I told you I didn’t want to go Tim,” I said in irritation. He elbowed me softly in my ribs and I clutched at it while giving him the dirtiest glare I could muster. “Shush Dulce,” he said. “We’re seniors and popular. We need to be here.”
I looked at Patty helplessly but she just shrugged and glanced around. Typical Patty. She didn’t want to stand up to Tim. The sliding door to the house opened and one of the seniors who I didn’t know by name greeted us with a hug.
“Hey guys,” she said cheerily. “I’m so glad you could come. Now that you’re here the real party can start.” She winked at me and pointed her head to the direction of the house. “Everyone is already here. There’s food in the kitchen, drinks, what else? There’s a pool at the back. If you don’t have a swimsuit you can always go skinny dipping,” she laughed and opened the door wide.
“Welcome to my home.”
Tim grabbed my arm and pulled me inside. The blaring music from the speakers somewhere in the house nearly knocked me unconscious. It was a different world altogether. Something I wasn’t familiar with. I managed to avoid this kind of scene all throughout high school but now I had no choice but to go with the flow.
Different seniors greeted us left and right. Some of them were holding their drinks and would stop and stare as we passed by, while others looked like a drunken mess and didn’t even recognize us because they were too buzzed. Somewhere along the way, Tim let go of my hand and no matter where I looked, he simply wasn’t there. So was Patty. More than 50 people were present but I felt that I might as well be alone.
The captain of the basketball team, Kevin spotted me. He made his way through the wild crowd and stood near me. He offered a drink but I didn’t take it. I might not be a party person but I knew all too well that it could be spiked. “Hey Dulce,” he said with a smile showing his dimples.
“Oh hey,” I said awkwardly.
“Glad to see you here. You never came to any of my parties so I didn’t think you’d come to this one.” He run a hand through his almost non-existent hair- he wore a buzz cut- and gave me another dimpled smile.
I shoved my hands inside my jeans pocket and looked around. He was cute but he wasn’t a girl so he had no chance with me. Sensing that he was losing my attention, he moved purposely in front of me blocking my view.
“I’m so curious about you Dulce. Do you have a boyfriend?” he said. Now that he was nearer, I could smell his strong aftershave and I gagged inwardly. I never liked that smell. I preferred something softer like a woman’s scent.
“No,” I replied while taking a small step back. My answer gave him the encouragement he needed and he took a step forward. “That’s good,” he said with a gleam in his blue eyes. “Mind if we get to know each other? You’re so pretty but I heard that you like to keep to yourself. Why is that?”
“Uhmm I don’t really know,” I squeaked. My eyes darted for an escape route. He stepped closer and took a sip from his cup. I smelled alcohol from it. My feet moved backward and I stepped on someone. “Watch it bitch!” the person said.
I turned around and came face to face with my favorite person on earth, Denise. Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw that it was me and my sneakers who stepped on her and her black stilettos. I didn’t know which was more awful, Kevin and his aftershave or Denise and her, well you know her. She leaned in for a hug and I ducked low to avoid her.
She saw Kevin and figured out that the dude was making his moves on me. Denise arched an eyebrow. “Kevin,” she said with a hint of impatience. “Denise,” he replied with the same tone.
Much to my disdain, she placed her arm over my shoulder. “I have to steal Dulce from you,” she said in her Queen Bee voice- one that says I know I’m beautiful and you all have to bow down to me. Kevin didn’t look intimidated. Like half the people who attended this party, he was also popular.
He crossed his huge arms in front of his chest and stared down at Denise. “Dulce and I are having a conversation,” he said. Denise removed her arms from me and copied Kevin’s stance. “And I want to talk to her now,” she said. Kevin was about to speak up but Denise shut him up by saying, “If you don’t want to argue with James, the captain of the soccer team who happens to be your best bro then you’ll run along now.”
She raised her hand and made a get out of here movement. Kevin looked at me like a lost puppy before glaring at Denise and walking away. I sighed in relief. One problem down, another one to go.
Denise turned back to me and flipped her hair with her hand. “Hey babe. I missed you. Where have you been hiding this past two weeks?” Someone shoot me now please, I thought. “I was practicing for the play Denise,” I lied smoothly. I was getting good at this pretending stuff.
A girl passed by with several bottles in her hands and Denise took one. She took a swig from it before smiling to me. “I thought you’d never speak to me again,” she said in a relieved tone. I shrugged. “Whatever. I’ll forget about that but don’t expect me to be friends with you.” The smile from her face was replaced with a frown.
“I told you I’d break up with him for you,” she said while leaning near me so nobody else would hear the conversation. The music was loud anyway so I didn’t see the point. Her cinnamon scent made my stomach rumble. I only ate half the cupcake for dinner so I was starving. Miraculously Denise heard it too.
