Lauren, a sadist who was cursed when she was born, is trapped to live her life alone. With her cursed magic powers givin...
Chapter 1
I awoke in my cell of a room, beginning my day as I always have since I’ve been here, groaning and wishing I was somewhere else, anywhere else.
"Good morning," said an angelic voice from the cell door which was now open.
I turned to it, seeing the beautiful blonde woman from my nightmares. The tall and slim woman who has held me hostage for a month now, since she had taken me from my family.
"What do you want?" I ask her annoyedly.
I had never spoken to her since today, she barely visited me which annoyed me to hell, because I haven't been able to leave this room since I woke up here my first morning. I also haven’t been given much food, which peeves me more because of the on stop rumbling, which seems to echo off the four concrete walls imprisoning me.
One of her perfectly sculpted eyebrows shot up in curiosity and annoyance at my words. But she knows why I am being so blunt, she knows she is the cause. She took me from my life, and now she just leaves me to decay in a room, for nothing.
"I was going to ask if you wanted to accompany me to lunch," she says innocently, but the tone of frustration is clear in her voice. "But I see you are a bit preoccupied so maybe I should reschedule for next month."
"No," I scream pulling my numb body from the bed and running to the cell door, but it has already closed by the time I reach it.
I feel my world come crashing down, I had just thrown away the only chance I had of leaving this room, because I let my frustration get the best of me. My knees buckled and fell to the concrete floor and banged my hands against the cold, unforgiving steel of the door.
For a month, I have been allowed nothing but loneliness and helplessness. All hopes of being rescued had left me the first week of my imprisonment, but my defiance and frustration for this situation has done nothing but build.
And now it has gotten in the way of the only opportunity I had of getting food.
Hot tears spilled from my eyes as my body completely crumbled to the floor in pain as my chest constricted with sobs. I hug my torso and cradle myself until my arms go limp from tiredness.
My eyes roll down to the concrete under my cheek, seeing the soaked in puddles that were my tears only minutes ago.
I am never leaving this room, there is nothing to fight for.
Maybe I should just obey whoever the hell she is and maybe she will let me go back to my family. Who am I kidding, this woman has left you to rot in this cell for a month, having done nothing to you. If she wanted to let you go, then you wouldn’t be here in the first place.
The rattling of keys brings me back to reality as a stream of light pours into my cell.
I am too weak to protest anymore, as I feel delicate arms wrap under my knees and behind my back.
She doesn’t say anything as she lifts me from the floor and cradles me in her arms. She gently places me back on the steel framed bed. She doesn’t even look at me, despite my unrelenting stare at her black irises.
Can people even have black irises? They might just be contacts or really dark brown, but I swear they are black.
She gently pulls the thin blanket over my body and leans down to kiss me on the forehead, however I feel the world slip away from me as her hot lips make contact with my skin.
“I love you sweety,” said my mother as she left the house for work.
“I love you too,” I yell back, falling back on my comfortable and warm bed.
Summer holidays, oh how I missed you. Three months of uninterrupted sleep, laziness and relaxation.
Before long I found myself back unconscious, until I heard the front door slam. Panickedly I shoot up in my bed and run down stairs, finding my father stumbling through the house with a bottle of alcohol in his shaky hand.
“Dad?” I ask calmly, approaching him like I would a violent animal. “You need to leave, you don’t live here anymore.”
“Don’t tell me what to do,” he dysfunctionally yells.
He stumbles towards me and I back away with every step.
My father could get very violent when he’s had too much to drink, I would like to think that’s why my mother left him, not because she didn’t love him anymore. My dad wasn’t a bad person, he just didn’t stay somber long enough to show how good he was often.
“Wow,” he slurs and hiccups before continuing. “You’ve grown up,”
“I think you should leave.”
“What?” He says throwing his arms out in question, with the bottle falling from his grip and smashed on the floor, making me flinch. “You leave me like that bitch of a wife?”
“Don’t call her that,” I say sternly, feeling my buried anger for my dad coming to the surface.
I saw his fist raise before I closed my eyes waiting for the impact that never came. Instead my father laid in an unconscious mess on the floor, with a beautiful blonde angel standing above him.
She stares curiously at me before stepping over my father’s limp body and taking my face in her hands.
I stand stunned in her grip, falling into the black abyss of her coal eyes.
The last thing I remember is her watching my lips and leaning in, before my subconscious takes me.