The evening sun cast long shadow on the ground. The slanting raya of the setting sun gave a warn orange tinge to the sky.
The sky was ablaze with the fire of the setting sun. Nothing beat scenery more than the night sky which was aglow with bright city lights. The pale crescent moon shone like a silvery claw in the night sky, the blanket of stars that stretched to infinity.
The occasional honking of cars broke the silence of night. It was the weekend. The street was filled with moving cars. People rushing to their various destinations.
The weekend had approached. The spellbinding night carried with it the most intoxicating sceneries in form of club nights.
Not newly opened, however a place where every male soul yearned to be. The night wasn't ordinary. The queen's night club was
filled to a brim. The flashing lights and loud music masked the noises erupting from the crowd as they shouted, and screamed in excitement as they awaited for the only female who had every man on their knees.
A woman who has every man's dream and desired fantasy.
The club was lit with coloured lights, the shiny stage was set. Some sat at the bar area drinking to their hearts. Half-naked waitresses dressed skimpily with glowing trays of drinks and shooters as well as empty bottles and glasses, shots line up at the bar, bartenders, and bottles of booze line up. The service was everything that the men like.
The stage glowed with spotlights, the music got even louder as people started screaming, laughter, come-ons, hooting, yelling, swearing, glass breaking, whistling, the DJ announcement coming over the loudspeaker, mugs clunking against a table, the hiss of pop filling a glass at the bar.
The spotlight landed on two masked females, both dressed identically. Their shimmering outfits brought out their beauty as they danced to the rhythm of the music, and the crowd went wild as they cheered. It was a ensure to watch such talented women dance their hearts out in their sexy outfits. However that the two females weren't who the men were excited to see.
The entire place went dark... Murmurs of dislike rose in the air but soon deafening cheers erupted as they spotted the queen ascending from above with a red strap supporting. The men fought to get to the front, screaming and cheering her name, the Queen Dancer set the stage on fire.
Her beauty bewitched anyone who set their eyes on her. Both the men and women stopped to have a second glance at her. From her porcelain white glowing skin to her luscious blonde hair falling in curls to her waist. She was known to have a voluptuous figure, behind which had the men pushing to get to the front to have a look at her. To touch her. Unfortunately, the bodyguards Line up in front of the stage prevented that from happening. She wore a butterfly gold mask with red and blue peacock feathers extending upwards showing half her face. Even so, it was hard to know who she was. But when she smiled. Her smile was warm and seductive, especially with her Luscious lips coated in red lipstick.
She joined the two females, a smirk crept at the corners of her lips as she tugged at her long trousers. Tonight was a special one, she came in office wear, black trousers and a black jacket open the at the front showing off her cleavage and chains around her neck. But the men knew what was beneath those layers of clothes and it was all they wanted to see. Screams of men shouting for her to strip echoed throughout the place.
The whistling continued, swaying her hips to the rhythm of the music, she tugged at the trousers and the men screamed in excitement. She bent down in a sexy way. Soon the trousers were ripped off in a sexy.
She threw it to the crowd and it was ravished by the men as they fought to take a part of I. Soon the the coat was stripped off to, inside was was something hot and sexy. A two-piece shimmering red lingerie with chains and diamonds make her glow beautiful. Her deep cleavage showed each time she bent over. Sweating men chanted her stage name which was like music to her ears.
Being carried away by the love she received. It was everything desirable, by now it was a full show. What most paid for. To watch her swing and sway her body, sliding in the pole as she showed off her skills.
The flashing lights added to the scenery that men got drunk just by watching her. Some desire have her in their lives. However, when the lights went out, they knew the show was over. Their queen was in the house.
The weekend was a satisfying one. The rest of the time was spent dancing and drinking, being carried away by the night offered by the queen's nightclub. The beautiful waitress rendered their service just as their boss instructed backstage, the butterfly queen rested in her charging room. With ease, she sat down in her chair in front of the mirror. A long exhale escape her parted lips as her long and slender, well-manicured fingers reached for the back of her head. Tugging at the strings of the mask. Stretching her neck to release the tension. A soft moan escape her throat as she.
"Damn," she muttered as she removed the mask and place it on the table. Her long eyelashes flickered as she opened her eyes to look at herself in the mirror. A faint smile crept at the corners of her lips. When suddenly
"Hey baby, I'm so proud of you.... Yay welcome back my queen," a high-pitched female voice erupted in in the room starling her but soon relaxed in her chair as a figure soon joined her.
"Shannon baby .... You did well tonight. I was screaming and drooling like those lousy men!" Again her best friend shouted jumping up and down like child. The butterfly queen who has was Shannon rolled her eyes in annoyance and started taking off her earrings and other accessories.
"Sabrina.... Don't you ever shut up... Get me a milkshake or something," Sabrina said waving her friend off when the door opened and the most annoying person walked in chanting her name like a kid. Shannon muttered curses as she sank into her chair as the two grown-up started cheering, chanting her name embarrassing her.