After crying and blaming myself for absolutely everything reason I could think off, I dragged myself down into a sitting position when I felt my hair becoming damp.
No, no. Becky Grey does not cry.
Beck does and wouldn't cry!
I just hated this feeling, I hated feeling powerless and weak. No man had the right to keep me locked up in his place no matter how shamelessly beautiful he was.
His personality was the worst if it all. How dare he just demand me like that!
I am not some object he could buy or a dog he could command .
I had to get out of here. I moved to open the big door like structure and I realized it was a balcony.
I'd be dead if I jumped off there.
Dear even before I hit the ground.
And I couldn't just walk out the door, those men would stop me.
What on earth did I do to get myself in a situation like this?
I just shrunk myself on the floor resting my head on my kneel hopelessly wishing this was a bad dream I'd wake up from.
I had dozed off, but it wasn't morning yet. The dark blanket still covered the weather above. It was almost as if it was taunting me!
Ugh! When will this night end?
The icy wind grazed my skin almost like it was scraping my flesh off. Maybe I should go back inside. I'm only torturing myself with my stubbornness out here.
Quietly, I opened the door and came back to the bed. My body suddenly ached so bad I wondered if I had some kind of internal bleeding going on. The pain kept intensifying and I felt shriveled and dried up. I needed water. I sure wasn't going to suffocate myself in a place like this.
Standing, I moved towards the door and opens it, No one was there. It was so quiet that you could hear a needle drop. I smelt the thick rich aroma of coffee.
I hated coffee.
It was so bitter and tasteless, just like his heart.
Even though I knew I could sweeten it to my taste, I still didn't like it. It was still never my thing.
Besides, I love my sleep.
Why will want to deprive myself of something I love?
I moved up to the kitchen pouring myself a big glass of water. It almost looked like something so unfamiliar to me, drinking water. It felt so foreign. The liquid flushed down my throat like I was desperately in need of it.
As I walked back to my room I bumped into something….. Or someone.
"So you walk with your eyes closed?" I heard that icy voice stab at me.
For a moment I felt like shooting him in the brain.
"Would it kill you to be nice?" I shot back ignoring his warning from earlier today.
Wether he didn't hear me or he choosed to ignore me, the almighty Adam spared me less glare as he walked into the living room.
That's it! I wasn't going to be locked here with some sociopathic maniac.
"Why do I have to be here anyway?" I muttered as I moved along with him.
" Because I want something from you." He simply said as he sat on one of the sofas, taking a sip from the mug on his fingers..
The arrogant bastard!
Who takes coffee at night!?
~Beck, there is no exact time or place for taking coffee~ My inner voice shot at me.
" Something of great value-"
" Excuse you!?"
" In that pretty little head of yours." He said as he pointed a finger to the side of my head.
I subconsciously touched my head as though to protect it from some sort of evil attack from him.
" I'm not giving you anything." I firmly stated, inhaling for composure.
"I wasn't asking little miss-"
"And I wasn't planning on doing anything with you even if you were asking me to." I dragged the last statement so he'd understand the density of my words.
For the third time today, he pierced his gaze on me as he moved quickly to stand in front of me.
As he neared me I fell back onto the sofa, there was such a menacing look on his face.
He suddenly leaned in on me caging me in his arms on either side of the couch.
For a moment, I didn't know how to react.
I felt like I was frozen, no one ever came close to me before.
And to think it was over, to think he reached his limit, he didn't.
Taking his right hands off the couch handle he trailed his long elegant fingers over my face. Slowly , yet so artistically downward. Everything about him was so composed and Elegant. His appearance was graceful, yet torturing. My body tensed as he touched my chest, still he kept dragging his fingers downward until he reached the bottom of my shirt- Well, I mean his shirt because originally, it was his-
Oh God!
What is he doing!?
Suddenly, I felt even stiffer when he undid it.
Run away beck, kick him in the dark blu blu, kick him damn you!
But no matter how much I wanted to kick him I couldn't…. He was caging and pinning me down, I was unable to move. Or maybe I could move but all this was so new to me I didn't know how to fight it off. I tightened my eyes as he undid the second botton.
Beck you fool! Stand up now and show this arrogant bastard the composed lady you are!
I felt this odd sensation at the pit of my stomach!!
~Come on Beck, get your shits together dammit!~ My inner voice screamed at me.
"I….I….." I tried composing words but they weren't just coming.
" Tell me, Miss Kitty, you can barely put words and words together. how well can you manage not adhering to my commands?"
Son of a Buffalo!