Waiting for my order to be called, I click into my message app for the five-hundredth time today and reread the last few messages from last night’s conversation with Ian.
Operator 69:
Tomorrow, I want you to go into the bathroom of the coffee shop…
And make yourself come.
“I have a large tiger spice chai and Linde cake for Sara?”
Glancing up from my phone, I step up to the counter and thank the barista as she hands me the steaming cup and small paper bag. As I’m situating myself at my usual table, a notification dings for an incoming text. Seeing the contact, a huge smile spreads over my face and a butterfly or two might even be stirring in my belly.
Operator 69:
Good morning, gorgeous.
Morning. I’m surprised to hear from you.
Are you texting to rescind this outrageous new mission? ????
Operator 69:
Not a chance.
Just seeing if you need any words of encouragement before I head out for work.
Work? Like the backlog of women you need to text or something?
Operator 69:
LOL No, this isn’t my main job. This is my fun side hustle.
People fascinate me and I enjoy giving them something that makes them feel good.
Wow, that’s really…unexpected.
You keep shattering all my preconceived notions about you.
What do you do for a living then?
Operator 69:
I’m an investor.
But stop changing the subject, woman. Get your sweet ass into that bathroom.
I can’t do it, Ian. Give me something else to do.
Operator 69:
Why can’t you do it?
I’m not in the mood.
I can touch myself all I want, but if I’m not feeling it, it’s not going to work.
Operator 69:
That’s fair. But there’s also an easy fix.
Is your TYMM there today?
What’s a TYMM?
Operator 69:
Too Young Mystery Man.
Lol, no he’s not here.
Probably hasn’t rolled out from underneath his hungover hook-up yet.
He just walked in.
Operator 69:
Perfect timing.
For what? I’m not about to ask him to help me masturbate in the bathroom.
Operator 69:
Now THERE’S an idea…
Operator 69:
LOL I just mean he’ll make a good visual aid. Like yesterday.
What does he look like today?
He’s standing in line, waiting to order and is doing something on his phone like everyone else.
Dark jeans, plain white tee stretched tight over his muscles.
Messenger bag over the opposite shoulder so the strap cuts through the center of his pecs.
Which are glorious btw.
He’s chuckling at whatever’s on his phone. Jesus, I think he got hotter overnight.
Operator 69:
Reconsidering asking him to help you in the bathroom?
You’re so hilarious.
Operator 69:
Then use him for eye-candy and fantasy fodder.
Operator 69:
Make up a scene in your mind where your TYMM ravishes you.
Operator 69:
Don’t act like you don’t want to be ravished.
Use the fantasy to get you hot, then go get yourself off.
I look up when the barista calls out for “Will” and watch as TYMM collects his coffee then carries to where he’s already set up his laptop a few tables away from mine.
He’s working on his laptop now. I can’t think of anything, you know, sexually.
My mind is a blank.
Operator 69:
Let me help you with that.
But first let me ask you this…
Are you wearing panties today, Sara?
That wasn’t part of the new mission.
Operator 69:
You’re right, it wasn’t. That also doesn’t answer my question.
No, I’m not. But I’m very dressed down. I’m in yoga pants and an oversized shirt.
So it’s not like I’m exposed like I was yesterday or anything.
Operator 69:
Then why forego panties today?
I don’t know.
Operator 69:
Yes, you do. You made a conscious choice this morning when you got dressed.
Tell me why you made it.
I guess…part of me liked having the secret.
I wanted to feel sexy and a bit naughty in a way that no one else could see.
Operator 69:
What about the other part of you…?
The other part of me did it to please you.
I can’t explain why, but it turned me on to do what you asked of me.
It’s kind of embarrassing to admit how hot it is for me.
Operator 69:
There’s nothing embarrassing about that, Sara.
And I can’t tell you how glad I am you said that.
Bc it turns me on so fucking much to know you’re not wearing panties again.
Even more so today because you did it on your own.
If I was there, I would do exactly what I know you’re craving right now.
And what’s that?
Operator 69:
I would sit down next to you, and then I’d crowd you into the corner of the booth.
My body would be turned toward yours…
One arm across the seatback with my other under the table.
