There was that Sam guy again. Who the fuck was he? I was starting to develop more and more questions for Zoe unrelated to business. It could wait until we finished anyway.
We went back to the paperwork in between bites of the food. I'd weigh three hundred pounds if I lived here and ate like this all the time.
It was all laid out with historical past growth and expected future growth. She said if Jerry got an attorney to look it over for him, his attorney could call with any questions, or Jerry himself could call. She'd be happy to answer any questions. She showed us all the places for our signatures and had marked them with tabs. There were a couple places Julia had to sign as she was nominally part owner in the business as well. Julia wasn't having any difficulty following along, so it would be clear to everyone.
"Any questions about the legal papers?" Zoe asked when we'd finished.
"Not about the papers, lots of questions about other things," I replied. "Who's the father again and did you undergo artificial insemination?"
"Oh, no. Did it the old fashioned way." She held up her left hand with a circle formed of her thumb and fore finger, and poked the finger of her other hand back and forth, mimicking the sex act.
"I thought you gave up men," I said.
"For everything but pregnancy, yes. Sam lives here now. Would you like to meet him?"
"I think I would," I said.
"Everyone's out by the pool," Zoe said. "I'll warn you, there are no clothes being worn there at the moment."
"Sounds like our Memorial Day party, Scott," Julia said.
"Yes, though I'm guessing it's like that almost all the time," I said.
"Pretty much 100% of the time," Zoe agreed.
"Before we go out there, could you tell us a little about him?"
"Of course. Sam and Mistress met at a BDSM convention in Las Vegas. Sam and Marcia lived in Florida at the time. They kept up a correspondence, and Mistress asked Marcia to model for the Nude for the Homeless benefit here in LA. They came out and stayed here for a few days during the time of the benefit during which Mistress got the permission of Marcia to have children with Sam. Marcia agreed she could because she couldn't give Sam children. Mistress had to consent to be Sam's submissive during their attempt at mating as Marcia felt more comfortable if Mistress had to submit. Their sex was productive and Mistress had twins. They came for the birth.
"During their second stay here, when Brianna delivered the twins, Marcia agreed Sam could father additional progeny if the slaves wished it. Monique, Adele and Ingrid became pregnant at that time. Riyuki became pregnant when we attended Sam and Marcia's going away party in Florida. Dorinda and I became pregnant two months ago. Only one other woman is interested in having children at this time, but she's undergoing counseling for a previous trauma and has not yet received clearance from the doctors. There's a chance someone else is the father of Monique's, Adele's and Ingrid's kids; there was another male participating in the stud farm, but it really doesn't matter. Sam will be the acting Dad regardless."
"Why the direct method of getting pregnant instead of in vitro fertilization?" I asked. "I thought you were done with guys?"
"You mean why fuck with a living, breathing person instead of lying on a cold metal table getting impregnated with a turkey baster?" Zoe asked.
"When you put it that way," I said, "maybe it's not so odd."
"Sam is a very nice man, as is his wife, Marcia. Chantelle, is also his slave. Sam knows we're all lesbian or bisexual, and he's always respected that. Every time he's been with one of us to procreate, he ensures there are also females present to put us more at ease and we enjoy it more. He knows we're in it for the kids and doesn't try to change us from what we are. The rest of the time, he leaves us alone and isn't pestering us for sex. Brianna wouldn't have invited them to live here if he didn't respect everyone's boundaries. Of course, with both Marcia and Chantelle to fuck, they keep him busy. He's actually been quite helpful in a lot of ways. Believe me, you'll like him. Be careful or you'll fall in love with his wife. She's as hot as molten lava. Everyone here loves her a little."
"Let's meet everyone then," I said.
Zoe took Julia's and Lisa's hand and led us out by the pool. Many naked women were cavorting in the water and there were five children. Brianna's twins looked to be over year old. There were three others who looked to be a couple months. The three youngest all seemed to be dining on fat nipples. The twins were crawling on a huge blanket set under a tented sunscreen, under the watchful eye of several people, one of whom was male.
"Shouldn't there be another baby?" I asked, counting in my head.
"You pay attention. She's asleep in the nursery, not feeling well today. Her mother is with her," Zoe said. "Let me introduce you to Brianna and the others."
Zoe led us under the awning and knelt at the feet of a lovely woman I recognized as Brianna.
"Mistress, these are my friends, Scott and Julia Rivers, and their friend, Lisa McManus. I believe you previously met, but it would be several years now, shortly after we moved here. Scott, this is my Mistress, Brianna Worth, her wife, Monique, slaves, Adele and Ingrid, our financial specialist, Sam Evans and his wife and slave, Marcia."
We were shaking the hands of each of the people as Zoe introduced us. As I shook Sam's hand, he said, "Thank God, more testosterone. I'm drowning in a sea of estrogen here," getting a quick laugh. Marcia was an incredibly beautiful woman. She had piercings in both of her nipples and it looked like she had a slave medallion hanging from a loop piercing of her outer labia. She looked like she could be a movie star, though I didn't remember seeing her in any movies or TV shows. She was kneeling by Sam's chair, sitting on her heels. They were holding hands. She said, "Any friend of Zoe's is a friend of ours. Please have a seat."
We all sat down and Brianna told Zoe she could take a seat as well. She gracefully rose and took a chair.