I leave Josh by the stream and put my clothes back on. Sex with Josh is magic. It's been so good to feel alive again. Too bad I can only feel alive in secret. Innocent pictures taken and posted on social media could now be a wanted poster. How dare we hang with friends? How dare we pump our fists in the air and need people?
"You okay, Lizzie Foster?" Josh asks.
I feel myself blush all over. Sneaking around with Josh has been fun. But before, we were only hiding from our parents. Now we are hiding from our parents and the social distancing Nazis. It's kind of fun being a COVID criminal.
"Josh, don't tell anyone I was here," I say.
"Of course, Lizzie Foster. I hope we have more encounters like this one," he smiles and kisses me.
"Shut up, Josh," I say, punching his arm pathetically.
"I have an idea... Let's hang out with our friends. Let's meet in front of the school," he says.
"That's a great idea. Let's hang in front of the school during a pandemic and hope some hobo with a camera won't report us," I say.
"We can hang out, Lizzie Foster. We can walk at a distance. We can hang at a distance. Let's meet our friends and sit on the roof of our cars. Wouldn't that be fun?" He asks.
"Yes, Josh. That would be amazing. Maybe we could all drive-thru Wendy's or McDonald's and have lunch together," I suggest.
"There's my girl. Coming up with the best ideas," he says, encouraging me.
"I love you, Josh," I say, changing the subject.
"I love you too, Lizzie Foster," he finishes.
"Let's do it. Let's invite our friends and have the best lunch date ever," I whisper.
"Is there a socially distant way to have sex?" Josh asks.
"No, dumbass. Sexting maybe. I'm not taking any more nude photos for you. My parents almost found out," I say.
"Who cares? You're almost 18. Your birthday is in a week. You can take all the nude photos for me that you want," Josh says.
"Well, I guess you're going to have to wait, Josh," I say, flirting.
"Yeah, fine. Whatever. I can do that. What do you want for your birthday?" Josh asks.
"A party with all my friends. I want to go to the movie theatre and watch Onward," I say.
"You know that's on Disney +, right?" He asks.
"I know, but I wanted to see it in theatres," I say.
"Oh, you will, Lizzie Foster. I promise," he says.
"Don't make promises you can't keep," I say.
"Oh, don't you worry. I have my ways," he says.
"Whatever you say, Josh," I smile.
"See you later, Lizzie Foster," he says.
"Bye, Josh. Thanks for hanging with me," I say.
He kisses me. I love kissing Josh and having his scent invade my nose. He smells sexy; the natural smell he has is so attractive. I forgot how good he smelled, kissed, and felt. Damn social distancing, I needed to make love to my best friend today.
Josh leaves, and I wash up in the stream. I put water in my hair. It feels so good to have cool water everywhere. I decide to take a short swim, with my clothes on. My mom will think I'm crazy swimming in my clothes like this.
It used to drive her nuts that I would go to the beach in a bikini and shorts and not take the shorts off. It's nothing out of character for me. I'm the weird wet clothes swimming lady. I bite my lip and find my phone. I call Cat. I need to tell someone I've been a rebel.
"Cat, it's me," I say.
"Well, obviously it's you, girl. Your name made my butt pocket vibrate," she replies.
"Gross... anyways. I have a confession," I squeal. God, I'm so happy...happy I saw Josh.
"What now?" She asks.
"I saw Josh," I say.
"Girl, I know. You saw him at the school this morning," she says, unimpressed.
"No, I mean I just SAW him," I reply.
"And? What?" She asks.
"Let's just say there's no socially distant way to have sex with your boyfriend," I squeal again.
Crap, I need to stop shrieking, or my mom will play 20 questions with my girly ass.
"You, little rebellious skank. Good for you," she laughs.
"You sound so stupid when you talk. Do you know that?" I laugh back.
"Yeah, I know. And it's about time you caved. Finally, I no longer need to be a victim to your 'I miss Josh' this and 'I miss Josh' that lecture," she says.
"Did you know I was going to have sex with Josh?" I ask.
"It was only a matter of time? You have finally snapped... join the club. Did you see Amy Summers and Jeremy Walker during that Zoom class? Do you know they aren't social distancing at all? They are like two monkeys climbing all over each other. How do they manage to do that in a Zoom class?" She asks.
"No idea. Pathetic. So, listen, Josh and I wanted to invite a few friends to hang tomorrow. We wanted to form a line of cars and head to McDonald's. We want to eat our drive-thru food on the roof of our cars," I say.
"Awesome, count me there. And where will we eat our food?" she asks.
"In front of the school, of course. They can't keep me away. You can take the school away from the kids, but you can't take the kids away from the school," I say.
"That literally makes zero sense," Cat laughs.
"I know. Oh well," I reply.
"I got to go. Time to pretend I read Grapes of Wrath. I don't even know what the assignment is. No one does...no one was paying attention," she says.
"Just guess and make sure you mention Grapes of Wrath at least 5 times," I yell.
"Sounds good to me. Bye Lizzie," she says and hangs up.
"Bye, lady," I reply.
Tomorrow will be fun. I need an excuse to sit on the roof of my car and eat fatty food. Tomorrow couldn't get here any sooner.