I headed home in my car and went straight to my room. I changed into my black bra and grey shorts pulling my hair into a bun and head to bed to get my luxurious sleep.
The next morning, I got up and headed for the shower and changed into a a khaki green top with a black skirt outlining all of my curves. I topped it off with a dark grey blazer and black heels. I put my phone and keys in my purse slipping four guns onto my body. Like my father says 'You're never too safe'. I got into the car and headed over to the Martinez Headquarter for my meeting.
It was a gorgeous building filled with elegance top to bottom no doubt.
'Hi. Welcome to the Martinez Headquarter. How can I help you today?' said the man at the front desk.
'I have a meeting about buying land.'
'Ok. Can I have your details?'
'Reina Clementine Romano.'
'Alright, head on over there.'
I sat down on a black chair in the corridor. After a couple of moments, a woman approached me.
'Mr. Martinez will see you now.' she said.
I got up and headed towards the door and knocked on it. A disembodied dead smoky voice said 'Come in.'
I walked in and closed the door and made my way to the chair that was in front of him. I felt his eyes trailing me the whole way. Only when I sat down, I had a moment to study him.
I looked into his burning red eyes that could pierce through me. Emotionless like he simply did not give one fuck. The sort that made you recoil by simply standing in his presence. He had a sharp jawbone that looked as if it could cut my skin if I were to trace it. He had jet black haired which was curly giving him a more elegant touch. Quite a handsome man if I might say.
Suddenly, I was snapped out of my thoughts.
'Ms. Romano, you done staring me or do you want more time?' he asked with a straight face with his red eyes looking at me directly.
'You say that as if your eyes don't trail on my own body. Why don't we get on with me buying the land?'.
'Pardon you.' he stated.
'I'm sorry. I didn't realise you were hard of hearing. I said I F Y O UW A N T M E TO BE OUT O FY O U RU G L YH A I R , W E S H O U L D P R O B A B L Y G E T O N W I T HT H E W O R K.' I said.
He stared at me in disbelief. Silence fell on us.
'You know what, never mind I will just email you instead.' I said standing up. 'Not like I needed this.'
And just like that I left the room.
What a hideously sexy man! Judging by the look that was on his fact, I'm guessing that no one has stood up to him before.
Anyways I have better things to be doing than dealing with that jackass.
Like the 893 missed calls from my dad.
Best to pick it up before he dies of a heart attack.
'IS THAT MY BABYY.?' I heard my mum screaming from across the phone.
'How have you been baby?'
'I'm good ma, you?' I replied.
'I'm good. I'm afraid your dad might die of a heart attack if you don't give him any calls.'
'Yeah Yeah.'
The conversation carried on and I fell asleep on the sofa watching Barbie of Swan Lake. it was 2 am and I woke up and headed to the underground fighting arena. God, I love beating the shit out of men.
Tonight's prize was 500k for the last man standing. I entered the arena and out my name on the ballot and placed it into a box. Eventually I was called out. Fight after fight. Only meant victory after victory.
'Tonight's doghouse champion is Rosaline Danvers.'
Of course, I had to make a fake name no one could find out. Once he put my hand I looked into the crowd, and found myself staring into a pair of red eyes. It was him
His red eyes pierced through me and into my soul but I couldn't give him the satisfaction of winning so I glared back with confidence, arrogance and pride rushing through my veins.
As soon as the man put my hand down from the air, I took my gaze from him and walked into the changing room and placed a baggy hoody over my sports bra. A man's presence entered the room.
'Mr. Martinez what can I do for you?' I say without making eye contact 'but may I just say I don't appreciate you stalking me.'
'This my fighting club.' he growled with an authoritive tone.
'Ok and...' I said turning to face him.
He stared at me with rage while clenching his teeth.
'It may be your club, but you came in the day I fight in a club where I am the reigning the queen in the boxing ring. Your choice not mine. So back to the point, what do you want besides the stalking of my gorgeous presence that you feel the need to be around.'
'Number One I am not stalking you and number two I want an apology for your behaviour this morning in the office.'
I stared at him and laughed like the fucking maniac I am.
'Oh wait, you’re not joking.' I said cocking my left eyebrow.
He stepped closer towards me and placed his hands on my hips and spoke
'Darling, one way or another I will be getting an apology you and I both know that.' he whispered leaning into my ear.
I then took a moment and stared into his face.
I edged closer to him
'See that's where you're wrong. So, before I humiliate you, I'm going to ask you to reflect on your obsessive stalkerish behaviour and then report to the teacher to write an apology letter to me. Okay, darling? ' I said with a mocking tone while crushing the bones in his hand and like that I left out of the back entrance.
As soon as I got into my car, I was wary of someone else's presence around him. Not someone else's his. I got my car and started driving and figured that he got someone trailing me. What a fucking nosy cunt!
I swerved my car in multiple direction to get him confused but soon I realised three cars were trailing me. This man is one of a kind. He has no clue who I am but seems to be provoking me.
All three cars came in from different direction. I accelerated to 150mph and spotted a sea and drove straight into it throwing the car over a cliff.
Except the fact I wasn't in the car. I rolled of it the moment I needed them off my trail.
Skilled, aren't I?
I saw their shell-shocked faces with their jaws dropped to the floor and one of them took their phone and made a call. Most likely to be Martinez. Imagine how they would break the news 'oh yeah you know the girl you told us to trail, well she ran her car of a cliff so she's probably dead.'
At least he would think so.
Anyways, after one of them made the phone call they began returning to their cars. Now was the perfect time to strike. I pounced one of them from behind. Strangling him while the other two were talking to each other.
I took my gun and shot the other two men. Don't worry, I didn't kill them. My bullets are laced with poison and won't harm any organs but most likely to black you out for 16 to 24 hours roughly.
I then knocked one of the men out and left with one of their cars. I stopped mid-way my journey burning the car. They were probably trackers or something of this sort on there.
I didn't have a ride but I knew exactly where I wanted to go. And I headed exactly there.
A mansion. A big beautiful mansion
With a lovely surprise on it just for Martinez to open.