The ward was silent as only the sound of the patient monitor could be heard while Gina laid on the bed unconscious. shortly after wards, a female doctor was seen walking into Gina's ward with a tray of fruits, she placed the tray quietly on the table, ensuring that she was quiet enough not to wake the sleeping patient up, but the door flung open immediately, reviling the face of a clumsy cleaner.
"Bani, please try your best to always walk in silently whenever you're coming into a patient's ward" the female doctor said almost in a whisper
"Once again, I'm so sorry ma'am" the cleaner responded almost in a whisper.
Meanwhile, Gina was already awoken by the cringing sound of the old hospital door. she opened her eyes gradually and gathered her strengths together to enable her sit up, while the doctor rushed to give her a helping hand. Upon sitting up, she felt a sharp pain on her head and in between her thighs, she placed her hands on her head in attempt to recall what happened to her, but she couldn't remember a thing.
"Where am I?" Gina asked weakly.
"Good morning dear, you're at the hospital. You don't have to worry, you're save with us" the doctor responded with a bright smile.
"What happened to me, and how do I get to the hospital?" Gina asked scouring her eyes around her ward
"I'm so sorry about what happened to you, someone rushed you to the hospital early this morning, he claimed to have found you lying unconscious at the river bank very close to their village. He rushed you here for treatment, but didn't have enough money to pay for the bills, but good thing we saw a broken phone which we assumed to be yours, we tried switching your sim card to a better phone and searching through the contacts to see if you have any relatives that we could contact, and luckily, we saw a number you saved as"MY LOVELY MUM" so, we assumed that to be your mum's phone number. Although, we contacted her since 6:00am this morning and told her that her daughter was in our hospital and pleaded with her to come over as fast as she could, but this is 4:00pm and she's yet to arrive. I'm afraid that I might have called the wrong person. Could you please confirm if this is your phone and also if this phone number belongs to your mother?" the doctor asked handing over a broken phone and a written digits on a small piece of paper to Gina.
"Uhmm,, this is my phone and this is my mother's phone number" Gina stuttered as she suddenly remembered her encounter with the unknown men the previous night.
"Thank goodness!! I almost thought I've phoned the wrong person" The doctor muttered to herself.
"By the way, I am Dr. Flora, I'm a medical doctor and also a therapist. The person who brought you here for treatment claimed to have found you lying unconscious at a small river bank close to Miami, and that particular river leads to the most popular bar and crime accommodating joint in Florida called *BIG BOYZ*. Almost every month, the body of young teenage girls of your age are found in that river, most of them brought here are dead while some are lucky to be alive. I must say, you are really lucky to have survived. Most of the girls found at the bank of river Florida are prostitutes and strippers from BIG BOYZ, most of them were used and killed, most of them are found at the river with some of their vital body parts missing. Some of them might not possibly be a prostitute or stripper from BIG BOYZ, some of the girls were invited by friends and lovers, and ended up being raped, abused and even killed. When you were brought here, we conducted a test and the test result shows that you were raped severally by more than 4 men and was thrown into a running water" the doctor ended with a sigh while Gina bursted into tears.
The nurse was about saying something else when the door went open and miss Sonia was sighted walking in with a nurse behind her. She wasn't looking bad for someone who should probably be worried about her child, she was looking relaxed and beautiful on her short dress and light makeup which she would have probably taken her time on. Upon walking into Gina's ward, she sat comfortably on a chair while the nurse stared at her in confusion.
"Sorry, who are you?" The nurse asked with a confused expression.
"She's my mom" Gina muttered with a sniffle
"Oh, you're welcome ma'am, there is nothing to worry about, your daughter will........
"Of course doc, there's absolutely nothing to worry about" Gina's mum said as she took of her sunglasses.
"Okay, I'm glad you're not worried, here you go ma'am" The doctor said handing over a paper to Gina's mum.
"What's this?" Gina's mum asked staring at the paper in confusion.
"The test result shows that your daughter was raped repeatedly" The doctor announced
"Wow" Gina's mum muttered without remorse
"She was found at a river bank this morning and was rushed to the hospital by a stranger, I think the incident must've happened at a nearby club, popularly known as *BIG BOYZ*. We've treated so many cases like this, so I'm sure it must have happened at that club" the doctor added again but Gina's mom was still not moved by sympathy
"Once again, wow!. I'm really speechless. Gina, what the hell were you doing at BIG BOYZ? I really can't wait to kill you once we get home" Gina's mum queried, but the doctor chipped in before Gina could say anything.
