It sounded more and more as if Julia would choose to proceed. If she did, I should be prepared. I thought again about what I contemplated, and what pitfalls might be expected. I loved Julia more than anything and never wanted harm to come to her. So, no matter what happened, I needed to ensure she couldn't or wouldn't be hurt. I checked the internet and found a woman who advertised herself as a dominatrix. I contacted her.
"Hello, Mistress Dark, speaking."
"Hi, my name is Scott and my wife and I are considering letting her explore a brief period of sexual slavery."
"Do you want me to take over her training?"
"Uh, no. I want to be her owner/dominant, but not knowing anything about it but what little I've read in popular fiction, I need to learn more so I don't inadvertently do anything which might harm her in any way. I'd like you to give me some pointers before we start, because it looks like she's going to go through with it."
"I can help with that. When would you like to start?"
"Soon. I have a job so evenings are best unless you can give me some time this weekend."
"It won't take long. I have an opening this evening."
"What time?"
"Seven, and plan to be here for about two hours."
"I'll be there. Do I need to bring anything?"
"Your money. My time is $150 an hour. Cash or debit card, no checks, no credit cards."
"I'll need your address."
She gave it to me. I called Julia and told her I wouldn't be home after work today. I was meeting with someone to teach me how to be her owner if she decided to accept her sexual slavery.
"Who are you meeting?"
"A woman known as Mistress Dark. She said it would take a couple hours and she'd help me get started."
"You'll have to tell me about it later."
"Of course. Do you think you'll want to have sex as much as you did last last night?"
"It's entirely possible."
"Then I'll give you a blow by blow with color commentary."
"Goodbye, Scott."
"Goodbye, honey."
At seven, after grabbing a quick bite, I showed up on Mistress Dark's doorstep, with $500 cash I'd pulled from the ATM. She lived in a very nice neighborhood not dissimilar to mine. A naked woman answered the door and invited me in when I told her my name.
"Mistress is expecting you. Follow me please."
She was a little on the heavier side, but not unpleasing to look at, so I happily followed her to the rear of the house. Her bottom was streaked with red welts; seven or eight, she was moving too quickly to count. She opened a door to a large room with subdued lighting, with a number of cages, posts, and furniture I couldn't guess the purpose of. There were whips hanging on the walls, rods or canes neatly organized in little bins, shelves filled with dildos and vibrators of nearly every description. There was a male in a tiny cage on the floor, lapping up some food off a plate, a bowl of water beside it. There was a lovely, very naked young woman hanging spread eagle from hooks on the walls and floor. The woman from the website I identified as Mistress Dark was pinching her nipples, pulling them out before she clipped nipple clamps on them. The woman moaned as they went on. I felt myself becoming hard. It was quite erotic in a perverse sort of way. The woman leading me dropped to her knees beside Mistress Dark.
"Your seven o'clock appointment is here, Mistress."
"Thank you, Slut. Kiss my cunt and go stand in the corner until I call for you."
The plump girl kissed Mistress Dark's sex, which was covered with a leather g-string, then stood and moved to a corner where she stood facing the wall. Mistress Dark shook my hand.
"Scott is it?"
"I'd like to ask you a few questions if I may before we get started."
"Of course."
"Your wife becoming your sex slave, do you expect this to become permanent or is this a temporary thing?"
"I doubt it will become permanent. She likes to read erotic books and I offered to allow her to experience the things she reads about in her books for three weeks to see if the reality was similar to her imagination."
"What kinds of books?"
"Reverse harem, women captured and sold as slaves, that kind of thing."
"She's aroused by these?"
"Yes, it's why I've offered her the experience."
"She may like it more than you expect then," Mistress Dark said. "Don't be surprised if she wants to make it a fairly regular if not a permanent thing. People who are intrigued by the thought of submission, often find they love it when they finally submit. Do you intend to punish her?"
"Spankings, at least," I replied, "confinement of some type, shame or humiliation based upon nudity and/or punishment in the presence of others."
"Have you considered whips?" Mistress Dark asked.
"I don't want to harm her," I replied.
"A whip can be less harmful than a spanking by a firm hand. It may sting more in the moment, but the sensations may dissipate sooner. I think you should have one. Seeing a whip in your hand is great for your slave to see, even if she gives you no cause to use it. Rose," she said to the woman hanging beside us. "Which do do you prefer being used on you, in order from best to worst."
Rose responded, "Wide stranded whip, narrow stranded whip, hand, paddles, Enforcer, cane, Mistress."
"Slut, what about you?" She asked the woman in the corner.
"The same, Mistress, though I would add the rubbery, knotted whip to the end of the list."
"You're the only one who's displeased me enough to earn that whip, Slut."
"Yes, Mistress. I'll do better, Mistress."
"The marks on her bottom now; what are they from?"
"A cane."
"I'd prefer not to mark my wife up."
"I'd suggest your hand, because it's very easy to comprehend how hard you're hitting her; your hand feels it as much as her bottom does. Also, a medium width stranded whip, which I will show you how to use, and the Enforcer, which is a type of paddle. None of them will leave marks past a few hours. Even if you use them before you go to bed, nothing but the faintest redness will remain in the morning, if anything."
"I defer to your wisdom and knowledge, Mistress Dark."
"I can sell you what you need. You might be able to purchase similar items for slightly less on the web, but my quality is unmatched." I nodded. "Are you going to force her to fuck other people?"
"Not force, but I plan to put her in positions where one of the alternatives would be sexual acts with others and it might be the alternative she chooses."
"Including women?"
"I hadn't thought of incorporating women."
"You should. If she's a slave, she's a slave, and she should have sex with anyone her owner desires for her to. Has she ever been with a woman before?"
"Not to my knowledge."
"Good! As a slave owner, you want to push her boundaries and not let her remain in her constricted little corner. Can and does she deep throat."
"No. She's a very talented cock sucker, but she can't get all of me down. My biggest problem is she's reluctant to swallow. I'm hoping to break her of that little habit while she's my slave."
"Is it the taste of cum that bothers her?"
"She says it's the texture, the sliminess. She likens it to raw oysters which she can't eat either."
"I could help you with both of those things."
"I'd appreciate any suggestions you might give me."
"I've got something which is very good in training new slaves. I'll show you how to effectively overcome her distaste of swallowing. For deep throating, I'd recommend having me over as soon as her slavery starts. I'll have her taking all of you in no time. Instead of paying me, I'd accept payment in the form of allowing me to teach her to lick cunt. I love to turn neophytes into experienced cunt lickers."
"Let me think about that," I said.
"Of course. Will you be using nipple clamps on your slave?"
"I want to, but she wanted me to test them first on her nipples before approving the use of clamps. Her nipples are very sensitive."
"So are Roses, aren't they, dear slave?" Roses nipples were purple and distended, the clamps squeezing them to half their normal width.
"Yes, Mistress."
"In fact, I think these should come off now, don't you, slave."
"Yes, Mistress."
Mistress Dark released the clamps and Rose groaned.
"Putting them on is always less painful than removing them depending upon how tight they are," Mistress Dark said. "They squeeze the blood out of them and when they're removed, the blood comes rushing back with a burst of pain, don't they dear?"
"Yes, Mistress," Rose moaned as Mistress Dark rubbed the tips of the purple nubbins.
"These are simple alligator clamps like electricians use. They have these sharp teeth, but won't tear the skin, but provide an added edge. To start, I have some simple box clamps without any teeth. They exert pressure only."