Ryker stood at the cinema entrance, waiting for Kendra and Ryder. He spotted them approaching, anger boiling inside him. But he noticed a familiar face alongside them—Janina. His heart skipped a beat.
Ryker had a secret crush on Janina for what has felt like an eternity. Now, seeing her smile with sparkling eyes, and in a mini skirt, his anger and frustration melted away. Ryder knew Janina was Ryker’s weakness, and it seemed she had intentionally brought her to diffuse the anger bomb.
“Hey, Ryker.” Kendra greeted. Ryder hugged him, clapping him on the back.
“Thought you could use a friendly face.” Ryder muttered. Kendra chuckled, exchanging a knowing glance with Ryder.
“We figured Janina’s presence might calm you down.” Kendra winked. Ryker glanced at Janina who was flushed by the statement.
“Hey, Ryker. Long time no see.” Janina greeted Ryker. Ryker’s throat dried up, but he managed a weak smile.
“Janina…uh, hey.” Ryker replied nervously. His animosity suddenly disappeared, replaced by excitement and nervousness.
Janina had long dark hair that cascaded over her shoulders. She had soft curves and when she walked past him, the subtle hint of jasmine tickled his nostrils. Ryker inhaled and smiled.
Ryker had always been intrigued by the scent of a woman. He believed it was the most intimate thing about her. A secret language that spoke volumes about her desires and fantasies.
They found their seats, Ryker’s awareness of Janina’s proximity grew. Her arm brushed against his, sending shivers down his spine. The cinema’s darkness enveloped them, and he began to get anxious. Unfortunately, he sat far from her.
The movie began, but Ryker’s attention wavered. He stole glances at Janina, who seemed engrossed in the film. He chuckled at the intensity. Her laughter sent warmth through his chest. Ryder, seated on the other side of Janina, whispered something into her ear. Janina smiled, and Ryker felt a pang of jealousy. Kendra leaned forward, blocking his view.
“Are you enjoying the movie?” She whispered. Ryker nodded, forcing his gaze back to the screen. But his mind wandered. “I see you stealing glances. You should take her to get us a refill.” Kendra said and winked. Ryker scoffed but didn’t reject the offer.
Kendra took out her phone and wrote a message in her note, which she airdropped to the group—We need a refill on snacks. Ryker, can you and Janina grab us refreshments please?. They all turned to look at Kendra. Kendra’s focus on the screen intensified.
Ryker leaned forward to look at Janina. She leaned forward as well, wearing a big grin and waved at him. Ryker felt a spark in his chest, and nudged his head towards the exit. She nodded and they both got up and stepped out.
“You smell incredible.” Ryker said, leaning in a little too close as they stood in line. Janina blushed, a soft pink spreading across her cheeks, highlighting her freckles.
“Thank you,” She replied, her voice barely above a whisper. “It’s my body lotion.” Ryker smiled at her cuteness. It was her shyness that amused him. He could sense her excitement, her nervousness. He could smell how sweet and intoxicating she was beneath her jasmine scent. He took a step back to take a proper look at her. She had changed so much. She had grown out her hair, gotten fuller boobs and she had a tiny waist that complimented her curvy hips. She looked so hot in her black mini skirt and a blue armless cropped top. She had long shiny legs. He drooled over her. She turned back to look at him. “Wanna sit over there?” She pointed at a bench. “They will take some time to prepare it.” She suggested. “It will take a while.” Ryker nodded and they made their way to the bench. He bought them cold drinks, and they drank as they talked and laughed. He told her about his love for cars, how he could spend hours tinkering with engines. Janina listened intently, her eyes shining with interest. In not what he was saying, but him. She couldn’t take her eyes off his lips. Janina in order to not seem uninterested, told him about her college life, and her dream of traveling the world.
“Would you like to travel alone or with your boyfriend?” Ryker asked. This was his way of finding out if she was single, taken, single and searching, or happily single.
“What? You think I have a boyfriend?” Janina asked, laughing.
“Why not?” Ryker asked. “I mean I’m not saying it’s bad news but…why?”
“I don’t know. I guess I haven’t seen one who fits my description.” She replied, staring at him with intent. It seemed like she was giving him a hint. Did she mean him? It felt like she meant him. There was a brief silence as they stared at each other. Ryker inhaled deeply and exhaled.
“You know,” Ryker chuckled. “I have a car. A beautiful, classic Mustang. It’s uh…parked just down the street. I could take you for a ride.” He suggested. “If you’d—If you’d like.” He stammered, scratching behind his head. That was the effect she had on him. Janina smiled, a slow, seductive curve of her lips, her fingers scratching against the surface of her cup.
