The click clack sound of heels against the hardwood floor echoes around the office. With long white hair packed into a tight ponytail, eyes lined with black eyeliner and lips as orange as the fruit itself. With feet clad in red heels, lower half covered by jean shorts that stops just after the bum and a white loose long sleeve shirt covering the upper half. She looked ready for anything, however, looks can be deceiving.
"Mel, I take it you have good news." A low voice calls from inside the office.
Mel stops halfway into the office, she holds her iPad held tightly in her left hand. The office itself was sparse, with a dark brown table taking almost half of the space, floor to ceiling length windows behind it and looking out of it is an elderly man dressed to his nines in a grey suit with a clean shaven head and crows feet at the side of his eyes.
"He took flight 567 to Granger City under the alias Jaden Kendrick." Mel informs the elderly man who just nods, never looking away from the window. She closes the space between the desk and herself and gently placed her iPad on the table. "I've got my men checking Granger and the surrounding islands."
The man hums.
"That's not how he thinks, Mel." The man sings and pushed his hand into his pocket. "Check all flights leaving Granger City and find the name that sticks out the most."
"I WILL FORGIVE YOU ONLY ONCE MEL! THREAD CAREFULLY!" the man bellowed, he turns around sharply to face Mel who let out a loud whimper. "YOU FAILED ME BY LETTING HIM LEAVE NEW YORK MEL! YOU FAILED YOUR ALPHA AND THE PACK!"
Mel lets out another whimper and nods. She had her head bent low as a sign of respect and also partially scared to see the glowing red eyes of the Alpha she had disappointed.
"I'll be right on it, Alpha."
The elderly man hums again. He walks around the table, the thump of his shoes echoing around the room as he makes his way to Mel. When hes right in front of her, he cups her face in his and raises her head up. Mel looks at the burning red eyes of her Alpha, her body trembling in fear as he strokes her cheeks with his thumbs.
"You're my favourite Beta, Mel. You're so good and so brave, you make me proud." He sings her praises until her body relaxes in his hold. "We don't want the prophecy to be fulfilled do we, Mel? Don't you want to marry me anymore, Melly?"
Mel shook her head in response.
"Then find Cobie Alexander Deckard and bring him to me." The elderly man whispered, he smiled when he receives another nod from Mel. "Good girl."
Cobie stares at the little wolf that had climbed off the pillow he had kept him on and settled down on his stomach instead. He watches as the little wolf's body rose and fell with each breathe he took in and let out.
"I've got to stop calling you little wolf." Cobie whispers as he strokes the wolf sleeping on his stomach. He gently moves the little thing to check the gender of the wolf, smiling when he finds out its a boy. "I'm going to name you Blue. After your eyes."
Like he just heard the name, Blue blinks himself awake slowly. Cobie smiles softly as he watched Blue wake himself up.
"Good morning, Blue." Cobie greets, still stroking Blue. The little wolf presses his head against Cobies fingers. "Let's get ready for the day shall we?"
Without waiting for an answer he scoops Blue up and takes him to the bathroom. Blue being small enough to fit the sink made things easy for Cobie, he grabs his soap and makes sure the water was not too hot as he washes Blue clean.
"So what will you eat this morning, baby Blue?" Cobie coos at the wolf, his eyes turning blue. "I have leftover chicken from last night. Are you interested?"
Cobie doesn't get a reply but hears the cutest sneeze ever. He quickly grabs a towel and wraps Blue in it while humming Halsey's Devil in Me. He takes Blue back out and places him on the ground, falling in place beside the little wolf. He bursts into laughter when Blue shakes the water from his fur. Blue looks at Cobie with big blue eyes and shakes his fur again, enjoying the sound of Cobies laughter.
"Okay Blue. Its time for food." Cobie informs the little wolf as he lifts himself off the floor. Blue follows Cobie who was making his way to the kitchen. He pulls out the leftover chicken and pushed it into the microwave. Blue stayed by his side, walking around his legs.
