~ Suspicious. ~
Several days had passed since my macabre discovery without my learning more. Maxime remained unreachable and I looped the horrifying scene that I had discovered.
I probably should have moved on, maybe I should have continued to move forward, I had already seen the dead and I will see more! But this death intrigued me and I did not let go!
Another person who never gave up was Lieutenant Franotti who knocked on my door one fine day. A week after the discovery of the body.
I was off that day, who says rest says casual dress! Thinking it was the postman, I opened the door still in my pajamas. My favorite combination! The one you would take for a comfortable rabbit costume, with the little bell on the closure. Shame !
Eyes amused, the seductive lieutenant entered my lair of a lonely girl. My cat hissed at him before taking refuge in my room, bringing a little animation in this short moment of pure embarrassment.
- What is your visit worth to me? I asked without deflating.
- The investigation miss, the investigation!
I let him settle in the living room and left to put on a more suitable outfit: jeans and a classic t-shirt. I looked at myself in the mirror and frowned. My red hair was tangled, dark circles had taken up residence under my green eyes from having watched too much, and I was even paler than usual! As for the outfit, it didn't flatter me at all! So I changed, swapping my jeans and my T-shirt for a green summer dress that came up to my knees. I tamed my hair by tying it in a side braid and finishing it off by putting on some makeup: concealer, foundation, a little blush and mascara.
I then joined my "guest" and offered him a coffee which he accepted.
- You know, I came for a specific purpose and it's not to drink coffee and talk nicely, he launched visibly annoyed by my game.
- I agree, but I'm good for nothing if I haven't had my morning coffee! I answered in the next room.
It was a half truth. It was true that you shouldn't ask me anything before my first coffee, but I had already drunk it.
Once ready, I placed the two cups on the coffee table in the living room and sat down next to the lieutenant on my couch.
- I'm listening to you.
- Have a sip at least, I don't want to see you in a bad mood, he laughed.
For the form, I drank a few sips under the polar gaze of the lieutenant.
- Well, I'm here about our case.
I swallowed wrong, his words had rang double meaning in my depraved ear before asking him:- Our case?
- Indeed, you told me that you spoke to Mr. Scott a few hours before discovering his body and having seen it the day before, you confirm?
I nodded.
- We have a problem there Miss, he said then.
- Which ?
- The investigation has indeed revealed that you called home the day of your macabre discovery. The investigation also taught us that that week you had come the day before as well as the day before, that is to say three days in a row and that, apart from you, no one visited Mr. Scott.
- Yes and... ? I asked dreading his answer.
- The autopsy revealed that Mr. Scott died two days before you said so.
- Am I suspected of anything, sir, I pointed.
- For the moment no, otherwise you would already be in custody. I want to clarify some things... he replied, trying to adopt a reassuring voice.
- I won't go back on my testimony. The phone records told you I had someone on the phone, didn't they? He was alive when I got him! I almost exclaimed.
- How do you explain these inconsistencies in this case?
- For the moment I don't know, but count on me to find out and clear me of all suspicion, I replied. If that requires me to do your job, I will. I don't want to be wrongfully condemned because of your incompetence, I provoked him.
His mine suddenly darkened, I had touched a sensitive point and congratulated myself! No matter how nice I was, I could be as fierce as a lion when necessary!
- Don't go too far Miss, you would risk insulting the agent in the performance of his duties, which would be perfectly justified! He threatened me.
- If you don't want me to go too far, just get your seductive ass off my sofa and find the REAL culprit! I got annoyed.
His expression changed again, he was amused and I was blushing. I had admitted out loud, half-heartedly, that I found it to my liking.
- Thank you for the coffee, my seductive ass and I are leaving. But we'll see each other again, he replied, without my knowing whether it was a threat or a promise.
I walked him to the door and watched him leave before closing it.
Died two days earlier? What was that story again?!