As the night wore on, I saw Alessandro leaving the club in the company of his body guards and a young beautiful girl, wrapped around his arms like some prized possession.
Exactly what I expected from someone like him, well I just pity my Ssister who seems to be head over the heels for someone who won't even notice her and even if he does, he won't take her seriously.
"Forget about your family's business, you're here to have fun." I muttered to myself.
"Hey one more shot." I ordered laughing hysterically.
After taking it, I ordered another one.
"That's enough Carl, you have had enough." Max said taking the cup from me.
"That's not fun, you're not fun." I said still unable to control my laughter.
"You really need to get a hold of yourself Carl." He said holding me tight.
"Yes, yes I'll." I said trying to focus on one of him.
"Here have this." Max said giving me a glass of water.
"Thanks." I managed to say after gulping the full cup.
He made me seat next to him and as we sat and talked, I couldn't help but lose track of time. The drinks flowed, and the conversations blurred together. The next thing I knew, the clock on my phone flashed 2:30 a.m. Panic surged through me as I realized how late it had become.
"Shit! I have to go," I said as soon as I saw the time.
"You can come back to my apartment with me," Max said, looking straight into my eyes.
"Please." He added pulling me closer to him.
"I really wish I could, but I can't. I have this class tomorrow morning, and I can't miss it again," I said, although the main excuse wasn't the class. I didn't even know which class I had tomorrow, and whatever class it was, I could miss it if I wanted to. The main excuse was my parents and how almost everything I do ruins their reputation as the perfect family.
"We will definitely meet again, maybe after school tomorrow, I'll text you to meet me." I added because I really wanted whatever was going on between us to continue.
"Alright, I'll be expecting that text." he replied, then leaned in and kissed me. I felt the whole world stop for a moment, but then reality came crashing back.
"I have to go. Goodnight," I said softly.
With a pounding headache and the anticipation of probably getting yelled at by my parents, I bid Max a hasty goodbye and made my way to the exit.
The cool night air hit me like a welcome relief from the intense heat of the club. I took a deep breath and attempted to steady myself as I waited for the Uber driver.
In no time, he arrived, and I hopped in quickly.
"Please drive as fast as you can, it's urgent." I pleaded with him, but he just nodded.
"Not much of a talker?" I added, but he just nodded again.
As we approached my house and made it through the gates, I could see the soft glow of the living room lights shining through the windows, and immediately my eyes cleared, literally.
"Curse it, what are they doing awake," I said under my breath as I watched both my parents seated by the kitchen table, talking.
They must be talking about me and how they can't wait to get rid of me, because they do that a lot.
I sighed and immediately ran to the backyard, heading for the back door.
Trying not to stumble, I fumbled for my keys and unlocked the door as quietly as possible. I entered and closed it softly, hoping my heart wouldn't jump right out of my rib cage.
As I gently made my way in, every creak of the floorboards beneath my feet felt like an explosion in the silence of the night.
I tiptoed through the hallway, desperately trying to maintain my balance. I couldn't afford to bring anyone's attention to me, especially my perfect sister's because obviously she's going to scream for the whole world to know I snuck out.
I moved slowly, my heart pounding with each step. As I reached the staircase leading to my room, relief washed over me. The hardest part was over. All that was left was to make it to my bed undetected.
With the grace of a seasoned ninja, I carefully ascended the stairs, hoping not to get caught at the finish line.
As I reached the last step, I held my breath, listening for any signs of movement.
Satisfied that the coast was clear, I continued on my stealthy mission.
Finally, I arrived at my bedroom door. The soft, warm glow of my bedside lamp beckoned me inside. I closed the door as quietly as I could, feeling a surge of relief. I had successfully snuck back into the house without a trace for the umpteenth time.
I immediately got changed into my pyjamas, and collapsed onto my bed, my head spinning from the combination of alcohol and exhaustion. Despite the throbbing headache, the fast heart beat, and the regret that I didn't have enough time with Max, I still felt good and couldn't stop myself from blushing.
I smiled, took out my cellphone, and texted Max:
{I'm home. Thanks for tonight.} I sent the message and then dropped my cellphone.
Few seconds later, my phone buzzed, I took it up it was a reply from Max.
{Can't wait to see you another time. Goodnight.} I smiled, happy that someone longs to see me.
I just couldn't wait to meet up with him the next day and possibly rub it on Judy's face that I have a hot guy who's tripping for me.
I kept daydreaming about Max until I finally fell asleep.