"Isn't someone looking for you though, Blue?" Cobie asks the wolf who curls himself around Cobies leg. "Do you think you're a cat, Blue?" Cobie asks, chuckling at his little friend. "Well, sorry to burst your bubble but you're not." The microwave lets out a beep and Cobie pulls out the chicken. He cuts the chicken into tiny pieces and places it on the ground for Blue who runs towards it like he hasn't eaten in a year. Cobie laughs at his friend and grabs a small bowl, he fills it with water and places it beside the bowl of diced chicken.
"Eat up, Blue. I'm going to have a quick shower and join you in a few." Cobie waves as he walks away. His eyes were still blue and since he didnt feel like going anywhere, he decides no contact lens today. Feeling on top of the world, he takes a quick bath and wraps himself in a towel when he was done and the tap was off. Since his apartment was an open floor plan, he could see Blue all the way from his bedroom. He moisturizes and pulls on an army green shirt with supreme written on it and black sweatpants.
He walks out of his room, still drying his hair with a towel. He finds Blue lying on his stomach, his little paws swiping at the air.
"You're so adorable." Cobie chuckles, squatting to rub Blues belly, earning a little yip.
Cobie grabs a bowl and spoon, a box of Fruit Loops and a carton of milk. He sinks to the ground beside Blue and set his breakfast up.
"I pour my milk first before my fruit loops, is that weird?" Cobie asks Blue who just turns to stare at him. At least he was no longer playing with the air. "I stopped watching This Is Us at the end of season one. I cried so much Blue. I'm confiding in you because you're my blue and I have no one else to tell this to. You even saw my eyes turn white last night and that didn't freak you out at all, so why does it make others freak out? Why do they stare and point and whisper? Why do they call me names, Blue?"
Blue blinks at Cobie after his mini rant, he pushes himself to all fours and walks closer to Cobie, rubbing his head against Cobies knees. Cobie stares at his bowl of soggy colourful cereal.
"I never stay in a place for too long because I always slip up. I'm not a freak, am I?" Cobie asks as he stares into the bowl, missing Blue shake his head. It was quick.
Cobie bites his lip to dull out the sting behind his eyes. Crying is the last thing he needs right now and hed be damned if he does it in front of Blue. The adorable little thing. He grabs the spoon sitting in the bowl and with a sigh, takes a spoonful of cereal and pushed it into his mouth.
"Its not that bad." Cobie turns to tell Blue who was trying to climb his lap. He chuckles and helps his little friend rest on his thigh and continued eating.
"Don't you have friends who are missing you right now?"
Blue shakes his head in response and Cobie saw. He froze when he sees it and immediately places his plate on the ground. This cannot be happening right now. This isn't what he needs now. Hes been running from their kind all his life and now this little...
Cobie takes a deep breathe. Maybe he's wrong. Maybe he's reading too much into this. He looks at the little wolf watching him and silently prays to Serene that he's wrong. He picks the wolf and sets him on the kitchen counter, his eyes turning red in fear. His heart began to beat fast as he stares at Blue in front of him.
"Do you understand what I am saying, Blue?" he asks the wolf, drawing out the words as he does so.
A heavy silence settles between the two of them. Cobie wants to take little Blue into his arms and just forget about the werewolf thing but he needs to know. What if Blues mother was looking for him? Its not as if he can go to the police either, the whole point of hiding is to not be seen or caught. And he'd rather eat his middle finger than drop baby Blue in a basket in front of a police station. What if they were werecists?
Dread feels him up as he thinks about a werecist cop finds Blue and just finishes him off with a lethal injection to finish off a problem before it grows and becomes a menace in the future. Cobie shuddered as he remembered seeing the exact thing happen a few months ago in New York. Well he didn't see it live, he just read the news about it. The cop hadn't even been let go but had been suspended for three days instead.
"You know what, Blue?" Cobie starts. "If someones looking for you they can trace your scent right?"
