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Chapter 8

At Mimi's advice, the other aliens agreed to go to the country where Alena grew up. They said that air was fresher there, and the environment was better compared to the city. I was feeling tingly all over as I thought about going to that new place. It was like the island where they found me, but inhabited by people.

Before we went there, Mimi encouraged Tahti to visit the psychologist office to talk to someone. I heard Jorge and Gina saying something about the shrink. Were they going to make something smaller? Maybe they called the psychologist a shrink because she would shrink your problem. Yes, the humans put strange labels on things and people.

Because the other aliens and I were all support for Tahti's visit to the shrink, we went with her to the office. While we were outside the door, Jorge and Gina talked low among themselves on the sofa. I paced the corridor back and forth, mobile phone in my hand. My friends, Luke and Chucky, told me that I could use the phone to research stuff. They said I should check out bondage. When I asked the aliens what bondage was, Jorge told me it was like a buffet.

I wasn't intent on listening to the conversation inside the psychologist office, but my sensitive hearing was able to pick up the sound. It made me curious. I guess there wouldn't be any harm to it. Concentrating on the sound in the room, I listened to Tahti.

"Tell me how you feel," the psychologist said.

There was a pause. "I feel different, and I haven't experienced this before," Tahti answered. "I can't eat. I can't sleep. I've been listening to Mariah and Destiny's." She sighed. "I do not know what is happening doctor. Ever since Alena left, it's like emotions taking me over."

I heard the psychologist chuckle. Why was she laughing? Tahti was sick. The doctor cleared her throat and said, "That's a normal reaction when someone you love goes away. But you shouldn't let the sadness take over your daily living."

"I know that," Tahti said. "That is why I am trying to find her. To get rid of this awful feeling. You think I am the one to blame, doctor?"

"I believe that whatever happened was Alena's decision and does not necessarily reflect on you. Why do you think you should be blamed?"

"Because I scared her away." Tahti inhaled deeply. "And furthermore there was an instance when she wanted to do it, but I did not allow the joining to happen."

"The joining?" the doctor prompted.

"Okay, that's enough listening," Gina said as she covered my ears. I didn't notice that she stood up and made her way to me. I was too focused on the conversation, and from the looks of it, Jorge and Gina knew what I was up to. Gina lowered her hands. "Come with us outside," she said. "We have something to discuss to you before we make our trip to the country."

At the sidewalk, the two of them stared intently at me, like they did whenever they gave me lectures at home. Gina was the first one to speak. "While we're at Alena's country home, you need to pretend that you're her. Her mother, Mrs. H, doesn't know that her daughter is missing. And as long as we're not leaving earth for our home planet, she doesn't need to know what is going on. She might call the police."

I pointed to myself. "Me? But I don't know how Alena acts around her mother."

"Oh that's not a problem," Jorge said. "Alena is usually weird and panicky when there's a problem. On any other day, you can find her nose buried in a book." I imagined my twin's nose literally wedged between the pages. How strange of her to do that. "Just help around the inn, nod and say yes when people are talking to you, and pretend you're a virgin."

She smiled mischievously. "On second thought, forget about the last request. You're doing a perfect job at it." She gave me a thumbs-up.

"Thank you," I said.

"It's not a compliment."

Tahti joined us on the sidewalk after 45 minutes. She looked better than when we first came in. Like I suspected, the shrink made her problem smaller. Humans were good at their jobs. The four of us didn't return home. As soon as we got inside the vehicle, we set out for the country. We've arranged our clothes and the things we needed to bring before going to the psychologist office.

Gina drove while Tahti sat on the passenger seat in front. Jorge and I were squeezed at the back with some of our bags. I poked my hands out of the window to point at the huge buildings we passed. Jorge would scold me every time I did that, saying that if my finger was cut off, I would be a very sad lesbian. The air turned from warm to chilly as the vehicle zoomed out of the city. Somewhere along the way, I fell asleep.

The car hit a bump in the road causing me to wake up from a pleasant dream. I rubbed my eyes and glanced beside me. My head was resting on Tahti's shoulder. "When did you switch places with Jorge?" I asked.

