chapter 4
Calli's POV
Because of what happened yesterday, I have been visited by a bad feeling. I had a constant cough and aching in my condo last night.
'Is it because of the whole trip? Why is the water still cold!'.
'Yes, I am cool and brave but I am a very cold person..'.
"H-Hchuuu.. Hatching!---Ushh! It's annoying!".
My phone suddenly rang. It's Malian.
I forced myself to reach for my phone by the lamp while I was lying on the bed.
*The noise.. looks like he's in the Club now*
"Hey, B*tch! I'm at the Club right now.. Come Let's Shoot". he almost shouted.
"Nahh! I'm going to sleep--- AA-chuuu!.. Next time---Sigh*-- N-Next time only".
"W-Wait? Why does your voice sound hoarse Calli? Are you sick?".
"I-I'm fine-- H-Hachuuu!".
'A-My back hurts too much!'.
"Are you sure!? It's like your Cough is deep and you're Constantly Aching there. Did it rain?-- b-but it didn't rain today Huh?... Don't tell me did you get soaked in the shower or in the pool? Hoyyy--- Callista!.. Hello??? Hey??.. you make me worried--".
When I felt so bad I finally fell asleep. I didn't even get to turn off my phone and say goodbye to Malian. My body is shaking and my head hurts.
I woke up to the sound of my alarm.
'I have school today'.
I slowly got up from lying down when I noticed that The Wet Bimpo had fallen from my Forehead. I frowned and took it before looking around. My attention was grabbed by a witch sitting on the side table with a glass of water and medicine.
'Didn't Malian come here last night?'.
Malian was the only one I talked to last night and besides that, he has a duplicate of my Condo.
I smiled and got my phone.
[Thanks for taking care of me B*tch] send to Malian.
I noticed that my fever has gone down a bit since last night. I stood up and sat down at the side table.. The Porridge was still a little warm, so I was sure Malian had just left when I woke up.
"Didn't he say goodbye to me before leaving?".
After that, I showered and dressed in uniform to enter. I'm only slowly moving Kurama because I'm still a little dizzy until now. Add to that the intensity of my back pain, which makes it difficult for me to move.
Before I got to school, I was overtaken by heavy traffic on the road. It looks like there's a car accident ahead. That's why I'm stuck in traffic.
'I feel dizzy'.
My Spirit woke up to that loud horn.
"Ms. Go now! It's been a while! Maybe you want to go ahead?!.. I'm late for School!". A man shouted.
I gently looked at you but I didn't see his face anymore.
I started my motor fast until I reached the University.
Chapter 16
Eros POV
"I'm f*ck late!".
I hurriedly put on my uniform while brushing my teeth. I stayed up too much thinking about what happened yesterday.
'That fr*ak stole my first kiss last day and then Hug me yesterday! He is overdoing it by abusing my beautiful body!'.
"Eros honey, Eat first before going to school". My mom.
"I'm not going to make it mom.. maybe I'll be even more late".
I hurriedly put on my shoes.
'I'm really late! Yare I got it!'.
"Tch.. Who keeps you awake every night? Don't tell me you have a girlfriend?".
'G-Girlfriend!!!?? Thhh! That Woman will never be my girlfriend!'.
"Sss.. Really huh?".
"Why are you sister Aro.. Shouldn't you be in the office right now? You're late!". I'm interested.
"I don't have work today". He said while doing yoga.
"Alright, I'm leaving! Good bye Mom".
I kissed mom on her cheek and then ran to the garage.
"Be careful honey". Mom shouted.
When I got on my Kotye, I immediately dragged it. When I was close to the School, I was suddenly overtaken by Traffic on the way.
'Looks like there's a car accident ahead! My bad luck!'.
While waiting for Traffic, there was a Red Motor that drove very fast and cut in front of me.
"Tch!! Popular!".
After a while, the Kotyes started to move ahead. I just frowned at the one with the red motorcycle.
'Stup*d did he act?'.
I honked loudly but this person seemed deaf and didn't even move.
'I'm really late!'.
I rolled down my cat's window and looked out a little. The second time I blew my horn.
"Ms. Go! It's been a while! Maybe you want to come forward?!.. I'm late for school!" I shouted.
It seems that he is not himself. He turned to my behavior. My eyebrows furrowed quickly when I recognized The Rider Of The Red Motorcycle. I consciously closed my eyes a few times because maybe I was just squinting.
'H-Hailey? P-How.. That's it!'.
"That girl really... even when my life is tormented! Just kidding, you're the one who woke up in my morning!".
He said before speeding his motorcycle.
"S-She's running so fast! Is she trying to kill herself!? That girl really has something in her brain!". I'm interested.
but in my mind what he did was very cool. I didn't even know I'm smiling while watching her fade away.