Blue nods and Cobie lets out a breath he hadn't known he was holding. He cups Blue in his hands and walks out of the kitchen and to the sitting room. Still standing, he raises his hands up so Blue could look him in the eye.
"Why didn't you call out to your Alpha, Blue?"
At the word Alpha, Blue began shaking his head, one of his paws reaching out to cover his face. Cobie frowns but doesn't say a word. Instead he takes a seat on the couch and settles Blue o his designated pillow.
"Is something wrong? Does he or she hit you?"
Blue shakes his head no.
"Are you scared of your Alpha?" Cobie asks and Blue falls silent. He doesn't give a reply but settles into his pillow very well. Cobie doesn't know how to take this. Unlike humans weres didn't have Child Care Services, they couldn't be moved from one pack to another unless they were cast out or run away so far the links between them and the Pack including the Alpha was broken. So Cobie was at a loss for what to do, so he settles for meeting whoever comes to pick up Blue. He would make sure Blue is safe in the pack before he hands him over.
"Okay no more scary stuff, lets watch something funny."
Cobie grabs his remote and switched on his tv. He pulls out his phone and connects it to his television, he goes through the movies he bought recently until he settles on UP. He settles down on the couch as the movie starts. Halfway through the movie, Blue gets up from the pillow as crawls to Cobies stomach.
Cobie smiles at Blue, his eyes turning from pure red to white with small specks of red. He reaches out to stroke Blue's fur as they watched the movie. Cobie laughs here and there in the movie, laughing when Russell refused to leave Carl alone at the beginning and stuck his foot out, when found the big creature and named it Kevin, cooing as Carl explained some things to Russell. That's how their morning went and afternoon came.
"Come on, Blue. What would you like for lunch?" Cobie asks his little fury friend who just stared at him with big blue eyes instead.
"To be honest I don't know what werewolves eat but does chicken salad sound good to you?"
At the sound of chicken salad, Blue's eyes widened even more and he began to jump around his pillow. Cobie chuckled at his little friend and picks him up gently. He places Blue on the counter as he began to pull out the necessary things for their lunch.
"If you could shift back to eat, I'd toss in a sandwich later." Cobie says, trying to coax Blue, to see if the little wolf would shift but Blue just stares at him with what looks like a flat expression instead.
"Okay, okay. I give up." Cobie says, laughing as he raises his hands up in surrender. "I thought it wouldn't hurt to try, Blue."
After eating lunch, the two of them settled in front of the tv again. Cobie had nowhere to go and couldn't take Blue out to the balcony because who knows who might see them. If a member of the pack is looking for Blue they will find him, whether he's inside a house or not.
Once again, they settle for another cartoon, this time watching Shrek. Cobie wasn;t sure how old Blue was and had to choose Shrek over Mulan due to the little violence and war in it. Shrek was just slightly better. Halfway through Shrek, Blue began to shake, his eyes twitching and flipping. He stands on his paws and jumps from Cobies stomach and headed straight for the bed, crawling underneath it. Cobie stares at Blue with wide eyes, his eyes turning red, wondering what in Serene's name was going on, just as the doorbell goes off.
Cobie stared at his bed and then at the door but doesn't move.
Who was behind the door that made Blue so scared he hide for protection? The doorbell went off repeatedly but Cobie doesn;t move, he stays still. He runs to his closet, kneels down and pulls out a small duffel bag just as the doorbell went off again. He snaps it open and grabs his gun, checking to make sure it was loaded before tucking it underneath his shirt. He goes out just as the last doorbell goes off and then it became silent.
Cobie held his breath as he listens for any sound. He walks slowly to the door and then remembers his eyes. He wasn't wearing any contacts and there wasm't time to put them on. He runs back to his bedroom, pulls open a drawer and grabs a pair of dark Ray Bans. He slides them on just as someone jumps into his balcony, his heavy boots making a loud thud as he does so.
