Love!............... Love?
The feelings where you feel absolutely surrendered to that person, the situation where you ...
Chapter 1: The dumped princess.
It was a sunny bright afternoon in front of a large stadium, the frontage was busy with different people swarming in and swarming out.
Most are buying merch in front of the stadium while, some are doing meet and greet. From the look of things anyone could tell it's a concert.
Not just a mere concert but the concert of the country sweetheart, "RAMIREZ O'BRIEN".
The stadium was very busy and a lot of people were outside doing their things, when a black car pulled over abruptly. Their attention diverted to it immediately because it was such a crazy parking.
To everyone utmost surprise a young lady got dragged out of the car.
What the hell did you think you're doing, Raphael? The lady screamed but the man wasn't heeding as he pushed her to the ground hardly.
A loud gasp escaped everyone's mouth!
Raph, even if you're gonna do this, don't you think this is not a suitable environment? The lady looked around, seeing she was getting photographed already.
That's it! That's it! Enough of this dictations, halsey! It's over between us, I'm tired of you! He screamed and got back inside the car, the car took off almost immediately.
The lady who turned out to be Halsey Haynes couldn't even gather her guts to stand up again.
It's such a very disgraceful incident, she had faced a lot of breakups but this is the height of it all..... In front of a crowd!
It's just so impossible to stand back up and face this world. Tears streamed down her face and she huddled up on the floor.
Few minutes passed but everything remained the same, the crowds were not decreasing, instead they are adding up, she had her face covered with her hair, not wanting to get captured.
Suddenly,she heard some footsteps approaching her. Just the footsteps sounds majestic but still she couldn't find herself looking up. She noticed attentions were diverting away from her, she was just finding the right time to escape.
However, she became the center of attention again, when the footstep's owner stopped in front of her and proffered his hand to her.
A loud scream took over, the fans were going crazy with their artist manly approach.
You're okay? He asked and a dead silence stepped in.
Halsey slowly looked up but still protecting her face, Ramirez! She screamed inwardly but the nervousness couldn't make her express the joy of seeing him.
She looked down and took a long stare at his hand, shall I take this hand or make use of my chance to run away? She thought staring at the hand.
Everyone was watching, waiting for what her next line of action would be, it's more like a final result of a competition, with how attentive and eager they looked.
Halsey made up her mind and slowly placed her hand on his and once again a loud scream erupted, with the shuttering sound of cameras.
..... she took his hand!
..... how can that sound like he's singing? You're okay!
..... our idol with heart of gold!
..... I can't believe he stood up for her.
..... someone should come and dump me in front of here right now.
..... I wanna take that hand as well!
..... This is the best outcome of any damn breakup!
..... Her name should be dump princess!
..... Of course, she's a princess, after holding the prince charming hand.
Different comments can be heard from the fans who were present, as Ramirez escorted Halsey to the taxi he hailed for her.
Thank you, I'll never forget this! Halsey said staring into his eyes and he smiled lightly in reply.
Then I'll get going now, Halsey bowed her head a little before entering the taxi.
Such a narrow escape, phew! She breathe out in relief as the cab took off.
Ramirez got hailed by the fans. They cheered and clapped for him, while dropping different comments.
Ramirez O'Brien was patiently sitting in the waiting room, quickly getting his make-up done.
You're all over the new. This is not like you... why did you butt in? His manager brought up a topic from where he was seated.
It's been long I did something impressive, so I thought of doing one today. He replied in more like a whisper.
If you wanna do something impressive, go do some charity work. Why get involved in a dumped lady's issue? What if this start a scandal? The manager replied.
Please, Simon! Please... I'm not in mood for you nonsense! Ramirez snapped and he kept quiet reluctantly.
I'll like to be excuse. I forgot the toner in the car, I'm really sorry I have to go get it! The makeup artist said and Ramirez nodded.
Let's be snappy! We only have a few minutes left until the show get started, he said and she grabbed her bag before dashing out.
Why is she carrying her back, when she's only going to get an item? Simon scoffed but Ramirez totally ignored him.