"Three hours ago." I inhaled long and deep. She smelled of sunshine. "Get more sleep," she murmured, closing her eyes. "We still have a long way to go." I relaxed beside her.

It was almost dark when the car pulled to a stop. I thought we were just getting gas or pausing for a trip to the bathroom like an hour before, but Gina merrily said that we've arrived at our destination. I stared out of the window. It was so different from the city. There were tall grass and trees. On the right side, I could see a large establishment where the word INN was written on a big wooden sign.

"Remember what we told you," Jorge said before getting out of the car.

Tahti glanced hesitantly at me. "What exactly did they say?" she asked.

"They told me to pretend I was her." My stomach flipped when her eyes widened. "I guess you should call me Alena for now."

An old woman met us outside. Her graying hair was pulled up in a bun, and she had a very kind smile that reminded me of the fairy Godmother I've read in fairy tale books. "I'm so glad you could make it," she said as she walked to us. Weren't old people supposed to be frail? She looked vibrant and strong.

"That's Alena's, your mother," Tahti whispered. "Greet her like a good child. Jorge and Gina instructed you how right?" They didn't. All they said was I was doing a good job at being me. Greetings, greetings, I thought to myself. It should be polite.

I stepped forward to my pretend mother and took her hand for a shake. "Hello, it is me. Your daughter Alena. How do you do?"

She laughed while shaking her head. "I know who you are. Has all that smog in the city gotten to your head?" She turned to Tahti and received a hug from the latter.

"Hello mother," Tahti said. "I have missed you and your wise words."

"I have missed you too dear." Mother called Jorge and Gina, then she pulled me for a group hug. So many females, I thought with satisfaction. I was really a lesbian. Mother stepped away to look at each of our faces. "Where's Nikolai and your other friend? Chloe is it?"

The aliens looked discreetly at one another. They didn't answer her, so I did. "Niko is busy with his bodybuilding mother, and Chloe is inventing more things."

Mother frowned at me. I was afraid that she would see through my pretense. My body relaxed when she shrugged and said, "That's too bad. I need her to fix the baby. It's running wild in the inn again." I had no idea what the baby was and why she needs to be fixed, so I smiled politely. "Are you getting enough rest?" she asked. "You look thinner than usual."

"Yes," I said automatically.

"Are you sure?" She pinched my face. "Is everything okay with you and Tahti?" she said in a lower voice. "The two of you don't seem as close as before."

"Yes mother," I said yet again. To remove her worries, which was a normal human feeling from what I've read, I went to Tahti and took her hands in mine. She stiffened in my grip but didn't complain. I smiled reassuringly at mother. "See? We're good and in love. Aren't we Tahti?"

I stared straight at her eyes. The orange that would show up from time to time lingered on the edge of her pupils. She took a shaky breath. "Yes we are Alena." Though she said yes, hearing her say Alena's name instead of mine pinched my heart. Don't become the homewrecker, I reminded myself. Tahti was Alena's, and I was just a substitute.

Mother clapped her hands together happily. "Good that you two are getting along. We should probably go inside. You know how it's sometimes chilly in the evening." We followed her obediently in the establishment. It was bigger than I've imagined. There was a nice cozy lounge, where a desk was located, and several couches for the guests. It was just like what I've seen from the websites, though the decor on this inn had a more personal touch.

I stared around in wonder at the paintings on the wall. There was a framed color paint of a small hand. Upon taking a closer look, I saw the name Alena scrawled on the bottom. She was the one who made this as a kid. I felt bad for myself while glancing at that painting. Where was I when this was made? I was asleep in my capsule wasn't I? And what kind of feeling was this? I've never experienced it before.

My thoughts were disturbed by a strange sound. "Mama!" I glanced downward and saw a ghastly image of a doll on top of a rolling mechanism, zooming to me. I jumped out of the way.

"What's that?" I asked as I pointed to the thing. It was there one second and gone just as fast.