"I don't think it's right to blame her for......
"Jeez!! Are you really a doctor? Why do you talk too much? You both make me sick, how much is her bill?, I need to be on my way now" Gina's mom interrupted rudely as she picked up her purse
"Just $20 ma'am, I treated her for free, but she has to purchase the required medications which cost $20" the doctor answer with a smile
"Well, thanks so much Gina!!!, Thanks so much for making me spend so much on you!" Gina's mum yelled in anger as she picked up her bag and left.
After a long drive, Gina and her mum arrived home. Her mom stormed out of the car angrily while Gina limped behind her slowly. she felt so much pains in between her legs, it wasn't easy getting into the house all alone, but she was able to gather up her strengths together and walk straight into her room. Upon walking into her room, she let her weak body fall flat on her bed. She was so hungry, but she had to keep it to herself because she knew her mom was mad at her.
As she laid down on the bed reminiscing on what happened the previous night, everything still felt like a nightmare to her, how could she be attacked at the club by four strange men? It was obvious they were after her life, because their initial plan was stabbing her. Why would anyone want to kill her? She hardly ever socialize with people, the only friend she had was Natalia, so who would hate her so much to the extent of wanting to kill her?. After a long time of reflection, she was so exhausted and only wanted to catch some sleep, she had barely fallen asleep when she felt a hard hand tapping repeatedly on her legs, she opened up her eyes slightly, only to find her mum standing with a hard stare.
"And what do you think you're doing? Haven't had enough sleep at the club last night? Get your lazy ass to the kitchen and prepare my lunch" Gina's mum yelled out, while Gina sluggishly sat up and proceeded to the kitchen. when she got to the kitchen, she opened the refrigerator and brought out some beef and set out to cook.
After a while, Gina rounded off everything and served her mom, she was also able to smuggle a plate of food to her room for her own consumption without her mother's notice. As soon as she finished her food, she headed back to the kitchen to wash all the dishes. She rearranged all the dishes on the kitchen counter and was about turning on the tap when she sighted Natalie sneaking into the compound. At the sight of Natalie, she felt an unexplainable anger, she felt Natalie was somehow the cause of her misfortune. So she wiped her hands in a towel and headed out to meet Natalie outside.
"Gina, why didn't you show up last night? I waited for you all night! You could have told me you weren't coming. That wasn't cool Gina!!" Natalie queried ignorantly, but Gina lost her temper and slapped her
"How dare you Natalie!!, How dare you come here to mock me!!! Do you have any idea what your stupid idea caused me? It caused me my virginity!!" Gina said with so much rage
"What do you mean Gina?" Natalie asked in shock
"I was raped yesterday Natalie!, If you haven't insisted on me coming to BIG BOYZ yesterday, all this wouldn't have happened, it's all your fault Natalie, and I'll never forgive you for this" Gina said in tears
"Gina, I'm so sorry, I never knew all this would happen" Natalie pleaded as she attempted holding Gina's hands, but Gina pushed her away
"Go away Natalie, I don't ever wanna see you close to me again!!" Gina said as she left Natalie in tears. She never knew why she blamed Natalie, obviously it wasn't her fault. but she guess she only needed someone to unleash her frustration on.
A black car parked in front of miss Sonia's compound and a man in Black suit was seen stepping out of the car, miss Sonia heard the sound of a car parked in front of her house, so she decided to check it out. She peeped through the window to see who it was, but she flinched in fear upon seeing the man in Black suit. She began running helter-skelter, not knowing exactly where to run to. She couldn't run forever, she's been running for so many years and it still didn't change the fact that she was being hunted. Her fears increased when she heard a knock on the door, but she was just too scared to answer. but whether she answers or not, she was still in a big mess, so she had to get the door before he breaks it open.
"Coming!!!" She said trying as much as possible to subdue the fear in her tone. She walked steadily to the door and opened it, revealing a handsome young man in his late 30's.
"Hello Sonia, long time no see" the man muttered with a smirk.