Cobie walks away from the bed and stands in front of the balcony, a thin glass separating him from the man. The man standing in his balcony was tall, his defined muscles showing through the black shirt he was wearing, powerful thighs covered by fit blue jeans, trimmed beard,blonde hair being played by the wind. Cobie takes a step forward and so does the man and thats when Cobie sees it.
The red eyes.
"Why are you in my house?" Cobie asks as he takes a step closer. Every hair on his body standing on alert.
"Do you have a habit of taking what does not belong to you?" The Alpha quips back.
Cobie feigns innocence, the dark shades, however, covers half of it. "I don't know what you are talking about."
"A member of my pack is in your home. Its either you took him in after you found him roaming the streets or you kidnapped him. Which one is it?" The Alpha asked, ending his sentence with a growl so powerful, Cobie almost took a step back.
"I found Blue right outside my house." Cobie snaps at the Alpha who raises a brow but his face remained stoic. "If you want him, youre going to have to go through me first."
The Alpha looks at Cobie and barks out a laugh and Cobie grits his teeth as he listens to the mock filled laughter. He itched to pull out his gun and shoot three lethal bullets right in the Alphas forehead. He goes to reach for it when he hears a voice ring out in his head. A very familiar voice.
Take in a deep breath and let it out.
Cobie does as the voice tells him, his eyes still trained on the Alpha, his ears straining to hear any sound other than that of his and the Alpha's voice.
Good. Now do it again. Deeper this time.
The Alpha takes another step forward just as Cobie takes a deeper breath.
Never move first, allow the enemy to come to you. Never show you have the upper hand, let them think they do.
Cobie stayed his ground as the Alpha finally walked into the sitting room. The dark shades on his face was obstructing his vision a little but the last thing he wants this Alpha to see was his black tinted eyes. His eyes had gone from red to black. Signifying danger.
"I don't have time to play with a puny human at the moment, so I'm just going to grab Malakai and we'll be on our way." The Alpha says, his words coming out more as a growl than actual words.
"I want you to leave my house. Right now."
Cobie ignored the urge to look in the direction of his bed where he knew Blue was hiding. Was Blues name really Malakai? The name really suits him. Cobie fought the urge to smile as he tries to call the name out in his head. Little Malakai, Little Kai.
"No can do, smallie. Malakai is going home with me. His dad has been worried to hell."
That made Cobie pause. With each breath he took, he could feel the gun pressing against his skin. The last thing he wanted to do was traumatize Blue- No, Kai. So he spoke.
"You've been in this house for ten minutes and Blue hasn't come out yet. I won't let you take him until you bring his father to me."
The Alpha's expression changed from stoic to anger. Cobie could see his nose flare and he cocks his head to the side. Staring at this Alpha, who tries so hard to be big and bad, he could feel something. It was dull but still there and he could feel it. Immediately the Alpha let out a loud growl and took another step forward, Cobie whipped out the gun and aimed it straight.
"One more step and I blow your brains out." Cobie threatens. "One more."
"Give me my pup."
"No." Cobie says, his finger ready to pull the trigger.
The Alpha fell silent and took a deep breath. They both stood where they were, body still, mind calculating and Blue was still under the bed. If this was really Blue's Alpha, why was he so scared of him?
"He's at the door." The Alpha finally says after a few minutes.
"At least he has manners and doesn't barge into people's home through their balcony." Cobie says, smiling sarcastically as he does so. "Get out and join him downstairs."
"You are a rude stup-"
"Finish that sentence and see what I would do." Cobie finger now rested on the trigger and all he had to do is press it down. The Alpha looks at the gun then at him before rolling his eyes in the most dramatic way he could. He doesn't say one more word, instead he takes careful steps backwards until he was holding the thin rails of the balcony.
"Three minutes, Stuart Little." Were the last words the Alpha says before he jumps down the balcony. Cobie scowls and fights the urge to check If the Alpha landed safely. He tries to understand what was going with his body and mind, they've never been this conflicted before and its not a good sign.
