Hi! I'm Stacy. This story takes place few years ago when I was 23 and still getting my bachelor's degree at our local college. My 2nd year was just about to start after the weekend. It's the time of the year when summer is ending and autumn is beginning, but it still has been quite warm. I mean during the sunny times; it was still almost 20 Celsius degrees outside. Basically, it was perfect time for one last party before school kicked in. Well, saying "party" is maybe overselling when it basically means just me and my bestie, Mia.
Mia and I study together at the college. We came from the same town, started our studies together, but we do have different fields. She is reading biology while I'm majoring in economics. Originally, we planned to be roommates, but Mia's boyfriend moved with her when we our school began. She has already left the bastard, but she decided to stay at their row house apartment. She was able to afford it.
It's an early Friday evening. I'm just about to arrive at Mia's place. I promised her to bring the wine and some snacks with me and she was going to handle food for the evening and cleaning at the next day. Fair bargain I would say. Her apartment is few kilometers from the city, but it is located at nice and calm area. It is good place to start the evening from but if we want to go a bar or to a night club, we need to use uber. Although, it might be nice to just stay in and hang at Mia's place. Let's see where the night takes us.
I ring the doorbell to Mia. After few seconds, I hear someone rushing to the door and soon the door flies open. I am greeted by roughly 175cm tall, stunning brunette with beautiful B-cups boobs. She is wearing her yoga pants that really makes her ass to stand out. All those hours at gym together with me has really worked for Mia. 'Hey Stacy!', Mia said cheerfully and opened her hands for a friendly hug. 'Hey!', I replied smiling and embraced the open invitation for the hug. She was little sweaty, and it was clear that she had just exercised... without bra. Her nipples were pushing against my chest, and I heard her breathing heavily next to my ear. I could sense that she was excited about tonight and seeing me. We've been planning this night for a while, so I fully understand why she was jazzed up.
After greeting, Mia smiled at me, turned her around and gestured me to come in. I admired her nice figure and felt a shiver of envy. She looked hot. But I have quite sweet package as well. Even though my butt wasn't as trained as Mia's, my smaller waist and bigger C-cup boobs kept me in the game. I am as tall as she is and since we have similar diets, I think we weigh about the same, around 50kg. Even though we do have similar figures, we do have few noticeable differences. Mia has semi-long brown hair which she kept open, while I have quite long blonde hair which was tied up as messy ponytail. I have friendlier vibe, while she always seems like ready for some mischief. To be fair, I kind of like her mischievous nature since we do end up in some fun situations every now and then. Hopefully this evening isn't exception.
'It's so nice to see you again Mia. It's the first time since summer break started.', I started the conversation while entering her home. She grinned and replied, 'It's your fault for working at the big city. I have been all alone here with only few local boys keeping me company. But I'm so jazzed up to have you here Stacy.' 'That is so funny! Just when we hugged, I was thinking exactly you are being "jazzed up"!', I said while laughing. Mia smiled even more, 'We are so in sync!' I went to kitchen to unpack wine and snacks. It felt good to talk with my best friend after so long time, 'So, Mia, what have you been up for these last few months?' 'I promise to tell you all in a sec Stacy. Could you come help me with my last stretches?' 'Sure.', I said while I walked to living room. I did not need to ask what she wanted me to do. So I was prepared when she threw her leg at me and leaned in for her standing split. I caught her midair. 'I knew what you were going to do Mia.', I smiled. 'I knew that you knew what I'm going to do.', Mia grinned back.
While Mia was finishing up, we started to talk about our summer. I told about my time at the city and office where I worked as an assistant. She on the other hand had apparently broken some hearts of local boys while partying during the summer nights. She is from richer family, so she was able to relax more during summer than I did. 'But it sounds better than it actually was Stacy. It was slim pickings with few guys who stayed here during summer season. There was one boy who was visiting his family, but he was here only for few days and lasted in bed almost a minute.' 'Haha! You are messing with me Mia.' 'Well, it might've been almost two minutes. But it was not much more than that. And he did even care to finish the job! I had to finger myself to nirvana after he had ran away.' I could not stop myself bursting in laughter, 'I have been here 15 minutes and you are already saying too much information.' 'But it's true Stacy! Boys have disappointed me whole summer. Maybe I should start looking girls instead? They know what to do down there.' 'Good luck with that Mia. It's good that you want to broaden your horizons.', I giggled. 'I'm serious', Mia said with completely unconvincingly manner. 'Go get the wine and let's start figuring out pickup lines for me to use.'