“I’d love that.” She said and glanced at his lips. Ryker felt that.
Ryker led her to his car, a stunning red Mustang with a black leather interior. He opened the door for her, and she slid inside, her skirt riding up slightly to reveal a hint of creamy thighs. Ryker swallowed hard, his heart pounding in his chest. He closed the door and walked around to the driver’s side.
Ryker started the car, the engine purred to life, a deep rumble that vibrates through the seats. Janina looked at him, her eyes wide with a mixture of excitement and apprehension.
“So, where are we going?” She asked. Ryker glanced at her and smiled, his eyes glowing with excitement as well.
“One of my favorite spots.” He replied.
“Okay. But where?” She asked.
“You will find out.” He added. She didn’t look convinced. “Don’t be scared, I am not about to abduct you or anything.” He assured her. “Trust me.” She narrowed her eyes at him and sighed deeply. She put on her seatbelt. “Yeah?”
“Lead the way.” She gestured and they both laughed. Ryker shifted the car into gear, and they glided out of the parking lot. Janina’s curiosity was palpable, but she seemed to be enjoying the mystery. As they drove through the city, the scenery shifted from urban to suburban, and finally a picturesque coastal route. Janina’s eyes widened as the ocean came into view. “Wow.” She breathed. Ryker smiled, his eyes never leaving the road. They turned into a winding cliff side road, the sound of waves crashing below filing the air. Janina’s excitement grew, her hands gripping her purse. “Are we—“
“—Almost there.” Ryker chuckled. Ryker turned into a winding dirt path, leading them deeper into the woods. The trees parted, revealing a serene lake, its surface glistening like diamonds under the moon’s gentle beam. Janina gasped.
“This is even more breathtaking.” She giggled. Ryker smiled, pleased with himself.
“I knew you’d love it. I told you it was one of my favorites.”
“I want to share something special with you too.” Janina said, her voice barely above a whisper. Ryker’s gaze turned curious.
“What is it?” Ryker asked. Janina’s cheeks flushed, but she held his gaze.
“I want to lose my virginity to you.” These words hung in the air like a challenge. Ryker’s expression transformed from anticipation to shock. His eyes widened, and he took a step back, as if needing space to process.
“Janina…” He trailed off, his voice faced with caution. Janina’s hands trembled slightly, but she stood firm.
“Ryker…Look, Ryker, I know it’s sudden, but I’ve felt this way for a while. You make me feel seen, heard, and understood in ways no one else has.” Ryker’s face softened, his eyes searching hers.
“Janina, I…”
“I love you, Ryker,” She confessed, her voice steady. “I love how you make me laugh, how you challenge me, and how you care for me. I want my first time to be with someone I trust, someone I love.” Ryker was stunned by the emotional weight of Janina’s words. His expression turned tender, his eyes locked on Janina’s. He took a deep breath, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Janina, I have wanted to hear those words from you for so long.” He moved closer, his hands cradling her face. “I love you too, Janina. More than words can say.” Janina’s heart skipped a beat as Ryker’s thumbs caressed her cheeks. “Are you sure about this?” Ryker asked, his gaze searching hers.
“Yes, I am sure.” Janina nodded, her voice a whisper. Ryker’s eyes never left hers as he reached across to unclick her seatbelt. His fingers brushed against hers, sending shivers down her spine. As the seat belt retracted, Ryker leaned in, his lips inches from Janina’s.
“I want to make this perfect for you.” He whispered. Janina’s pulse quickened, her heart racing. Ryker’s lips gently brushed against hers, sending sparks through her entire being. His lips parted, and Janina’s mouth welcomed him. Their tongues danced, a tickling sensation coursing through her. The kiss grew hungrier. Their passion ignited like frameworks. Janina’s hands wrapped around Ryker’s neck, pulling him closer. But as Ryker’s hands began to roam, Janina’s nerves resurfaced. She broke the kiss, gasping for air.
“Ryker, wait…” She whispered, her voice trembling. Ryker’s eyes locked on hers, concern etched on his face.
“What’s wrong?” Janina’s cheeks flushed.
“I…I don’t know if I am ready.” She said Ryker’s expression softened. He pulled her into a hug, holding her gently.
“Hey, we don’t have to do anything. I just want to be with you.” Janina nodded, her uncertainty began to fade, replaced by trust in Ryker’s words. “Let’s head back. The rest will be looking for us.” Janina sighed deeply before giving a strained smile and nodded.