Chapter 17
Eros POV
When I arrived at Moonlove University, I immediately went to our building but I didn't see anyone there.
'W-What's going on? where are they??'.
I called hunter.
"Where are you? Is there no one in the room?".
[Teachers with Skyhigh University have a meeting today. We're here in Basketball court with the team.. Come here] - Hunter.
"Hyss! I'm pissed off! I went here too quickly.. I thought I was late.. I'm going there now". I hang up the phone.
First I went to the Locker area to get my Jersey. I still can't get Hailey out of my mind. He was very cool earlier while driving the motorcycle.
'It's surprising that he knows how to ride a motorbike so fast. yes, I don't pay attention to Hailey since Elementary but I don't think she knows how to drive a motorcycle.. It's not in her itchura'.
When I got out of the locker, I started walking towards the court but I suddenly stopped when I saw Hailey. He was led by his friend to the Clinic.
I hope I will pass them but there is something in me that wants to know what happened to him.
'She's pale'.
I simply followed them until they reached the Clinic. After a while I entered and went to the Nurse station.
I was about to ask the nurse when I saw Hailey's friend. I immediately covered my face and looked behind.
'Did I still follow?! Maybe what they think!'.
"Nurse, I'll leave Hailey here first.. you take care of her first. There's more. I'll finish at the Library." He said.
"Okay.. Just sign your name here and then you may go now". The nurse said and then gave her the Attendance to sign.
'Does he have a fever? That girl's body was weak.. She had a fever. Then she rode her motorcycle to school' TCH! There really is a spot!'.
when Hailey's friend left and I went to the patient area. I don't know where he is, so I simply peeked in every room covered with a green curtain. When it was near the end, I just thought I took a deep breath.
'He's probably here.. because all the rooms are empty'.
I slowly opened the curtain and gently peeked in there. My eyes got bigger when I saw her without a T-shirt. He turned his back so he probably didn't see me.
I immediately turned my back on her. I feel my heart beats fast. Out of Time swallowed hard.
'W-Wait?? Why is the bruise on his back so big?'.
I was about to look at her again when the nurse suddenly arrived.
"And what are you doing here Mr. Ortis?". She asked.
My eyes widened in shock when he mentioned my last name. I was confused. I looked at Hailey's behavior, but it shouldn't be.
'She's looking at me as if I committed a crime'.
"Y-You thought wrong! I,-I didn't peep on you! I saw nothing, I-I S-Swear!".
"Are you stuttering?". Hailey asked with a smile.
"B-because you're staring at me like I did something on you!". I shouted.
"Then why are you here?"
"Then why are you here?".
'It's crazy! Why is he like that If you ask! I wonder why he's smiling at me! When will he tease!'.
"B-, why are you the only one who has the right to enter the Clinic!?!". My bold promise.
"TSS..You said it!". Animoy said before closing the curtain.
'he looks sick'.
"B-Why---Why Is Your Bruise Big on Your Back?".
'I finally asked Riin!'.
"Didn't peek huh?".
I annoyed him. He frowned at the same time as meeting my eyebrows.
"S-Just answer my question!".
'Why I feel so Embarrassed!!!!'.
"A girl pushed me in the Locker.. Then my back turned purple haha!".
My forehead is wrinkled.
'And he's still laughing?'.
"W-What sane person would do that?". Pretend I'm not interested in the question.
I saw her look at me seriously then Smile.
"It's okay.. The others there even poured cold water on me in the cafeteria yesterday.. That's why I got a fever". He said smiling.
I looked at him. He really looks like he has a fever.
'Should I say sorry?... But it's her fault!.. aishhhh! You're really irritating!'.
"Mr Ortis needs Ms Hailey to rest". The nurse said.
"I-I'm leaving!".
Before I waited for him to say goodbye to me but he didn't.
'Did I think he likes me? Why not even say goodbye!???? Oh, I'm leaving!... Tchh! Bad trip!'.
Chapter 18
Ethan Ruis Ortis (Eros POV)
'That girl is really annoying! Didn't even say goodbye to me before I left! It's a good thing I still visited him! Pissed off!!'.
"HEY! dude why are you here now?? The Team's training is over". Travis opened up to me.
I took a deep breath before sitting down on the bench.
"I just passed an Unimportant Person".
"Not an important person? Hey, why did you pass by? haha, you're like Coach". Anas laughed at Travis.
I met my eyebrows while looking at Travis.
'Let's go!'.
"And why do you seem to be frowning? What happened while you were on your way here?". Hunter.
"W-It didn't say anything!". I'm interested.
'Is he okay? Tchh!.. What's the point!?.. Wait, can that girl eat??? Aishhhh!!! Annoying!'.
