Meanwhile... Guile gently tapped Tarse.
"Are you ready, friend?!" he asked.
"I’m ready!"
"You, Avana?"
"A while ago!"
After a while they felt a strong tremor. Gradually... They saw the big wall cracking. Until it have completely destroyed and unleashed on them the enormous Ballrog. It didn't just come in... It preceded the Orcs. They ran fast forward. The big Golems followed them. Everyone was ready. And led by Guile and Avalon...
Avalon shouted loudly. Everyone shouted loudly... Then at once everyone rushed towards the opponents. The Kapre and the Tikbalangs come first, because they are the largest kind of Fairies. Next were the Elves warriors riding on horse-shaped tikbalangs... A big CLASH happened. They know very well the weakness of the Orcs, the soft part of their chest and neck.
The Golems and the Ballrog have also joined. Many of the Fairies have also been killed by the strong blows. Ballrog crushes the captured Fairies in its hands, it even kicks others.
Meanwhile... Guile looked at Ballrog. It helps them a lot when they lose it, they can go further. Right now, he is busy fighting the Orcs. He targets their necks, it really helps that he is riding Tarse because he jumps high so that he can cut the necks of the opponents. Avana, on the other hand, makes a water shield so that the enemies will not attack them. Their teamwork is great.
"Tars! Let's go to Ballrog! Let's knock him down!"
"All right!"
Tars runs very fast towards the opponent. It jumps very high when the Orcs block them...
"Buwiset!" exclaimed Guile.
Two large Golems block them. Tarse is not sure if they can handle them. Tarse jumped up and jumped high. But he was still hesitant...
From a distance, one arrow at a time hit the Golem. Hitting them, they melted their large bodies and turned to ashes. Guile secretly smiled ... He knew as much as Fiara helped them. Apart from medicine. Fantine and Fiara's unique abilities are a powerful poison. Those poisons can melt anything...
Tarse ran very fast and when they got close to the big Ballrog it jumped hard and jumped high, even higher than before. He drew his sword and aimed it at his opponent's side... His sword made a big cut. It is very sharp.
That was Ballrog's loud growl. It violently turned to where they were and its nose was smoking heavily. Its reddened eyes also glowed and its body became more flammable. They bravely faced it...
"Hoy, ugly demon! If you want to retaliate against me, follow me!..."
It ran fast where they were and Tarse also ran fast. They kept Ballrog away from the battlefield. It almost catches up with them and tries to catch up with them. Fortunately, Tarse really ran fast...
"You're great Tars! Now, turn in that direction as we planned last night!"
It quickly turned in the direction he said. They are going to the swamp where there are many quick sanders... Meanwhile, Haeres frowned when he saw Ballrog with what he was chasing. He smiled.
"The courage of that one. I'll just see if you don't crumble when my pet catches up with you..." he said calmly.
Meanwhile, Tarse runs carefully into the swamp. And because of that, they can almost be reached. He jumps between the quicksands. Ballrog is slowly approaching them. Its large hands pointed at them. They were about to be apprehended when Ballrog was suddenly stopped. Tarse stopped running and they turned around. They saw that Ballrog was slowly sinking into a quicksand. The earth is swallowing up its enormous body.
"Okay!" the three of them shouted almost at the same time.
The Fairies also shouted with them and became more courageous. Ballrog could do nothing, it could not get out of the quicksand. They can clearly see how the earth will swallow it. When Ballrog finally disappeared from their sight they returned to the battlefield.
Meanwhile, Haeres firmly clenched his fists. His creator Satan-one of the Seven Prince of hell, the sin of Wrath, sent him here... To destroy and rule this world. He will not allow himself to fail just because... He looked at the man wearing brilliant armour. The man who beat his Ballrog. It used intelligence. He stood up and pulled out the sword strapped to his waist.
"Take me to that man!"
His Golem disciples ran quickly. Guile was shocked when he saw the four Golems’ running towards him from the big chair. The man on board was already standing, it looked like the leader was planning to confront him... He quickly pushed Tarse back because the Golem people were planning to step on them. The area they step on was crush. They keep attacking them but...
Consecutive arrows hit the Golems’ body... They melted.
"Are you all right?!" Fiara asked.
"Yes, thank you!" Avana answered.
Fiara was already behind them and it was riding on a horse that was stained in color. Brown and white. She is not alone, she is with her older brother Fantine.
Guile, Tarse and Avana confronted the man who attacked them. It holds a sword with a knot. It stands comfortably.
"Your courage to finish my pet Ballrog! You will pay for what you did!"
It rushed quickly and Tarse also ran fast to rush... They will keep up. Fiara and Fantine are busy shooting at the oncoming Orcs and Golems.
