Vivian sat near the glass window later in the evening after her close from work. She dropped by the 'Top fancy cafeteria' which was a mile from her office.
She had come there for some hot coffee and snacks to cool her nerves before going into the hot oven she now called a home.
Sitting with her hands rested against her chin, she looked out through the glass window of the cafeteria.
The view from there was beautiful as she could see the busy cars moving to and fro on the streets with passers by either going somewhere or returning from their place of work.
She also saw a school bus pass by with beautiful children inside, all anxious to get home in the waiting arms of their expectant parents.
This made her think of Justin and she soon began ruminating about the day's activities.
She had called Charlotte earlier in the office to help her pick Justin from school. Charlotte was the maid of the McClures who lived opposite their apartment in the penthouse or should we just say, condominium. Justin attended the same school in the city with the McClure twins; Chloe and Carl.
They are adorable children and they always loved Justin coming to their apartment to play with them.
Vivian's mind was at ease knowing her son was in safe hands.
The McClures were good people and Vivian wondered how the couple must be so much in love with each other because they hardly quarrel and led a happy home which she admired and envied.
'Why can't our marrige work out like the McClures?'
Vivian asked herself questions as she occasionally does which she clearly can't find a reasonable answer to
"Hey, Vivian!"
called a voice beside her
"I knew it was you"
The voice said again. She stepped out of her thought zone and turned to see the person calling her.
She called in surprise when she saw her friend, she stood up from her seat and walked over to embrace him
"How did you know I was here? Come on, have a seat"
She said pointing to the chair facing her. Arnold sat and called the attention of a waiter
"Please get us two glases of hot coffee and...."
Vivian cut him short
"No! Just one is enough, I didn't even finish the one I was drinking", she pointed to the supposedly hot coffee on the table beside her which had now turn cold.
"Take this with you sir"
She said to the waiter
"and just bring only one order for him" she told the waiter who went to do as he was told.
Vivian began
" I just dropped by to cool my head for some time. And you?"
She asked Arnold.
"Well, I was heading home when my car broke down just a few kilometers from my working place"
He said and sighed
"Thank God it didn't stop on the highway, that would be worse off"
Arnold stated expressing his relief.
Vivian reckoned.
" I was about to board a taxi to go home when I saw a radiant face staring out the glass window of the cafe"
Arnold said jokingly which made Vivian smile at his humour.
"But the radiant face looks down today, why?"
Arnold asked her because he noticed she was in thought.
"Where is Justin, my cute friend?"
Arnold asked again because he believed that Vivian should be with her son now.
"He's at my neighbour's place" she answered, the waiter brought the coffee and snacks and left.
"I hope all is going well with you and Sean?"
Arnold asked and was surprised to see that the question met Vivian unaware. She hesitated and avoided Arnold's gaze.
Arnold knew more than to be deceived by Vivian, he knew she was hiding something. Had he not known Vivian and Sean before they started dating and eventually got married?
When they were still dating and they had a slight argument, he was the one in the. Middle to settle the rift. He was more like the intermediary. He was Sean's best friend and knew all about his friend's character.
"These days"
Arnold started and looked at Vivian,
"I know Sean's attitude has changed. Even I, have noticed it, he's not the Sean I know during our childhood time"
Arnold said openly which made Vivian feel more at ease to tell him everything. Besides, he knew Sean before her and and was his close friend so what's the point of not making him know.
"The truth is, Sean has changed towards me, he gets angry easily these days" she said and told Arnold about how often he drinks and she also believed that Kendrick his new friend also had a hand in Sean's behaviour lately.
"Don't you worry Vivian, I'll talk some senses into that thick skull of his. It's going to be fine"
Arnold said reassuring Vivian who only smiled and nodded.
'Wasn't this a man who knows how to listen and make one feel at ease compared to Sean who goes nut over any slight mistake'
Vivian thought.
As they were leaving, they bumped into Kendrick and his girlfriend, Ava who were coming into the cafeteria.
Kendrick greeted them both
"Aren't you Sean's wife?"
He asked Vicky.