"You're so weird". The dwarf said laughing while staring at me.
"Eros.. Can I join you to eat?".
I look at my back, It's Ari'.. I just smile at her.
"Sure". I don't feel like it, I said.
"W-Are you having a problem? You seem lethargic". He asked worriedly.
"You know Ariana, it's been like that since she came here to the Court.. I wondered if Who is That Unimportant Person? Hahaha!". Travis.
"W-What do you mean??". Ariana asked.
'Tch! Travis is babbling!'.
'It's Coach!'.
"C-Coach.. Sorry I didn't attend Practice earlier.. W-What is it because---".
"It's okay.. Nurse Fae mentioned to me that you came from the Clinic earlier?". Coach.
My eyes widened at what Coach said.
"OMG?! Really?? What happened to you Eros.. Do you have a fever? Are you okay?" Ariana's hysterical Anas.
"N-No I'm fine.. May---- I just have a little cough So I went there... I'm fine Coach". I'm sneaking in.
"It's good, you're fine". Owner
"Is that so? I don't think that's what I heard from nurse Fei". Coach smiled.
"Hmmm...". Travis growled, laughing.
"I smell something here!". Hunter's Anas smiled.
"Hey--- It's not me huh? I'm not farting here!". Travis's defense made us all laugh.
"I'm not belonging to you Fr*ak!". Hunter grimaced.
Crazy people'
Chapter 19
Eros POV
After our Chikahan, we went to the Cafeteria. I stopped walking when I remembered what I did to Hailey. I slowly looked at the door where I tripped him.
'I shouldn't do that to her'.
"Umm..". Travis.
"Feels the guilt?". Hunter.
"Both of you shut up!". I'm curious Before heading to the Food area.
"Are you okay, Eros?". Ariana.
"Yeah.. Don't mind me".
'She looked over me and held my hand.
"Don't be sorry for what you did to that Girl.. She deserves it! Because she is too Fling And pilingera!". She sounds angry.
I just look at Ariana's face and remove her hands on mine.
"I-I don't know if she really deserves that..". I whispered.
Ariana was left dumbfounded by What I Said.
After that, I ordered food and went to our table. I'm still thinking about what I saw earlier.. it's not that I care about her but the pain when she bruised her back.
'Looks like I'm not the only one annoyed by his behavior'.
"Do you know what the Teachers' Meeting is about?". Travis.
"Hmm.. What I know is about our upcoming Intrams. at the University we will do the Event with Other University". Ariana.
"Well.. Looks like Moonlight University can compete with us in Basketball". Hunter.
"Students are arrogant and arrogant----but I hope there are many cute girls". Travis grinned.
'Did that girl already eat? What time is it?
"Nothing will change, we will pass them again in the Finals". Hunter said complacently.
"Yeah, it's supposed to be! For San pa and nasatin The MVP last year hehehe.. Right Eros?". Travis.
"E-Eros You alright? Don't you like your food?". Ariana.
'What can I do?!! Am I still thinking about that girl! He didn't even say goodbye to me.. I don't care if he dies of hunger!'.
I sigh.
I almost jumped on the chair when Travis shouted. I annoyed him. He frowned.
"What the H*ll!?". I care about Travis.
"What are you thinking?! Why does your mind seem to be flying Bro!". Travis.
Because of what I was thinking about that girl, I didn't notice that they were talking to me just like that.
"Do you want me to Order you Another-------".
ariana Cut her word when I stand up and walk away out of the Cafeteria. I don't know but it seems that something is telling me to return Hailey to the Clinic to say hello. I buy her a foods and drinks Before I go down to the clinic.
When I entered the Clinic, there were not many people. I immediately went to Hailey's Room and then I saw her Laying down there while sleeping.
I hesitated to approach his behavior. I tap her forehead to check her temperature.
'She's still hot'.
i was about to take off my hand on her when my eyes accidentally alight on her lips. That's where my heart was pounding with something that entered my mind. I swallowed hard while staring at it.
'W-What is happening to me---'.
"What are you doing?".
I almost jumped in shock when I heard Hailey's voice. I immediately removed my hand.
"A-Ehemm!--- You're finally awake.. Here take this". I tried not to panic, so I seriously handed him the plastic food and water.
"W-What is it?". He asked.
"What do you think? Edi Food". I pretended to be annoyed.
"Eh? Why are you giving me this?". Animoy couldn't believe his question.
"I-I don't even know, Okay!... If you want to eat it.. If you don't want it, just throw it away! It's up to you!". I was interested Before completely leaving and leaving him Stunned by what I did.
'Aishhhh! What is Eros! The things you do in your life are crazy!!!!'.
When I finally reached the outside of the Clinic, Travis and Hunter's Faces appeared to me. The three of us looked at each other in shock.