He rushes towards his bed, tossed his gun ahead, kneels at the bottom of the bed and peered under the bed. It was darker than usual and that's when Cobie remembered he was still wearing the dark shades, he pulls them off and looks again, this time reaching underneath with his hands. It takes a good minute before he could feel Blue.
"Come on, buddy. The idiot is gone and your dad is here."
Blue perks up at that and crawls into Cobies hands. Cobie smiles down at Blue, using a finger to stroke his furry friend.
"I'm going to miss you little buddy." Cobie murmurs, leaning down to press a soft kiss to Blues brown fur. The little wolf, nudges his head against Cobie's arm as if saying he'd miss him too. Cobie smiles, he grabs the shades he removed a few minutes ago and slid them back on. Its time for little Blue to go home.
He doesn't grab his gun this time. He walks out of his apartment and goes down the stairs. Immediately he was in the clinic he could see the Alpha that once stood in the living room with him and standing beside him was a tall man, roughly the same height as the Alpha but instead of blonde hair, the man's hair were chestnut coloured with curly tips. But right in front of them was a man shorter than the two, instead of hard muscles like the Alpha and the man standing beside him, this man was soft and round in the right places.
Immediately Blue sees the shorter man, he wiggles out of Cobies hold. Cobie kneels down and let Blue run towards the door. He walks behind his excited friend and unlocks the door so the guests could walk in.
"Silver door knobs, really?" The Alpha spoke as he walks into the clinic space and Cobie actively ignores him. Instead he makes his way to Blue who was being hugged to death by who Cobie really hopes is his father.
"Hi, I'm Cobie." He introduces himself to the man hugging Blue.
The man looks up from his child and smiles at Cobie. "I'm Randall. Thank you for taking care of my baby."
"Its no problem, I found him right outside my home and I didn't want to leave him outside." Cobie replies. "He ate a bit because I wasn't really sure what to give him."
"Do you mind telling me all he ate?" Randall asks, his voice soft and his hold on Blue still tight. He kept playing with his little boy, letting Blue nip at his fingers to his satisfaction. Cobie goes on to list the things Blue ate.
Randalls eyes waters when Cobie was done and he uses his free hand to pull Cobie in for a tight hug. Cobie's eyes widened at the act, he wasn't sure what to do. He softly pats Randall's back and whispers, he's fine. You found him, you don't need to be scared anymore.
Randall pulls back after a few more minutes. He sniffs and then smiles at Cobie.
"Is there a reason youre wearing that inside your home?" Randall asks, his voice as soft as before. He hears a grunt from behind them and he can bet a hundred dollars that it was Alpha McStupid.
"I have this condition and light makes it worse." Cobie replies. He knows it'd be futile to lie to a room full of werewolves. So he tells the truth instead.
"Oh," Randall says, his cheeks turning pink. "I'm sorry for asking."
"No, its fine."
The three wolves and a pup stayed for a few more minutes. Each minute feeling like a year to Cobie who was just itching to have them gone. He wonders what colour his eyes were as he watched Blue play with his dad. He looks away from them when he hears footsteps approaching him, in less than a few seconds the curly haired man was standing in front of him.
"Hi, I'm Michel. Sorry for not introducing myself earlier." The man says, reaching a hand out for a handshake.
Cobie shakes the hand. "Cobie. I would say its nice to meet you but someone put me in a bad mood." Cobie replies, shooting a glare at Alpha McStupid, he grins in victory when he sees the Alpha grind his teeth.
"I apologise on his behalf."
"He's got a mouth, he can do it himself." Cobie shot back at Michel.
The Alpha cuts in before Michel could reply. He pushes both hands into the pocket of his jeans as he tells them its time to go. Cobie gives Randall one more hug and leans down to place a kiss to Blues head, happy they had said their goodbyes in private. Randall was the first to leave, followed by the Alpha and the Michel.
"Why the silver doorknob though?" Michel turns around to ask.
Without hesitation, Cobie replies. "It's serves as a warning, to keep brutes like him out."