“There’s no use conversing with an empty stomach babe,” she said with a scolding look and took my right hand. She dragged me to the kitchen where only two people were present. They were locked in an embrace and shoving their tongue inside each other’s mouth. Denise snapped her fingers grabbing the couple’s attention. “Get out of my sight now,” she said authoritatively.
Knowing better than to argue with the Queen Bee, the two darted out.
“Sit down Dulce. I’ll serve you,” she said sweetly. She picked up a paper plate and plastic spoon and fork so I just sat on the chair next to the table. “Do you want spaghetti babe?” she asked.
“Give me anything,” I said. She filled the plate with chicken, pasta, bread, and mashed potatoes before serving it in front of me. I have to admit that being taken cared of once in a while felt good, but I didn’t say it to her or she might get the wrong idea. I knew she was only doing this because I was annoyed and mad at her for treating me like a fool. I took a bite from the chicken and chewed slowly.
She sat beside me and just watched me eat. I didn’t think it was necessary to talk so I continued consuming the meal. When my food was nearly gone, she served me soda and because I was thirsty I downed it in one go. My stomach felt warm because of it. I wonder what kind of soda I drank. She served me another cup and like the first one I consumed it in one go and ate the remaining bread from my plate.
By the fourth cup that I drank, my vision became a little weird. It was like everything was moving in slow motion and the house was tilted at a weird angle. I didn’t think about it and quickly downed the fifth cup like a thirsty man. It was really strange. My lips felt dry and I became thirstier even though I knew I had one too many drink. What kind of soda was that? I glanced at Denise and she seemed very satisfied with herself.
“Whyyyy you happy Dennniiisee,” my voice slurred. I shook my head trying to get rid of the dizziness.
“I’m happy because I can finally have you baby,” she said.
“Whaaa you meaaan?” I face palmed myself for sounding like a complete idiot. What was happening to me? I stood up from the chair and swayed back and forth. My legs were like jelly and it didn’t follow my commands like it was supposed to.
“Want more drink Dulce?” she asked. My head nodded and she gave me another serving of the soda from earlier. She helped me drink it all and by the time I finished the cup, my lips were curled in a silly smile. Denise touched my face and kissed me lightly on the cheek.
“Let’s do body shots babe.” Her voice was low. Alluring. She pushed me a little to the wall where I leaned for support. My body wasn’t agreeing with me and I was basically brain dead so I just watched silently as she produced a bottle of tequila from somewhere, a sliced lime, a shot glass, and salt.
She walked to me and smiled mischievously before licking my neck. I made a sound that was a cross between a no for objection and a moan. She grabbed the salt shaker which she placed on the table near us and started to pour a small amount of the white stuff on my neck where she licked me. Denise made me bite the lime before pouring herself a glass of tequila, running her tongue on my neck, downing the drink, and grabbing the lime with her mouth. All the while I stood helplessly, locked inside my own body.
The funny thing about being drunk which I realized after her tongue glided sensuously along my skin was that you see and experience everything. Your brain and body may not have the capacity to stop the other person from what they were doing, but you remember every stroke, every words, and every feeling. Trust me. I know.
By the second body shot which she did shamelessly on my stomach near my navel, someone walked in on us. I thought it was Patty or Tim coming to my rescue, but it was the Devil’s advocate.
“Oh my God D!” Nadia exclaimed while glancing around to make sure that nobody followed her into the kitchen. “What the hell?! If people see you like that, there will be rumors. And it won’t be pretty.” She clicked her tongue at Denise and tossed her wavy black hair behind her.
The blonde rolled her eyes at Nadia. “Where do you reckon I do it? In the bathroom where people go in and out to puke?” She stood up from her kneeling position and quickly brought my blue fitted top down to cover my stomach that she was harassing a few seconds ago.
“There are guest rooms here, duh!” she argued. Standing up to the Queen Bee are we? I thought in a drunken haze. The two looked like best friends for life. If I knew that, I wouldn’t have trusted Nadia easily. The snake was as manipulative and conniving as her Bff. It figures.
“Duh yourself Nadia. The guest rooms are locked. Do you think I didn’t check it as soon as I arrived here?”
Nadia took something from her pocket and I saw a set of keys dangling in her hands. She smirked at Denise and gave her a I know I’m a genius look. “Where did you get that?” Denise said with a touch of surprise in her voice.
“From the host herself,” Nadia said with self-satisfied look. “As soon as I heard that the cool 3 were coming to the party including your baby,” she looked pointedly at me, “I knew what you were going to do. How long have we been friends for Denise? I know you better than anyone.” She raised her other hand and waited for a clap.