"W-What are you doing here?". I have a quick question.
"Hailey's Friend told us that Hailey is at the Clinic today.. so we decided to visit her". Travis's smile reached his ears.
"Is that so?.. I see..".
"And you? What are you doing here? I guess you suddenly left us at the Cafeteria earlier.. Is there a problem?". Hunter.
"N-Nothing.. My stomach just hurt a little earlier that's why I just asked Nurse Fei for medicine". I let it slip.
"Is that so? Or how are you?? Is your stomach okay?". Travis.
"Y-Yeah.. It still hurts a bit but O-I'm fine hehe....".
'Huh! It's good to get through'.
"W-Wait Why are you going to visit That Hailey? Don't tell me That's your friend?". Pretend I'm not interested in the question.
"Nah! I just came here with Travis because I couldn't do anything... It's still practice later". Ani Hunter board.
I look at Travis direction. he looks so excited.
Don't tell me Hailey Naman is his target now? Thhh! No one really chooses'.
"Let's go". Happy Ani Travis before leading into the Clinic.
Chapter 20
Calli's POV
I was still staring at the plastic food that Eros gave me. I was laughing at the reaction on his face earlier when he threw the food at me.
'Little apffttt! hahaha!'.
I was about to open the food when my phone suddenly rang. Malian is Calling.
[Hey, B*tch! Sorry I just read your text earlier. How are you? Are you still sick?]
{Yes! My headache still hurts, but it's not as bad as last night.. Thanks to you} I replied.
(Ahmm.. Y-Yeah, About last night.. A-Ano Kasi eh.. Calli Kasi.. It wasn't me who took care of you last night.. I-Its.. I-It's Actually.. It's Vladimir----}
{W-WHAT!?} - Kay Malian gasped loudly before I sighed heavily. {What are you Malian! Why did you send him!}
(I-I know.. I'm very sorry Callista.. It's because when Vlad found out that you were sick he asked me to give him your Condo's Key. I shouldn't have given it but he made a choice-----)
{ Thank you! Still.. you must not have given it! You know our situation right!?}
I tried not to raise my voice to Malian but I couldn't help but be annoyed. He should not have gone to Vlad in my place! Annoying!
(Y-Yeah.. I'm really sorry Calli---).
I noticed someone coming so I said goodbye to Malian.
{Let's talk later.. Bye}
At the same time as I put down my phone, the curtain opened. I frowned as Travis, Hunter and... Eros entered.
I asked seeing the Three of them staring at me.
"W-were here to visit you". Travis.
My gaze turned to Eros' frowning face.
"Oh.. eh.. you? Why did you come back again?? Don't tell me you're going to share a meal with me?". I smirked.
I saw her eyes widen along with her pouty lips.
"W-What are you? W-Don't feel that way!". I'm interested in it.
"Are you from here Bro?". Hunter curiously asked Eros.
"H-Huh? Ah.. Yes, I passed by earlier when I saw him here". He said.
"I see..". Hunter.
" are you haley Do you still feel bad?" Travis asked with a smile.
"Yeah, thanks to your friend who made fun of me yesterday". Pretend I'm listening to Eros.
I saw when he looked at me evilly before suddenly pretending to feel guilty.
"We're sorry for that". Hunter's sincere Anas.
Hunter's face is so bossy and his eyes are so bright. Her color is moreno and her hair is curly with an earring in her left ear. He looked straight at me while smiling.
"Have you eaten yet? Do you want to feed me?". Travis asked bitterly.
I smiled. "No thanks...".
"Hahaha! You're so cute". Travis laughed. I can't stop staring at Travis.
Its pinkish color is very beautiful. His eyebrows are just right and his nose is very pointed. They are the same height as Hunter based on my estimate. Her gray hair is always well-groomed and she is always smiling. I will see her. He also has earrings in his ears like Hunter and Eros.
'No wonder many girls fall prey to him.. The power of his sex appeal especially when he smiles'.
"Let's go.. We'll practice soon! maybe Coach will scold us". Eros said with a hint of annoyance.
"W-What? But we're just getting there". Alma of Travis.
I look at Eros.. he and Travis were fighting So I had a chance to observe him. His black hair is amazing.. his eyes are very beautiful and piercing, add to that his fluttering eyelashes. The tip of his nose is very high in the Sorang tangos. Her lips are very sexy and her skin color is very white. I will admit that among the three, Eros has the most beautiful face and has a very high sex appeal due to his stubbornness.
'No doubt! That's the reason Hailey is so dead to you'.
"We're leaving Hailey.. Next time again". Hunter stole my soul. Travis and Hunter left with a frown.
"Drink That!". Eros said seriously before following out of my room.
'W-What's that????'.