Arthur will go see you
- Of course not, what do you think? You are our ray of sunshine, what would we do without you. Where are you now ?
- I'm going to work, see you this evening?
- Of course we'll party at your place.
- Okay everyone...
- Bye
I arrive at work and head straight to my father-in-law's office, I want to surprise him before arriving in my office. without knocking I enter the office, I who wanted to make a surprise, the surprise in front of me completely paralyzes me.
I stood there motionless, watching the scene happening before my eyes:
My father-in-law is sitting on the table in his office with the tray open, leaning over him his secretary is deep throating him, I suddenly close the door making them jump.
He gets dressed quickly, while his secretary, who had her breasts in the air, wants to leave the office. I lock the office and put the key in my bra. I'm going to sit in the Vice President's chair.
- Sit in the chairs in front of me, then you're going to tell me how long you've been messing with my mother?
The secretary gets on her knees and starts begging me.
- Please miss, don't send me away, my whole family is counting on me to feed them.
- that's why you're hooking up with a married man? Or you don't know he's married? Go grab your things and go see human resources, they will give you your compensation. And if I see you hanging around my father-in-law again, I will crush you like a fly, and I can swear to you that I will do everything so that you can never have a job on this continent again.
I open the door, she comes out, then I close the door. AND put the key back in my bra.
- Now between the two of us, I can know why you are cheating on my mother?
- I don't have to answer to you.
-And you believe that?
- Yes, yes, I have nothing to tell you, you didn't have the right to enter my office without knocking. You are not at home here
We must learn to respect people's privacy.
- We are in a business here, we are not in a hotel.
or did you think it was a hotel?
- Of course not.
- So why are you falling in love like this in your office, where everyone can surprise you?
The proof, I came home.
- What do you want, tell me?
- That's a very good question, what do I want?
Are you ready to pay the price for my silence?
- It will depend on the price, miss.
- Just like you asked, I'll tell you what I want, but first, you'll have to tell me how long you've been having sex with your secretary.
- It's not a relationship strictly speaking, we have fun from time to time at the office.
- Why are you doing this ? My mother can't satisfy you?
- That's not the question.
- So the question is where? why are you doing this then?
- Don't beat around the bush, tell me what you want.
- Very well, since you insist on buying my silence, I will tell you what I want: I want you to give me sex education lessons.
- What ? are you crazy or what ?
- Of course not, don't get on your high horse, we won't do anything forbidden
nor illegal, ok you're just going to show me a few times a week, that's all
- Can I think?
- No, take it or leave it, before interrupting you I made a little video that I can post on social networks, it's up to you, if you want everyone, even your employees, to see your dick.
So, is it yes? Or is it Yes?
He clutches his head and paces back and forth.
And I'm laughing inside, and I'm happy because I found a loophole, he's going to capitulate, that's for sure.
- Your lessons will consist of what to do
Just ?
- Stop being an idiot, you will be my teacher, I will buy a notebook in which I will write everything you tell me.
You know, there is a boy at school who interests me a lot, I don't want him to see me as a novice, you understand, if not, he risks telling everyone and they will make fun of me. Me.
Please, this is a favor I ask of you.
- I will think about it.
- it's no, you answer me now, or I'll throw away the video.
- You know, I didn't know you were so cheeky, so shitty.
- I'll take that as a compliment
so is it a yes?
- Very good, but there are things I won't be able to teach you.
- There is no problem,
I hold out my hand to sign our partnership.
- And if you show me a first lesson
- What do you want to know ?
- How to kiss a boy well?
- But how do you want me to explain this to you?
- I don't know, you're the teacher.
I've never kissed a boy, so I'd like my first kiss to be good.
- very good, do you have anything to write down?
- yes, say so that I record, it will be easier for me by listening to it on repeat to try it out. .