I laughed. "Yeah, pretty sure. They are emotionally attached to each other, but more from their friendship and our current relationship, and not from any particular desire to fuck cunt instead of cock. It works out fairly good, because I'd have a hard time sexually satisfying two women who now need to have sex all the time. They can pleasure each other when I'm worn out."
Julia, finally satisfied, got up and joined us. "Do you need your cock sucked, Master?"
"No. I'm going to fuck Lisa when her two hours is up. She only got fucked once this morning. She needs to catch up."
"Rhonda, Lisa's on a nice roll," Julia said. "If you lie on the table in front of her, she'll happily lick your cunt to several orgasms."
Rhonda looked at me. I shrugged my shoulders. "It's up to you. I'm not in charge of you. I'm in charge of Lisa and she's being punished."
Rhonda got up and lay down on the table and scooted forward until her cunt was in front of Lisa's face. Lucia stood up and kissed Rhonda while caressing her breasts. Rhonda had big, pointy and apparently, sensitive nipples to make up for any lack of breast flesh. I guessed she had a B size bra, but her nipples looked like half inch bolts and she spasmed quickly under the attention of the two women. My watch alarm went off signifying the end of Lisa's first two hours. I stood up and pushed into her cunt. Lisa orgasmed on my cock, filled to bursting with plug and my prick. It didn't affect her attention to Rhonda, because she orgasmed just after Lisa did, holding Lisa's face against her trembling twat. Lucia had gone from kissing Rhonda's lips to sucking on her fat nipples and Rhonda was screaming her pleasure. Rhonda and Lucia switched places. Before I orgasmed, Lucia had a couple orgasms herself as Rhonda kissed her and played with her boobs as Lisa ate her out.
After I climaxed, I had Julia lick the cum from Lisa's cunt before putting the Slave Trainer on her. I then paddled her five times before getting in the hot tub. Lucia and Rhonda joined me. Julia didn't get in.
"Why don't you get in, Julia?" Rhonda asked.
"My OB doesn't think a hot tub is good during the first trimester, although I'm getting to the end of it," Julia said. "It's kind of like drinking alcohol. It might cause birth defects."
"Actually, due to the research I've conducted due to my difficulty getting pregnant," Lucia said. "It's not hot tubs themselves which are bad. It's allowing your core temperature to rise above 101 degrees. Lower the temperature on the hot tub to below 101 degrees, or limit yourself to no more than ten or fifteen minutes."
I looked it up on my iPhone. "She's right. The American Pregnancy Association says you can use one if you don't let your core temp go over 101. Let's lower the temperature on this to 100 and you should be able to use it indefinitely and until it gets down to temperature, just limit your use to ten minutes at a time."
"Wonderful." She turned the temperature down to one hundred and got in and joined us. I set a timer for ten minutes. "This is one of the things I missed during my pregnancy." Julia kissed me.
I held her close. Lucia and Rhonda did the same. At some point, Lucia closed her eyes and sighed, trembling. I suspected extracurricular activities going on under the bubbles; a suspicion borne out when Rhonda did the same several minutes later.
When the alarm went off, Julia got out and I got out with her, only long enough to whip Lisa five times. Julia got back on the table so Lisa could lick her again. The doorbell rang. Chen and Janet, I imagined. It was close to supper time. Julia and Lisa were busy, and Lucia and Rhonda were guests. Left it up to me, I suppose. I grabbed a towel so I could dry off on the way.
As expected, Janet and Chen were standing at the door. I wrapped the towel around my waist to answer the door and opened it.
"Hello, Chen, Janet. So pleased you can join us tonight. We're all out in the back enjoying the pool. Please join us."
"Thank you, Master Scott," Janet said, shedding her clothes. "Master, do you have an objection?"
"No, Janet. Go ahead."
"Thank you, sir." She started to head back to the pool.
