She walked over to the beautiful white sofa and walked on all fours. Carlos moved behind her, and Kurt, now naked, in front of her. Wes ordered each of them to move a little; apparently matched the snapshot or camera frame he had from last weekend that he was holding in his hand.
Wes continued, "We've got some good pictures of you in that position, so just give me a few minutes like that, and then you two switch places. While you switch, I do. want that. , Emmy. Take Carlos down your throat that way and let him fuck your mouth, and Kurt you fuck her pussy, but watch that left hand of yours so you don`t block the camera view of your cock going in her pussy. Also pull all the way out and repenetrate several times every couple of minutes; whack her pussy with your dick too. Oh, and Em, use your fingers on your clit or grab ahold of Kurt, play with him, and then steer him into your cunt again. After about ten minutes I'll signal and then I want new positions all around, and remember lots of kisses and hot romantic looks."
Kurt and Carlos had been stroking their cocks and bringing them up to full potential. I was getting really horny at this point. The other thing that caught my eye was Emmy's soft body. I'm bisexual and I can see myself doing something with her later on if she wants to.
"ACT." The sound of Wes bringing out the tray to order. An explosive microphone appeared about 6 feet from the actors, played by Jon, the recorder, who also wore headphones to monitor his work. There isn't really an official dialogue for this scene. The men growled and encouraged her to fuck and eat, and she moaned in satisfaction as she made love and had one of the prettiest cocks in the state in her mouth.
I stood up with Nancy and a few other crew members. I got a good look at Carlos' cock stroking Em's insides and out. I can feel my girly juices coming out of my vulva and wetting my panties. I prefer boys shorts as underwear instead of shorts; I just can't get used to flossing on most sandals. The boy's shorts are also a bit more absorbent, but in this case, that means they'll retain all of my scent emissions. If we go somewhere later, the people around me most likely smell a girl with horns.
The footage was uninterrupted for about thirty minutes, then Wes yelled, "CUT". He said loudly for everyone to hear, "That's a good video. Let me check the video and we'll be back in twenty or thirty minutes."
Ted and Ann both filmed, and Wes walked over to a large iMac computer. As Wes typed a few commands into the keyboard, the video crew hooked their cameras to the back of the computer. After one minute, the display shows the last 30 minutes of video and audio. Ted, Ann, Em, Kurt, and Carlos looked over Wes' shoulder. She gestured for me to come watch too, so at first I glanced between the two bodies on the screen but then Em pulled me closer to her right next to Wes, and also next to her naked body. God, I'm so excited. I can feel Emmy's dick and it makes me enjoy it even more.
I inadvertently bumped Wes with my boobs on his shoulder. I wondered if he could smell my sex odor. He just turned and smiled at me then went back to jumping through the video. Occasionally, he'd make a comment to his three actors, the camera crew, or make a note about lighting or sound. After reviewing the film from one camera, he switched over and did the same with the other camera that Ann had used.
The scenes that appear on the screen are erotic and sexy, but not the rough fuck movies like some I've seen. These have some appeal to my feminine sensibility, but they're also self-explanatory and don't leave much to the imagination. The backlighting and the heavy use of white linens on and around the white sofa accentuated the actors and their sexual acts.
The full inspection took about fifteen minutes. Wes stood and everyone paused for a few minutes, stretching for the next serious shot.
Wes turned to me, "You ever think about doing anything like this. You have the look, you know?"
"The look?"
"Yeah. I think you'd be a natural just like Emmy is." He pointed at my chest, "I assume those are real?"
I smiled, "They are. C cup, if you must know nothing to write home about. Emmy has the chest for this."
"You straight? Do you do women?"
I kept my smile, "Anything that's fun and that gives everyone pleasure. I don't do rough stuff, but I do enjoy a hard fuck once in a while. I'm really a very loving individual, but ... well, I'm not exclusive, and yes, I'm bisexual."
"You want to give it a try? Do you mind bareback? I assume you're clean?"
I absorbed what Wes had just asked me, actually getting excited for many reasons at the prospect of doing a porn video. "I like bareback if the guys have paper. I know I'm clean, but I didn't bring my recent check with me, and yes, it looks like fun. I'm so horny watching I thought I'd have to disappear and jill off during the next round of shots. I'd love to try."