Guile sighed as the man suddenly disappeared in front of them. Suddenly he felt his body float in the air and his sword stuck in his shoulder. He fell to the ground and his sword remained on his shoulder. The opponent looked at his face.
His black hair is short and he looks like a normal person. Its skin color is slightly reddish. It was worn with a thick black armour with thorn ornaments. He grinned at him and pressed the weapon closer to his shoulder.
"Your courage to challenge me! You are just a mortal man! Because of that, I will torment you until you die, I will make you feel pain in every fibre of your body! That's the thing with curious people like you!"
Avana quickly rushed to help him.
"Spring Buster!"
She created a whirlwind of water but...
"Black Mist!..."
Haeres punched in the air and created a black wave. That solid hit Avana.
Its loud scream. It flew away and lost consciousness. Tarse followed. He tried to kick the opponent but it grabbed his feet and threw him. He slipped a few times and his body hit a large rock. As a result, his form returned to normal.
Meanwhile, Haeres violently removed his weapon that was buried in his opponent's shoulder.
"Argh!" Guile growled.
He looked sharply in front of him. He suddenly raised his hand holding the sword. He waved it but the man quickly escaped. He only made a small cut on his left-cheek. Haeres became even angrier, he grabbed his cheek which was scratched. He suddenly stepped on his hand and released the sword he was holding. He kicked his weapon away and pulled the man away. He lifted it from lying on the ground.
Guile frowned at the pain of the tweak. But he will not just lose, he will fight... He punched but it quickly escaped his attack.
"Hmm... It's me now!"
Haeres punched the man in front of him hard in the face. After that, it rained on his body. It tries to fight but he uses speed. He kicked it in the side and bowed it... He immediately followed his attack. He kicked it hard in the back, it knelt down. He kicked it in the back a few more times until it lay down.
Meanwhile, Tarse got up quickly. He was stunned and his eyes widened when he saw his friend being beaten. He got up quickly and immediately ran to where it was. He released a strong kick. The opponent did not expect that. It flew. He immediately helped Guile get up. He supports it.
"T-Thank you..." Guile sighed because of the beating.
"You don't have to be thankful. Come with me."
Tarse kept lifting Guile. He ran fast. He intends to take Guile away to be taken to a safe place. He has done enough for them.
"Uuuuuuuurgh!..." a loud growl escaped Tarse.
Suddenly, someone stab behind it, none other than Haeres. He even kicked Tarse and Guile jumped out of it. The Tikbalang fell down.
"You dare Tikbalang you to attack me like that! Here's what your legs should be!"
Tarse moaned loudly as the devil broke his legs. He even literally heard the sound of his broken bones. Haeres even kicked the tikbalang in the back, aiming at the part he stabbed. As it moaned loudly and he was overjoyed. For him, music is the voice of the hurt and the afflicted.
"That's enough! S-Stop! Stop my friend! I'm your opponent!"
Guile forced himself to crawl towards them. Haeres stopped what he was doing and looked at the man who spoke. He looked miserable as he forced himself to crawl closer to them. He laughed out loud. A mischievous laugh.
"Am I hearing right? Friend?! Both of you are different creatures. FOOLISH!"
"That thing is not nonsense... FOOL!" Tarse's bold language.
Because of that, Haeres annoyed that he grabbed his hair on the head and punched him in the face...
"Shut up!"
He also broke his right arm. He shouted loudly because of the pain...
"In that case, human... We will both be fair. You finished my pet Ballrog. So I should just finish your friend tikbalang too, right?!"
Haeres looked sharply at the man and smiled sparingly ...
"D-Don't do that! I'm to blame for you. Kill me! Let my friend go! Even if you play with me, before you finish... Just leave Tars alone!..." Guile said desperately.
He forced his right hand up as if he could reach his friend's whereabouts.
"Hoy, human! Isn't it clear to you that the demon is in front of you?"
"U-Leave Guile! Just run away, leave me! He is a demon and he has no mercy so just leave. Gather strength for yourself!"
"ARGH! S-Stop Tars! I-I won't do that!" his tears kept dripping.
The demon look at them in amazement.
"Ha ha ha ha! Weak creatures! That's all you good people are... To beg and cry. Poor creatures!"
Haeres laughed sarcastically. It stopped laughing when Tarse laughed softly.
"Y-You are mistaken. People are not weak creatures... In fact, it was his strategy that brought down your army! Look around!" Tarse said insultingly.
There are only a few Orcs and Golems left. They are far away in the battle but they can clearly see who is already superior. Haeres' face darkened and he looked at Guile angrily.
"Y-You're just a human being! Because of that, you will pay dearly! Watch!"
"NOOOOO!...." Guile's loud shout echoed.
He stabbed Tarse in the chest and suddenly his big body fell to the ground. He forced himself to stand but his body fell.