"Nice meeting you again"
He said with a grin and walked off with Ava who also greeted them and followed Kendrick to have a seat.
Vivian noticed that Ava followed Kendrick not like a lady would willingly follow someone whom she loves instead it was like she was forced, plus the wound she had on her face ringed a lot. It seemed more like a wound from an assault than an accident.
Arnold opened the door of her car which was parked outside the caffe. Vivian stopped before going in
"So what are you going to do about your car?"
She asked Arnold.
"Well, I've spoken to my mechanic on the phone and by tomorrow it will be good to go"
Arnold explained.
"Why don't you let me drive you home so you don't have to bother with a taxi"
Vivian suggested.
Arnold said.
"But I 'll go from here."
"No, I insist"
Vivian said.
" I'll just drop you off to your area even if I don't get to reach your house and leave from there"
She explained.
He had kept her company and she would love to repay him.
"Thank you Vivian"
Arnold said.
He wouldn't want to bother her but since she wanted to. He decided to give in.
They were still talking and smiling unaware of Kendrick who was staring at them, he took a picture of them with his iPhone.
'Vivian sure is beautiful'
he thought as he sipped his drink.
Vivian entered her Honda jeep car together with Arnold and she accelerated immediately while Kendrick had his eyes on her the whole time with a mischievous smile on his face.
Vivian and Arnold chatted while she drove and steered the car.
"Now we're here!"
She said stopping the car at Arnold's street while he alighted with a smile on his face.
"Thank you so much Vivian, I really appreciate your efforts and concern"
"It's no problem uhn…what are friends for?"
Vivian said with a smile and gave Arnold a wave before driving to her house.
Arnold smiled and turned to walk down the street when Sean passed by in his car.
He had seen Vivian dropped him off in her car and wasn't willing to call him or say hi to him.
'Why do I act this way towards Arnold?'
Sean found himself asking in his thoughts..
Arnold was his own childhood friend and now it seemed like they were strangers. Well, Arnold wasn't seeing him as a stranger but Sean just suddenly detached himself from him all of a sudden.
Vivian used the elevator to their apartment with Justin in her hand.
She had gone to pick him up from the McClures before heading to her apartment.
She made some pies and juice for dessert.
"Yum! Yum!"
Justin exclaimed as he sighted a plateful of different types of pies.
There were kidney pies, cherry pies and the Shepherd's pie.
"This is delicious mom!"
Justin said taking a bite from the cherry pie.
"Thanks Justin".
Vivian replied to him with a smile.
"I can't finish all of these, I will keep some for dad".
"Speaking of dad, mom where is dad?"
Justin asked and just then, Sean came in.
Justin jumped from his chair happily and ran to hug his dad as he stepped out of the elevator.
"Welcome dad!".
"How was school today son?".
Sean asked as he gave his son a peck.
"It was fine!"
Justin replied cutely and returned to his seat.
He returned back to his dad with a handful of kidney pie.
"Dad, have some kidney pie, mom made them, they are delicious"..
Justin said and Sean nodded before eating it.
"Hmmmm!, It's delicious".
Sean responded with a mouthful of kidney pies.
"Let's eat together dad, I've been waiting to eat with you"
"I'm sorry Justin, I have somewhere I need to be right now okay".
"Don't worry, when I come back, I'll have dinner with you"
Sean said pecking his son and leaving for his room.
In a minute, he returned to the sitting room with a t-shirt and chinos, he had probably changed from his office outfit.
"Where to, Sean?"
Vivian asked, looking at him as he tried to walk out of the room.
"To see Kendrick , is that all?"
Sean replied to her with raised brow.
"You just came back from work and the next thing you want to do is to see Kendrick ?"
Vivian retorted, obviously tired with this attitude of his.
"Yes Vivian, yes".
Sean said rather empathetically.
"What of Justin?, he has been waiting to eat with you".
"I said I'll have dinner with him, didn't you hear what I said earlier?"
"You know he sleeps early and you return home late and drunk".
Vivian retorted.
"I'm off Vivian".
Sean said leaving, without turning to face her.