"Wait a moment," I said. "I want you to know Lisa is being punished. You may give her five swats with your hand, The Enforcer, or a whip. Or you may get your cunt licked, but she's not to orgasm under any circumstances. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Master Scott. Master, could I please cum?"
"You can let her lick you, but you can't cum."
"Yes, Master." She went outside, hurrying.
Chen handed me some grocery bags. "What you needed from the store, plus a bottle of wine."
"Did you bring a suit, or will you be going 'au naturale'?"
"I take it from the towel, you're doing the latter?"
"It's certainly more comfortable that way."
"And everyone else is naked?"
"Even Sergeant Meadows, who is joining us this weekend."
"The tall, black woman who was at Luigi's last night?"
"Yes. She's somewhat taken with Lucia. Lucia is willing to spend time with her while she's in town. They like each other."
"Do you think she'll be upset if I'm walking around with my wang out, so's to speak?"
"Well, I've been walking around all afternoon with mine out, so I think you're good. In addition to being a police officer, my understanding is the sparring match between her and Lucia was wicked. Lucia still has bruises and she won. Treat her with a certain amount of consideration and respect and she's unlikely to give you trouble."
"What does she think about this whole slavery thing?"
"I think she's still trying to wrap her head around it."
"Kind of like me, in other words."
"As you can tell from last weekend, I still don't know what I'm doing all the time. Kind of learning as I go. Why don't you go to the spare bedroom and get naked and come out and join the party. I'll get started on the baked potatoes. They take the longest to cook. Oh, and be sure and paddle Lisa's ass a couple times. She's being punished for helping Julia dominate Mistress Dark's slaves. No more than five at a pop."
He went upstairs to the spare bedroom and I started wrapping potatoes in aluminum foil with a little butter and salt for the grill. By the time he came down, everything was pretty much ready for the grill. I had him open the wine and he carried the bottle with the platter of steaks. I carried the potatoes and sweet corn. When we got out to the patio, we saw Janet on the table in front of Lisa having her cunt licked.
"Remember, slave, no cumming," Chen warned her.
"No, Master."
I fired up the grill and put the potatoes on. The corn would go on with the steaks, top rack in about fifteen minutes. I asked if Lucia could help Julia get a salad, plates, flatware, glasses, and condiments going. Rhonda volunteered to help and got out of the hot tub.
"Holy shit!" Chen said under his breath as she walked into the house, "that ass, those legs."
"Kind of makes you wonder what it would be like if she wrapped them around you, doesn't it."
"You too?"
"I think she affected everyone the same way, even the women."
I gave Lisa another couple swats with the paddle, then handed it to Chen who gave her three. Janet suddenly scrabbled back on the table.
"That was close," she whimpered, trembling, "I almost climaxed."
"Since you're done, go help in the kitchen," Chen said.
"Yes, Master." She scampered off.
Everyone soon returned carrying stuff out. They set everything on the umbrella table as Lisa still occupied the picnic table. Chen poured a bottle of wine, giving everyone but Julia and Lisa a little. I put the steaks on.
"Master," Lisa said, "the batteries on the Slave Trainer have died."
I looked at Lisa. She was still bent over and tied down with her legs spread, the butt plug stuck in her ass. She'd licked enough pussy her face was covered in girl cum. Her own fluids were running down her legs. Her bottom had experienced enough spankings and paddling it showed some redness. An exquisite sight really. I'd have loved to fuck her at that moment.
"Julia, release your sister slave so she can shower and join us."
"Yes, sir." Julia immediately started to release her, starting with the blindfold and dead Slave Trainer.
"Master, may I please cum before taking a shower?" Lisa asked, desperate after two and a half hours in the Slave Trainer.
"No. I'm watching the steaks and your next orgasm will be from me."
"Yes, sir." Julia finished releasing Lisa and she stood and stretched, loosening her joints after being confined in the same position for so long. Julia kissed her, tasting multiple women on her lips.
"You have ten minutes. The food will be done shortly. Clean your plug if you need to remove it, but replace it after."
"Yes, Master."