That's right! We have wine and snacks. I got up and went to kitchen. While I pour the wine to the glasses Mia shouts, 'How about, you look like a girl who loves animals. Would you like to come to my place and feed my beaver?' 'Hah! Stop it Mia, you make spill the wine.' 'Ooh! Ooh! Here's another one. If we are what we eat, then what am I if I eat your pussy?' I had to put the wine down before I actually drop it. 'This is a good one! Girl, you Butterfree up your schedule because I’m going to be Rhydon you all night!' I was laughing but managed to bring the wine glasses to living room. 'Sure sure Mia. Nothing sexier for us ladies than mixing it up with Pokémon references.' 'Yeah! Right?', Mia replied like she did not get the sarcasm.
I handed one of the glasses to Mia, 'There you go.' 'Thanks! So how much wine did you bring Stacy?', Mia asked. 'Enough for the whole night if we want to keep honing your pickup game.', I replied. 'Awesome! Here's for fun night', Mia gestured to toast with her. Promising "clink" sound came when I gladly pushed my glass against her. From that point forward, the evening flew by. We made good use of the wine I brought, and we ordered food from local pizza place. We teased the pizza guy by paying the pizzas with as little clothing as possible. Me in my underwear and Mia only in her tiny towel. He got so blushed; it was so cute.
After the pizzas, we continued the evening at Mia's backyard. We laid at sunbathing chairs and enjoyed the darkening evening. It was warm enough, so we had no need to wear any more clothes than we had when we got our pizzas. But even after few glasses of wine, I was somewhat unsure being almost nude at any neighborhood, 'Mia, should we put some clothes? I feel uncomfortable to be nude next your neighbors.' 'Stacy, the first of all, you are hot as hell. So, you should be always without any clothes. The second of all, no one is climbing over those walls.', Mia said while pointing to three- to four-meter-tall spruce wall surrounding the backyard. 'And the third of all, there is no one in the building beside us. I know because Andersons asked me to feed the large dogs next door, and I am sure that I would be last person they ask. So, enjoy the nudeness Stacy, only dogs are watching.', Mia bolstered her message by in comical fashion pulling her towel covering her and tossing it to table. I giggled shyly but accepting that we would be safe.
After that there was a pause in the conversation. We just listened the nature for a moment. I took a sip of the wine and then Mia broke the silence, 'Hey! Would you date me if we both were lesbians or bi?' Not expecting the question, I cough and some of the wine flew out from mouth, 'Wha...?' I turned to Mia and saw her smirking mischievously, 'I am totally serious. Would you date me if both of us were into girls?' I'm wiping the wine from side of my mouth. I gather myself, grin her back and reply, 'Sure, why not. You come from money, and that is the biggest turn on that I could imagine. LGBT community is all the rage right now so I could use our relationship to further my non-existent political career. And let's be honest here, I would be completely seduced by your well-thought pickup lines.' 'You forgot that I'm hot piece of ass!', Mia accused in jest. 'And yes, you are one hot smoking piece of ass. 10 out of 10. That is indeed right.', I confessed sarcastically. Clearly satisfied with the answer Mia close her eyes while giggling, 'And don't you forget it.'
Mia got up from her chair, 'I go get some different wine. I want to test the red'. I did not pay much attention and replied something along the lines, 'Ok.' I was lost in my thoughts. I was thinking how it would feel like to have sex with another woman. I would bet it to be more sensual and not so physical as with boys. And girls would definitely be softer and gentler with their touch. I was little weirded out by the idea, but not completely against in. Once we almost had threesome with Mia, but the fella backed out at the last minute. Other than that, I had never thought about my best friend in such manner.