Our new neighbors appeared to be in their mid-40s and fit. On the far end, the husband was tanned, with manicured hair, and European style swim trunks. The wife, equally tanned, had luxurious black hair and wore a string bikini. She was beautiful and gave off an air of refinement.
Jess took the seat next to the raven-haired wife, gushing an apology for crowding them. She had a perfect cocaine high going, making her more outgoing and charming than usual. I watched as the husband checked out Jess's lower half as she sat down.
We moved onto our bottle of Champagne. Jess took off her coverup and bathing suit top, allowing her modest breasts to show off their undeniable perkiness. Our legs intertwined once more, we let the light breeze and sound of the crashing waves wash over us. It was peaceful to the point of zen. We held hands, perfectly content.
"They look so good natural," came the voice of the wife next to us, shaking Jess and me out of our trance.
Jess looked over and smiled. "Oh, thank you," she said. "No tattoos, no surgeries!"
Our neighbor took off her bikini top, revealing achingly large fake tits. Her small nipples jutted straight out, appearing permanently hard. She had no tan lines. There was a modest scar on the underside of each breast.
"I wish I didn't have these blemishes," she said, referring to the scars.
"You are exquisite," Jess said. "When did you have your surgery done?"
"Ten years ago," she said, "after I was done having children." I detected a faintly European accent.
"Don't feel bad," Jess said. "The techniques to avoid scars weren't as sophisticated as today. They look beautiful and are very well done."
"You're very knowledgeable," she said.
"Sorry!" Jess said. "I work for a plastic surgeon. He's a really good one, so trust me when I say your breasts look fantastic."
"You're too kind," she said. "I'm Sonya."
"Nice to meet you," Jess said and extended her hand. "I'm Jess. This is my boyfriend John." I reached across to shake her hand. Sonya did so gently.
"This is my husband Nicholas," she said.
"Enchanté," he said, taking Jess's hand. I wanted to roll my eyes.
"John," I said and shook his hand firmly.
The girls chatted, and I turned my attention to the Champagne and the book I had brought with me. Nicholas seemed equally detached, taking in the sights of the beach. After a while, Jess excused herself to the restroom again, not bothering to put on her coverup. She returned a few minutes later, the renewed coke high already kicking in. I looked at her body with lust. She was mine.
"Sorry," Jess said as she sat down again. "I needed a little pick-me-up. We didn't get much sleep last night. The beach makes me very frisky." She was putting out an obvious feeler to Sonya and Nicholas.
"What sort of pick-me-up?" Sonya asked.
Jess rubbed her nose lightly and said quietly, "Oh, just a little bump."
Sonya smiled. "Lucky to find some of that on the island!" she said. "Although I do tend to be more of a molly girl myself."
"It sounds like you're a lot of fun," Jess said, making a point of looking directly at Sonya's anklet.
"Especially when the sun goes down," Sonya said, shifting her leg slightly and making it clear she had seen Jess's gaze at her ankle.
"Oh, girl, why wait that long?" Jess said with a laugh. "John and I start the fun when the sun comes up!" She was trying to pull me into the conversation, and I took the cue.
"Jess and I take a 24/7 approach to fun," I said. To back up the talk, I excused myself to the restroom, and Jess palmed me the baggie of coke.
Nicholas had waited for me to leave before joining the conversation. He was quite chatty when I returned, but I didn't get a chance to because Jess asked me to get a round of drinks for everyone. I was about to balk, since we had such attentive wait staff, but her eyes popping over her sunglasses indicated she was having more luck without me there.
I walked to the bar and took my time, wondering what Jess was up to. Regardless, I liked leaving her in control of the situation. It was stoking her enthusiasm, I could see. It took me ten minutes to get a round of tropical shooters I like called "Double Trouble," which had pineapple and piña colada mix combined with dark rum, and a bottle of Champagne. The waitress carried it all on a tray, following me to the group.
The four of us took the shots, and that, coupled with whatever Jess had broached in conversation broke the ice among the four of us. It became more of a group discussion, talking about home. They were from Milan, but Nicholas grew up in Spain, and Sonya was from Hungary originally. They had met in the U.S. during college. It was an enviably cosmopolitan background and helped explain the confidence and ease they exuded.
So it took me by surprise when Nicholas excused himself. I gave Jess a quizzical look, and she brushed it off.
"Darling, why don't you order some lunch for us in the suite?" she suggested. Then, in a lower voice for me to hear, "And Sonya and I will join you there in a few minutes."
I suppressed my look of surprise and followed her instructions. I ordered a variety of cold seafood for lunch, along with two bottles of Sancerre. We had plenty of Champagne in the room, and I popped a bottle. The food arrived, but the girls hadn't. I poured a second glass of Champagne, and the door flung open.
Jess and Sonya tumbled into the room in a mass of porcelain-and-olive skin. They were making out, their breasts mashed together, not having bothered to put tops on when coming in from the beach. I was really surprised at what transpired in front of me. The girls broke their kiss, and Jess grinned at me.
"We have a toy for two hours, sweetie," she announced. "But there's only one condition from Nicholas: we have to make an audio recording."
Sonya added quickly, "My husband is very auditory. He likes to have the sound and fill in the visual on his own." This explained the treble clef on her anklet.
"I can see how that would be incredibly erotic," I said, honestly.
I poured the girls glasses of Champagne and showed them our lunch spread. We ate and talked. It became a bit less awkward as we finished one bottle and moved on to the second. After lunch, Jess suggested we smoke a joint. Sonya eagerly agreed.
Jess rolled the spliff and sparked it up, offering Sonya the first hit. She took it with practiced skill. Jess hit it hard before passing it to me.
"Marijuana is lovely," Sonya said. "Mellow and not too much, like a nice glass of wine." I tried to remind myself not to stare at her invitingly hard nipples
"It makes me horny," Jess said. "I need a man to be rough with me. John was very rough with my ass last night after we smoked."
"You seem very cocksure, John," Sonya said, and I admired her command of English and its puns.
"I just like to have a good time," I said. "And a good time usually starts with ensuring a beautiful woman gets exactly what she wants."