"Chloe made that remember?" Gina said. I've forgotten that I should have known about it as Alena's proxy. "I'll explain everything later," Gina promised when Mother wasn't looking.

The old woman went behind the desk and rummaged through the drawer. She found the key she was looking for and handed it to me. I accepted it reluctantly. "Since we're overbooked, you have to share your room with Tahti again," she informed. "Jorge and Gina will share a room too."

"Okay," I said. "You are the mother here. I am only your daughter so I should agree."

She glanced strangely at me. "Is something wrong dear? You don't sound like your usual self."

Tahti stood in front of me before I could answer. "I think Alena is dizzy because of our trip," she explained to Mother. "Why don't I take her to her room first so she can rest?"

"Good idea," Mother agreed with a nod. "And give her my stew too. She looks like she needs it."

Tahti showed me where our room was. She unlocked the door and stepped aside so I could enter. It was just like Alena's bedroom back home. Only this one looked older, and had that inn vibe which the websites referred to when it came to places like this. Tahti shut the door behind us.

"I'm sorry," I said immediately, turning to her.

"For what?"

I cast a downward glance at the floor. The wood was waxed. Though Alena rarely went home here, Mother kept her room clean. How lucky of her. "For not being her," I said. "I know you'd rather see her here than me."

A strange expression crossed her features. "Don't say that. You're important too. Without you we can't pull this off. It is I who should apologize for expecting so much from you. Forgive me."

"How can I not? You're very important to me."

"I am?" she said in surprise, like the prospect was so far-fetched that it had no chance of happening.

"Yes, you woke me. If it weren't for you I'd still be down there buried in the ground, sleeping. And this?" I asked, gesturing around the room. "I wouldn't experience any of this marvelous inventions if you didn't go to the island. So instead of asking for my forgiveness, you should say welcome instead, because I want to thank you with all my heart."

She blinked a couple of times at me. "You are a good kid Aleli."

I bit my bottom lip. It bothered me when she said that. With Jorge and Gina it was fine, but when Tahti says that I was a kid, a disturbing feeling would settle in my stomach. Maybe I should explain to her how I wasn't a child anymore, or show her.

I unbuttoned my blouse deliberately while staring at her. Explaining it through anatomy was going to be easier wouldn't it? She gasped when she saw what I was doing. "Aleli," she said sharply. My steps were light as I went closer to her. I could hear her breath growing quicker. "What are you doing?"

"I am showing you that I'm not a kid. That I'm like you, Jorge, Gina, and Alena." I shrugged my blouse away. It fell to the floor. I was about to remove what was left of my clothing when Tahti placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Stop," she said.


"Because nakedness should only be shown to someone who has seen your soul. It is not me," she said. "Your soulmate will feel sad if she learns that you have bared yourself to me first though you do not love me."

My hands fell to my side. "I do not really understand what love is. I kept thinking that everyone loves Alena, but in reality, the feeling hasn't made itself known to me. Though it is well-defined in books and songs, I have a hard time grasping it."

Tahti gave me a long measuring look before she wrapped her hands around my waist. I thought it would stop there. She continued moving closer until our fronts were pressed against each other, and she was squeezing me in a tight hug. I buried my face on her chest. It was warm. I felt safe.

"I do not know how else to explain the concept," she murmured over my head. "I think it is something you have to feel in order to know, like hugging. I can explain to you a million times how great an embrace feels like, but if you've never experienced it before, then there is no use. But once you finally know how beautiful a hug is, you'll always remember its feeling. That's how love can be." I wrapped my arms around her.

"Don't go," I said as she attempted to end the embrace.

"It feels strange."

"Because I have her face?" I asked bluntly.

She hesitated. "Because I feel peaceful like this with you, and our kind doesn't feel like this unless we're with our soulmates." She forced herself away from me. I could sense that she didn't want to. "This is wrong," she said, refusing to look at me. "I can't." Tahti turned around and walked to the door. "Forget this happened."

I continued staring at the door even when she was gone. I couldn't forget it ever. How could I when I experienced it already?

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