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She's mine (The Red Butterfly)

Jessy May
60.0K · Ongoing


How does it feel like to live beneath your sister's shadow? Maya and Mia Swadys are two identical twins with not so iden...

RomanceSuspenseRevengelove-triangleFemale leadMafiaBillionairePossessivecontract marriageBDSM

Chapter 1- Christmas eve

*Mia's POV*

"Mia, come over here and help out in the kitchen" my mom screamed from the kitchen.

"Coming mom," I screamed back from my room. Without wasting time, I stood up from my bed and ran straight to the kitchen to help Mom out.

It was Christmas Eve. Mom was preparing roasted turkey and white rice seasoned with garlic. I was so excited, Christmas was my favorite season of the year.

"Mom, where's Maya?" I asked.

"I don't know where she went," mom replied.

"Dodging from house chores, huh huh?" I teased.

"Just let her be and help me out. My God! you talk a lot" mom chided me.

Maya was my twin sister, we were identical twins, we looked so alike that people found it hard to differentiate us. Maya was a very lazy girl, a fashion freak, and a Spoilt brat, but then she was mom's favorite. Mom treated her with special care, attention and love that made me feel unwanted, unloved and neglected. Most times, I suffer from Mom's favoritism.

"Okay Mom" I replied and helped her in cooking.

An hour later, Maya walked into the house.

"Mom," she called gleefully.

"My precious daughter. I'm in here, in the kitchen" mom called out from the kitchen.

Maya ran over to the kitchen.

"How do I look?" She asked, turning around to show Mom her new outfit.

"Beautiful as always" Mom complimented.

"I see you've gotten a new dress," Mom added.

"Yes Mom. I'm so happy, thanks for giving me money to get a new dress for Christmas" Maya said.

"What mom? You gave Maya money for a new dress?" I asked.

I had asked Mom for money but she told me she didn't have any. But then she went ahead to give Maya money?

"Maya needs it more than you. She's way prettier" mom replied, shocking me.

"Mom, have you forgotten? We're identical. If Maya is pretty, so am I" I replied bitterly.

"What I meant was that you lack fashion sense Mia. Maya has more fashion sense and a nicer shape than you. She's worth spending my money on her" Mom replied harshly.

I swallowed hard. I was on the verge of tears. I was used to it already but each time mom supported and praised Maya over me, it brought fresh pains to my heart.

"Mom is right, Mia," Maya said and winked at me.

"Why do you hate me so much?" I blurted out. I knew I shouldn't have said that when I saw the expression on Mom's face, but I couldn't hold back anymore.

"I came into the world before Maya. You saw me first, held me first, so why love her so much and hate me?" I asked.

"Mia, shut up" mom said, it was a warning tone.

"I'm tired of always trying to please you. For the past twenty years of my life, I've been living my life just to please you. But yet, nothing. Maya does nothing, nothing at all but you're always at her Beck and call. Tell me what else should I do? I'm so tired, I'm tired" I screamed and ran out of the house wiping the tears rolling down my cheeks as I ran.

"Mia, Mia" I heard Maya call, but I didn't turn back. I kept running, running to my safe place.

We live in the poorest part of the village as we could barely survive. I've found comfort in a garden filled with different flowers, fragrance and sizes. And that was where I was running to.

I got to the garden, then fell to the grass and cried my eyes out. Mom just ruined today for me. I stayed there lamenting over my poor life till I started hearing screams of the villagers.

"Merry Christmas!!" I heard.

I stood up with a start, it's Christmas already! My favorite season! I can't let mom ruin it for me!

I must make sure I enjoy it to the fullest. I stood up, wiped my tears with the Hem of my dress and started to walk out from the garden.

Then I froze! A male figure was standing in front of me!

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