Dinner went well I was glad they didn't call me again.
Elsa was the one to go .
we cleaned the table when they were done eating.
I help Elsa to do the dishes.
she told me she cleaned sometimes because the others maid already left the house.
only her and me stay in the house.
I was glad she was friendly with me .
but I don't want to be so comfortable.
I always trust the wrong person and I get hurt in the end.
we had our dinner in the kitchen.
it was tasty food, I enjoyed myself .
we cleaned the kitchen when we're done.
I was not sleepy so I decided to take a walk in the garden.
I was thinking how my life have become and I was missing mom.
I look up at the sky I heard that when someone die become a star.
I took a deep breath.
mom I miss you.
After you left my life was miserable.
I felt my tears coming down to my chicks.
why are you crying young girl!
I wipe my tears and look who was talking to me and it was Alex.
sorry sir I was just looking at the star!
Alex" you don't look good with tears in your eyes.
can I keep you company?
I don't think that is good sir.
Alex"don't call me sir.
from now on call me Alex!
don't be afraid of me I will not hurt you!
" ok Alex " I want to sit down for awhile you can join me.
we sit down on a bench .
Alex" so why did you came to work here as I can see your not even 18 years.
well my life is not as easy as you may think.
am here because I want to earn money so I can go to college.
Alex"what about your parents?
I am all alone since mom passed away
I was 7yrs old only when she died.
I grow up with my aunt.
she couldn't take me to college because she is poor.
I want to study and support her as well for being there for me .
Alex"am so sorry to hear about your mom.
what about your dad?
I don't know him .
he left my mom pregnant.
Alex" it like mine as well.
can we be friends Emily?????
why do you want to be my friend???
because I like you as my younger sister.
I felt warm inside he is the first guy to like me as his sister.
Alex"why are you crying again?
sorry i am very emotional sometimes.
yes we can be friends.
i am Emily nice to meet you Alex!
Alex" thank you my dear friend i am Alex miller.
nice to meet you to.
we shake hands.
I was feeling happy to have a friend like him.
so what do you do here?.
Alex" well I grow up here as my mom is a cook in this house.
I help around here as well a drive to.
you must be happy to have your mom with you.
Alex" yes I am and she is the best mom in the world.
we may not be reach but I am very happy with my life.
you must be very lucky to have her.
Alex" yes I am and now I also have a younger sister.
thank you and I am glad I have a brother like you.
Alex"you're welcome if you have any problems you can always come to me I will help you always.
yes brother I will remember this.
Alex"so what course do you want to study?
I want to be come a doctor.
I always wanted to be a doctor to save lives.
Alex"that a very good career.
brother what about you ?
Alex am doing my masters degree.
I studied business and management.
I want to come a good business man in the future.
I want to make my mom proud so we can leave this place.
brother don't you like it's here?
Alex"not really I am grateful to them but I want to become a man and support my mother
she has gone through a lot because of me.
you will make it brother believe in yourself and your will make it.
Alex" thank you very much for your kind words I will always remember this day,
I will never forget you.
brother didn't you say i am your sister so I will always be in your life.
Alex" yes you're right about it.
you should go to sleep now.
yes I am going now thank you for your company.
Alex" you're welcome baby girl!
did I hear correctly he called me baby girl.
I must have had wrong.
am scared of falling in love now maybe in the future if he is still single.
I went back to my room.
thinking about him .
I should stop and go to sleep.