his arm and asked him, "Is there something bothering you? " in a worried manner. You are welcome to speak with me. You are aware of my availability to you."


Roberto looks down at the bed and lets out a heavy sigh.


It has nothing to do with us or what we are doing. It is simply that lately, work has been immensely stressful. Even now, I find it impossible to let go of it. My thoughts appear to be operating at full speed, and I am having trouble finding the off button."


I soften my gaze and nod sympathetically, saying, "I understand. It is been difficult for you at work. Would it be of interest to discuss it? Perhaps talking about it would make you feel better."


His shoulders are a little slouched as he displays gratitude.


"Talking might be helpful. They have been pressuring me to meet deadlines, so I feel like I am always catching up. I have been carrying around a heavy feeling that every day is a race against time. It is tougher to turn off than I imagined, even though I thought I could put it away tonight. It is the endless list of things I should be doing, the unanswered emails, and the unfinished tasks that consume my thoughts. In my mind, it seems to be an unending circle."


I took his hand and gently squeezed it, sitting up straight. "I am very sorry you are feeling this way. Tonight, how about we simply unwind a little? There is nothing that has to be done by us. We just need to spend time together, you know? Sometimes it is sufficient to simply be near someone. We can proceed slowly and however seems appropriate."

I answered him back.


With a faint smile and a relaxed posture, he says, "That sounds fine. I would like to spend some quiet time with you. Already, just being with you makes me feel better. My work-related stress does not wish to mar our evening."


I return the smile, stroking a lock of hair off his brow. "Let us settle in and either watch a movie or simply have a conversation." Whatever makes you feel better. Alternatively, we could just relax here and listen to music while snuggling on the couch. All I want is for you to feel comfortable."


He nods, becoming more relaxed. "I appreciate your understanding." You are the greatest. Without you, I do not know what I would do. You seem to be the only thing holding me anchored at times." He continued



I leaned in and gave him a gentle kiss. "Remember that we are a team? We will work together to overcome this. And I am always here if you need to just take a break or vent. Above all things, your well-being is what matters to me."


Feeling the stress gently leave his body, he holds me close. "I know," he says. And I am truly grateful for it beyond words. Tonight, let us just unwind and spend time together. This is something we both need."


I said with a bright smile, "That sounds great. Together, let us grab a decent movie and some popcorn. Something lighthearted and humorous, perhaps? Laughing is something we could both use. To make the evening truly simple, perhaps we should even get some takeaway."


He nods and laughs quietly. "That sounds amazing." Come on, let us do it. I appreciate how wonderful and understanding you are. It seems as though I have a little more breathing room now."


"Anytime, love. We're in this together, no matter what. And remember, it's okay to take a break and take care of yourself. Work will always be there, but your health and our time together are what matter." I added.


"You are right," he says as he kisses my forehead. Tonight, let us focus on each other rather than work or stress. Just you and me."


"Exactly," I said, giving him a firm hug. “One step at a time, we will overcome this. Let us go watch that movie now and just enjoy our time together, you have my love.” I added.


"You too have my affection, greater than any other thing," Roberto said to me in return. With a renewed sense of support and connection, We stood up together and moved towards the living room.


I gave him a comforting squeeze on his hand as we walked. "You know, you are always so strong for everyone else. There are moments when you have to let someone stand up for you. You are free to rely on me." I said to him.


With a nod and a sense of relief, Roberto says, "I know. It is just challenging at times. I want to spare you from my troubles, please."


"You are not a burden," I replied, stopping and turning to face him. I stare into his eyes.


I stopped and turned to face him meeting his eyes, "You are not a burden. It is not a burden to share your troubles with me; rather, it is a necessary component of our cooperation. Remember that we are there for one another no matter what"


Roberto nods, touched by my remarks. "You are correct. I suppose I just need to occasionally remind myself of that. It is challenging to break the tendency of attempting to manage everything by myself."


Giving me a tender grin that lit up his eyes, I told him, "Well, you do not have to accomplish everything by yourself. That's why I'm here. We balance each other out. When one of us is down, the other lifts them. It's how we get through the tough times."


Roberto (sighing, relaxed) "I appreciate you reminding me. I needed to hear that. Let's enjoy tonight and focus on us. I want to make the most of our time together."


I brought him into the living room while nodding. "Yes, without a doubt. Let's create a little sanctuary for ourselves tonight. No phones, no emails, just us. How about we start with some popcorn and a fun movie?"


"That sounds fantastic," he says, grinning as We sink onto the couch. Something light and funny, like you suggested. We could use a good laugh."


"May I suggest an old favorite?" I ask, pulling a blanket over me and curling up next to him. Something we know will make us laugh. Maybe one of those comedies we loved from our early days together?"


"That sounds amazing," says Roberto, nodding and chuckling. Let's do it. Those movies always bring back good memories."


"There we go," I said, turning on the TV and finding the movie. Now, let's just relax and enjoy. No worries, no stress. Just us and a good time."


"This is just what I needed," says Roberto putting his arm around me and drawing me in. Thank you for being so understanding and supportive. You always know how to make things better."


I leaned my head on his shoulder and said, "Is not that what love is all about? Being there for each other, no matter what. Now, let's forget about everything else and just enjoy the moment."


Roberto "Agreed. Here's to a relaxing night and us."


I said, "To us." (Imagined glasses clinking as We laugh and lose ourselves in the film and each other's company, making the weight of the world seem to lighten.)


As the night goes on, We share stories, laugh at the movie, and enjoy the simple pleasure of being together. The stress of the day slowly melts away, replaced by a sense of peace and connection. We fall asleep in each other's arms, knowing that no matter what challenges come their way, We will always have each other to lean on. it



Still keeping me close, Roberto awakens in the middle of the night. He looks at my peaceful face and feels a wave of gratitude wash over him. He gently strokes my hair carefully not to wake me.


"Hey, you okay?" I asked him with a sleepy smile as I opened my eyes and stirred slightly.


Roberto (Whispers) "Yeah, I’m more than okay. I was just thinking about how lucky I am to have you by my side."


I offer a pleasant smile. "Both of us are fortunate. Now let's get some proper sleep. Tomorrow is a new day."


Roberto "You're right. Let's go to bed."


We both got up from the couch and headed to the bedroom. My husband feels lighter, the weight of his stress significantly diminished by our heartfelt conversation and the comforting evening We shared.


As We crawl into bed, I snuggles close to him. "Remember, if you ever feel overwhelmed, you can always talk to me. We're a team, and we'll face everything together."


"I won't forget. Thank you for reminding me. I love you." was his words to me.


"I love you too. Now, let's get some sleep and face tomorrow together." I replied.



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