Few minutes passed but the makeup artist was yet to return, however Ramirez started feeling some discomfort on his face.
He's trying to hold it and he merely gave it a little scratch but as time goes on, it's getting more and more irritating, he couldn't stand it again, so he called out to his Manager.
Simon, take a look at my face, what's going? It's getting really itchy and irritating! He said nervously and his manager's mouth dropped open immediately.
What? What? Ramirez asked impatiently, seeing his reaction.
It's peeling! Simon exclaimed and his eyes widened instantly.
Here come celebrity Haynes! The face of every news channel, today! Marianne Martinez, Halsey's best friend teased as she entered her bakery.
Don't even get me started! She sighed dejectedly and sprawled out on the chair, after slamming her bag on the table.
Hey courtesy! Courtesy! Sit upright. Anyone can come inside anytime, Marianne snapped, coming from behind the counter.
Marianne is Halsey's only friend, who ran a bakery. She dropped there everyday, it's more like she's a part timer at the popular bakery.
Did raph actually dumped you? What transpired between you both? Wait...why did Ramirez hold your hand? I'm asking this like it's normal but I'm sure you don't wanna know how fireworks are exploding in my head. I'm going crazy.... Ramirez! How can Ramirez of all people...? Say something Halsey! Marianne rasped and took her seat before her.
Halsey sat up again and placed her both hand on the table. Just where did you want me to start? She smirked getting ready to table her pain.
I don't even understand. My life today is like a staged drama, everything just happened in a flash and here I am right now, she added and Marianne couldn't help but burst into a big laughter.
You're currently in a daze! She said amidst laughter and Halsey nodded in agreement.
Can I have a chocolate cake and a blueberry shake? I need to blow off stress. She sighed loudly and Marianne sprang up.
You should do that, she said walking to the counter.
After a while, she came back with Halsey's blueberry shake and chocolate cake order, while operating her phone.
What the fuck! She screamed suddenly and dumped the tray on the table.
What? What again? What can be more shocking than what happened to me today? Halsey scoffed clearly uninterested and dragged the plate closer to her.
This is the king of it all! I think we're woken up to get shockers today. Ramirez concert got cancelled! She dropped the bombshell and Halsey slowly raised her head.
Why? That was the first thing that escaped her mouth.
That wasn't disclosed yet, but it's gonna be hella shocking. Maybe I got a feelings this is gonna happen, that's why I didn't purchase the ticket! She rambled on and Halsey scoffed.
Don't kid around! that's arrant nonsense, when did you turn a seer?! She smirked digging into her cake.
Get done with that and get to washing of the baking pan! she said and closed her foldable phone.
I know this is not for free, you mean witch! Halsey sputtered and Marianne shrugged plainly before returning to the counter.
There are no customers, why? Halsey brought up suddenly and marriane pointed to the signboard.
We're currently closed, i ran out of cakes! She replied and resumed her work.
Okay, Good luck! Halsey said and Marianne laughed for some seconds, before eventually hitting the counter harshly.
You've got to be kidding me! Get your ass here and give me a hand! She screamed and Halsey sighed dejectedly.
Why did I even come here? You're only adding to my worries! She grumbled and stood up involuntarily.
So how does the search go? Did you find the conniving bitch? What was her reasons? Simon, Ramirez's manager asked the head of the agency's security outside Ramirez ward.
No... We didn't! The address she gave on her resume was all fake, she turned off her phone so we couldn't track her. He reported and bowed his head.
That means we were approached on purpose! She had this in mind for so long, she's just looking for a perfect time to execute her plan, but on whose order? Why? Why did we have to cancel the contract because of the psycho wench?! Why?!! Simon screamed starting to lose his composure.
What was the result? Is he getting okay? What are we gonna tell the press? The bodyguard asked and Simon sighed loudly.
Sir, actress Isa is here! Another securities reported in an alarming tone.
Isabella! Simon called again to confirm his doubt and the security nodded, then he startled backward.
I'm so done for! She's gonna bit my head off! Simon muttered and looked up to see the beauty goddess approaching him in a fierce manner.