Wes said emphatically with a smirk, "Oh, don't do that jill thing. Let us film you...maybe with Em, will you be okay? "I nodded. Em stood beside me and looked pleased that I`d agreed to be in the film.
Wes talked to me about the scene we'd shoot next. He waved Em, Kurt, and Carlos over too. "Sheila, I want you to appear at that door to the patio, and then come in as though you want to watch closeup your friend get the fuck of her life from these two guys. Tiptoe around and act sly, while trying to keep the backlight from being affected by the live camera. I would ask Kurt to turn towards you, pull you into a kiss and then start undressing you. Holding his dick like that and then falling down and sucking. Carlos is coming to fuck Emmy. Do something sexy if either guy cums. Then do what comes naturally until I say “Cut”. Understand? "
" Yes, I think so. I will try to be good. I've watched a lot of porn so I think I know what you want.
Wes said, "Oh, and don't look at the camera unless I tell you." Look at the person you're interacting with, look at their cock, their cock or their boobs, look into space, but don't look at the camera! think about being cuckold and fall in love with Me and the two guys. "
I looked at myself in the mirror that Nancy was looking at, and let her recolor my lips, red, and eye shadow even more 'she'd never done before. She has a knack for makeup and in two minutes I think she made me a lot sexier. I've noted what she did so I can recreate it in the future.
Wes came to talk to the videographers and sound engineers. He waved me away, got everyone into position, then shouted "ACT". I can even hear it outside.
I passed the house looking out the window. Ann's camera focused on me, and followed me as I crept in the patio door on tiptoe and stood watching Em get spit roasted. I peaked out from behind a column and then some curtains near the door.
Kurt then saw me, acted surprised, and gestured for me to come closer. I moved tentatively, and he extracted his impressive schlong from Emmy's pussy and came to me with his cock sticking straight out in front of him. I noticed his dick was covered in her cunt juices. He kissed me quite passionately a few times, and if I hadn't been sexually hot before, the kisses definitely warmed me up. I kiss back, and we quickly switch to French kissing and tongue action. We both recognize it. Acting passionately and loving this man is no easy task. Next to me, I hear Wes say "Ahem" so we take the next step.
Kurt started undressing me, and I reached down and grabbed Em's water-covered erection, and started pumping back and forth. We both groaned a little, then we kissed again and again, and I passed out. God, I want this handsome guy to give me daylight till the end of time. As we kissed, I forgot about the camera, the boom microphone, the stage crew and even Em and Carlos rushing out 5 feet away.
I helped Kurt undress, then bent over his long cock to inhale, bringing every inch of me to my mouth and throat. I salivate over him and make all sorts of creaking sounds, but most of all I enjoy the taste of Emmy as I lick his lips. After my few minutes, I allowed him to pick me up and drop me down beside Emmy's head on the couch. Kurt fell to his knees and buried his face in my watering pussy.
After he plunged his mouth into my pussy, he said, "Oh, honey, you're so delicious. I could stay here and eat you all night."
I'm ready for that. Kurt makes me ejaculate almost instantly, I love it. The second and third orgasms came about a minute or two later. I was only dimly aware of a camera focusing on my face as I arrived. I know I'm whining, but that's normal.
After my third orgasm, I said to Kurt, "Let me do it. I want to suck you like you've never been. Blowjobs are one of my specialty skills, but before you do, could you please dip the wick in my friend one more time. "
Kurt nodded, and Carlos moved to give him access to Emmy's pussy. Kurt sucked into her pussy a few times and then returned his lovely body to Carlos. He handed me over to him.
I had its entire shaft in my throat in seconds. It has the divine; Most flavors are Em's pussy. I should definitely go see her later. It tasted so good, and then I breathed in the scents all around me: my sex, Em's sex, and I guess Kurt and Carlos smelled too; the combination is intoxicating and makes me want so many cocks in my pussy. By turning on all my sensors, I was also aware of a soft jazz playing in the background. There is also a romantic candle lit on the coffee table. It makes the whole scene really sexy and erotic in a special way.
With the exception of Steve, my serious boyfriend whom I have shared with my "sisters", Kurt has the largest penis I have ever met in terms of length and girth. Never one to shy away from a challenge, I ate it like a ripe banana.