Then he let out a cold chuckle. "Good. I'm glad we're finally on the same page. Now, doll, I think it's time for your first lesson." He reached out with a firm hand and grabbed her wrist, his grip tight enough to leave a purple bruise on her skin. "Come with me."
He led her down the hallway, the silence of the mansion enveloping them like a shroud. Eventually, they came to a stop in front of a nondescript door. He pulled a small key from his pocket and unlocked it, pushing the door open with a flourish. Inside was a small chamber, bare except for a few pieces of furniture. A long workbench stretched across one wall, topped with an intimidating assortment of ropes, cuffs, whips and other implements.
"Welcome to your first lesson, doll. I'll introduce you to just a few of the tools I have here. This room is known simply as the playroom. You'll be spending a lot of time in here in the future, so it's best you get used to it. Each one of these instruments serves a purpose, and I expect you to fully understand them, and all their functions. Any questions?" His eyebrow arched up as he awaited her response.
He smiled cruelly. "Excellent, let's begin. This is a pair of restraints. They're made of a strong but pliable material, designed to keep you secure and immobile." He held up a pair of leather restraints, the buckles glinting menacingly in the dim light. "You might be wondering why you would need to be restrained for lessons. It's simple. It helps me maintain control while also ensuring you learn proper obedience."
He moved to the workbench, his words trailing off as he picked up another object. "And this," he said with a twisted grin, "this is a whip. As you can see, its many strands can deliver a variety of sensations to the skin especially on your ass." He ran the long thin tails of the whip through his fingers, letting the soft strands caress his palm before snapping the whip against the workbench with a resounding *crack*.
"I think you get the idea," he said with a chuckle, returning the whip to its place on the bench. "Each of these toys exists for a reason, and you'll soon be intimately familiar with each and every one. But you know what they say: A good little doll doesn't ask questions."
He walked over to her, his footsteps echoing through the room. "I suppose I should leave you here for the night, let you get acquainted with the dark. But don't worry, I'll be back tomorrow to start your training in earnest. I have such high hopes for you, my new toy."
"And don't think about escaping," Marcus said as he reached the door. "This entire room is soundproofed and reinforced. You'll never break your way out, no matter how loud you scream. So take a moment to settle in, take deep breaths and try to keep yourself together. You're in for a rough ride, my doll. Welcome to your new home." With one last sadistic chuckle, he turned and slammed the door behind him, leaving her in total darkness.
As soon as he slammed the door he came in face with his assistant victor.
“Don, we have to deliver weapons to the Viking clans tonight,” Victor said.
"Get the car ready lets move to the clan house" Marcus ordered.
“Make sure everything is in order; nothing must go wrong. when we get there go and get everyone ready,” Marcus said.
“Ugh, another mission tonight? I thought we were supposed to take the day off,” moaned Sniper, one of the mobsters.
“What a lazybones,” retorted Dagger, another member of the crew.
“I heard the Don bought a slave—a girl,” Dagger added.
“Where is she?” Nikita asked.
“I think she’s at his mansion,” Dagger replied.
“How do you know that?” Sniper inquired.
“I overheard that bitch Sapphire asking one of the Don's guards where he went, and the fool spilled it,” Dagger explained.
“What are you all doing? Go gather everyone to the meeting room; the Don will be there soon,” Victor ordered.
“Yes, Captain,” they replied.
All the mobsters were gathered, and the air was thick with a buzz of conversation and laughter.
As soon as Marcus entered the room, the chatter fell silent. “Welcome, Don,” they all greeted, bowing their heads.
“Tonight's mission is to deliver weapons to the Viking clans, and there must be no mistakes—no exceptions,” Marcus stated.
“Vector, Viper, Archer, Dagger, and Cobra, you will be on the mission,” he announced.
note victor is also vector.
“Yes, Don,” they replied.
“The rest of you may leave,” Marcus commanded.
“Yes, Don,” the remaining mobsters chorused as they bowed their heads and exited.
“Vector will lead the mission. Deliver the weapons and bring back the money. No errors will be tolerated, or you will face the consequences. Now, go and prepare,” Marcus said before leaving.
As Vector's team gathered to prepare for the mission, Sniper turned to him and asked, "Do you think it's strange that the Don has a slave girl in his mansion?"
Vector shrugged, "It's not our business what the Don does in private. Our job is to follow his orders and complete the mission."
Viper chimed in, "But what could he possibly want with a slave girl? It's not like the Don to keep pets."
Dagger chuckled, "Maybe he bought her for entertainment."
Cobra shot him a glare, "Don't start with your lewd jokes, Dagger. The Don is a serious businessman, not some lowly thug."
Vector interrupted, "Enough! We need to focus on the mission and not get distracted. We have a job to do, and we don't want to end up on the Don's bad side."