That’s a very good start. Keep going…
Operator 69:
I’d slip my hand between your thighs and touch you…
The tips of my fingers grazing, teasing you through the thin cotton of your yoga pants.
You’d get wet for me, creating a damp spot.
Like a mark on a map, it would show me where my treasure lies.
And would you find it?
Operator 69:
Patience, Sara…
I’d steadily increase the pressure until I’m rimming the entrance of your pussy…
The friction from the fabric would drive you insane and prevent any real penetration.
Oh God
Operator 69:
Wrong. It’s “Oh Ian” and that’s exactly what I’d make you scream.
In the middle of the busy coffee shop, you’d come so hard you’d tremble against my hand.
I gasp loudly before I can stop myself and look over to see the man named Will arching a questioning brow at me, like he’s asking if I’m okay.
Operator 69:
How are you feeling now, gorgeous?
I’m feeling glad this shirt reaches mid-thigh.
Otherwise, everyone in here would probably see the “mark on my map.”
I’m on my way to the restroom.
Operator 69:
Fuck, I wish I could touch you right now.
I’d make that wet spot visible through your shirt.
FFS, knock it off, lol.
If you want me to do this, you have to stop talking now.
Operator 69:
Damn. I have to go now, anyway.
I’m supposed to be working but you’re too distracting.
Operator 69:
Good. Bc I like being distracted by you.
Now get going. Think of me dragging you into that restroom to fuck you properly.
And let me know when you’re done. ??
Yes, sir. Lol
Operator 69:
Jesus, Sara, you have no idea how many times I’ve fantasized hearing you say that to me.
But when I imagine it, there’s a capital “S” implied.
Operator 69:
Later. One fantasy at a time, gorgeous. Go…
I’m so revved up by the time I make it to the bathroom that I come in under five minutes. I take an extra minute to set myself to rights and clean up. Then I finally emerge, still a tad breathless, and run straight into a very firm chest. “Shit, I’m sor— Oh, Will.”
He smiles politely. “I’m sorry, have we met?”
“Yes. I mean, no. I heard them call your name earlier, that’s all.” Smooth, Sara. Reaaaal smooth. “Anyway, I apologize for just barreling into you like that.”
Winking, he says, “Don’t worry about it. Happens all the time. I’m easy to miss.”
His smile grows into something positively bewitching, instantly putting me at ease. I release a heavy exhale and self-deprecating laugh. “Right, because who wouldn’t miss a six-foot-four giant walking around?”
“That’s actually a common misconception. I’m only six-foot-three.”
I nod my head solemnly. “Ah, now it makes sense why I didn’t see you coming. You’re practically a hobbit.”
“Exactly,” he says with a chuckle. Then his green eyes dip briefly to my chest before flicking back up to meet mine. “You feeling okay? You look a little…flushed.
Oh my God, he knows. No, that’s not logical, he wouldn’t know. Unless I wasn’t as quiet as I thought. Jesus, kill me now.“Oh, yeah, I’m fine. You know what they say, it’s hell to get old.”
Will arches a dubious brow at me. “I think you’ve got at least a couple of decades before you start falling apart. You’re anything but old.”
“Maybe so, but I’m plenty older than you, that’s for sure.”
His full lips curve into a wicked half-grin. “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”
Dear God, the man was starting to ooze the kind of bad-boy charm no woman could hold out against, especially not one still riding a sexual high from getting herself off in a café bathroom. “I have to go. Nice meeting you, Will,” I say, ready to make a hasty retreat.
“Nice meeting you… Shoot, I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name.”
I flash him a smile. “That’s because I didn’t give it to you.”
Then I book it over to my table, quickly pack up my stuff, and pull out my phone as I leave the coffee shop.
Mission accomplished.
Operator 69:
That’s my good girl.
And now I’ll be finishing work with a raging hard-on.
Text me before you go to bed. I want all the dirty details.
We’ll see.
Have a good day, Ian.
Operator 69:
Talk to you tonight, Sara. ??
Cocky bastard. And yet I can’t help but laugh because he’s right.
You there?
Operator 69:
Are you kidding?
I’ve been obsessively checking my computer, waiting to hear from you.
You get my messages on your computer?
Operator 69:
Yeah, the app sends them to either my computer or phone, whichever I choose.
So how was masturbating?
Lol you get right to the point, don’t you?