The cool 3? Was she referring to Tim, Patty, and me? Yuck! We were anything but cool. Denise giggled and clapped Nadia’s hand with her own. “We’ve been best friends since forever girl. Now help me take this cutie to the guest bedroom. It’s time that we take this relationship further. I’m getting tired of this cat and mouse game.”
“You’re such a lesbian,” Nadia teased.
“Shut up Nadia. Someone may overhear you. I swear you’re so stupid sometimes,” Denise scolded. Nadia gave an offended look but quickly dismissed it. She probably knew that there was no arguing with Denise. Especially when she was bossy like this. I just watched as the two took my arms and hauled it over their shoulders.
“Nooooooo,” I whined.
They didn’t pay any attention to my whining and a little bit of squirming and took me back to the living room where the stairs were located. People stared at us as we passed. “Is that Dulce?” someone said out loud. Oh God. The reputation and peaceful life that I was trying to protect went down the drain. Everyone saw me drunk.
Denise smirked at them. “Don’t mind us. Continue partying. Dulce is busy right now.” The gawkers nodded and continued drinking, talking, whatever it was that they did in a party. No one paid further attention as Nadia and Denise took me up the stairs and straight inside one of the large bedrooms. They dumped me like a sack on the bed and I stared dizzily at the white ceiling wondering what Denise could possibly do. I came up with none.
“For someone so lean and sexy, that girl weighs a lot.” Nadia looked me up. “Maybe there’s flabs and fat underneath that shirt,” she said mockingly.
Denise laughed at her assumption and brought my top up, exposing the flesh in my tummy area. My hands were unaccounted for so I just squeezed my eyes shut in embarrassment. It felt like I was a specimen to them. “See?” Denise asked. “She’s toned and perfect Naddy.” Her hands glided up and down my stomach making me feel queasy.
“I know what you mean,” Nadia said. I opened my eyes to see Denise slapping Nadia’s hands. “No touching,” she scolded. “Find your own girl to prowl on you dyke. I worked hard for this one.”
Nadia gave a pout. “As if you’re not a lesbian too D. Don’t worry I have my sights set on a different flavor. I’m more for the Hollywood celebrity type,” she hinted. Who was she talking about? Glace?
Denise snorted and plopped down on the bed near me. “Good luck with that. Frio looks yummy, but believe me when I tell you that she’s cold as ice and as boring as a sack of potatoes.” She glanced at me. “This one is different though. Innocent and sweet. I’d like to keep her.”
“But you were never a one woman type of person,” Nadia said with a hint of disbelief.
“Yeah well it’s different with Dulce. I can be happy with her. In secret of course,” she chuckled and ran her hand through my hair.
“Were you able to talk to Frio before? How did you know that she’s cold? Maybe she’s just waiting for the right person,” Nadia said.
Denise continued to stroke my hair making me flinch inwardly. “Daddy’s a director remember? He produced and directed one of Frio’s movies. It was called Lover’s in L.A or something like that. When daddy threw a party to celebrate the award that they won for that film, Frio came to my house.”
Denise raised her feet and removed her stiletto’s while talking. “My gaydar picked her up but she was shady as hell and wouldn’t give me the time. When I was finally able to talk to her, she just pretended to listen and looked like her pet died or something.” Denise picked up her stiletto’s and placed it somewhere on the side of the bed. “Besides, she told me that she’s taken.”
Nadia’s mouth popped open. “What? With whom?”
“I don’t know and I don’t give a damn about it.” Denise raised her hand and made a go away motion. “Let’s talk about that later Naddy. Run along now so I can have my private time with Dulce.” Nadia nodded and without another word left the room.
Denise rolled beside me and propped her head up using her arm. “Now that we’re alone babe, we’ll have more time to talk. Actually we’ll do more kissing and touching instead of talking,” she giggled.
With huge effort, I turned my head in her direction. “Denyyyyy,” I said. “Immma sleepy.”
“No babe we’re not going to sleep,” she cooed and touched my nose with a hand. “We’ll do that after.”
“Afteeer whaaa?” My heart pounded like a jackhammer.
She didn’t respond and moved up to straddle me. Remember what I told you about experiencing everything even though you’re drunk? Well I felt and saw the whole thing as she did it. I saw the glimmer in her eyes as she rocked her hips against my right leg. I sensed her slowly unbuckling my brown belt. I knew it when she unbuttoned my skinny jeans and pulled my zipper down. I felt her fingers slowly pulling my shirt up and caressing my stomach. And I had a faint recollection of Denise bringing her mouth to my lips and sliding her tongue inside my mouth, her cinnamon taste overpowering my senses.