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Bella's Pov

9months later

"She is so beautiful, i don't think I could get

over how tiny and cute she is"I say whilst

looking down at the little princess in my arms.

"I know"Mi na cries. "She's growing so fast.

Just yesterday I was pushing her out and

She's growing teeth and her poo is starting to smell and soon she's going to start walking then leave home when her mate finds her and then she won't need me aymore her voice rise as she started to panic.

"You still have a long time to go sam"I try to comfort her.

"You would understand how I feel when you give birth anytime soon"

I just smiled at her before looking back at

Beauty sleeping in my arm. I can't wait to have my child in my arm.

Samantha and Lucas were blessed with a beautiful baby girl 6months ago.The whole pack instantly fell in love with her.

Beauty is a good baby, accepts anyone that holds her.she doesnt cry much unless she is hungry or needs changing.

She sleeps most of the time which I am not going to lie,annoys me because all I want to do is play with her, I hope Samantha doesn't realise that I sometimes wake him up from her naps when she's not around.

I think I hold him more than she does at this point. I am honestly obsessed with her

"I honestly can't wait"I whispered.

Any day now my baby is gonna pop out andwe are going to be best friends.I don't know the gender of my child because I wanted it to be a surprise.Whether it is a girl or boy,I don't care.The love I have for them always is overwhelming.

I reluctantly handed beauty back to her mother. I placed my hands on my overly round stomach and rubbed it.I love being pregnant but I can't wait for him or her to come out already. It's a week passed my due date and at this point all I want to do is pull him or her out of me already.

After finding out I am pregnant,it was important for me to start taking care of myself.I had to teach myself to start eating regularly and healthy.

I haven't worked out much but I always go on a walk with either Samantha, Lucas, Jonathan or anyone who is available at the moment.

I started to be more social and try to make friends which is super easy in this pack because everyone is so nice and friendly.

"I have so much to do.I'm gonna put her in

her crib"Samantha says before getting up.

Just before she was about to leave the room

Jonathan comes in loudly whistling which

startled beauty awake.

Even with her back facing me, I knew Samantha has her jaw clenched, Jonathan slowly stops whistling when he noticed her face.

Beauty started crying.

"You're a so dead Nathan!"She says walking past him but not before punching him in the arm.

Jonathan looked at me with a confused look on his face. I couldn't help but laugh. I got up from where I was sitting shaking my head.

"What did I do?"he asks rubbing his arm.

"Come on and help me pack my hospital bag" i say after kissing him on the cheeks.

He groans but doesn't say no so I lead him to the nursery that Samantha and I designed for my child.I wanted to keep it simple yet fun.

It took us three days to complete this room.I walked to the rocking chair Lucas built and let out a sigh.

The further I am during my pregnancy,the more I get tired.I push through though, make sure I am walking even if my feet are swollen.Plus I heard that it helps with the labour.I desperately need to have a easy labour because I don't think I could take anymore pain.

"Be a doll and get that bag out from under the changing table"I said to Jonathan

"When you said I should help you pack,you

really meant I do it alone didn't you?" He asked

"Of course not!"I gasped. Yes yes I did because as fun as it is to pack I can't be asked to do anything right now.I don't know why I held it back to last minute.I am usually really organised.

"Yeah yeah"he waved me off walking to the

changing table.

Jonathan has easily become one of my favourite people in the world. He is my best friend and has been my rock along with Lucas and Samantha

Even though Samantha and him don't always get along,he was there during her pregnancy and birth, supported her and his best friend.

Even went as far as waking up at the middle of night to change and feed Beauty.He was literally a third parent.

We have all become so close and iam grateful to have them all as my best friends,they are all welcoming and warm and exactly what I needed.

They are my family and in this past few months,I grown to love them dearly to the point I can't imagine my life without them.

I still miss Paige, Nina and Vivian, they would never be replaced.

I wish I could just call them and tell them about my pregnancy and that I am going to be a mum soon but again,I am scared Hunter would found me.

It saddens me everyday that I can tell my best friend Nina for a long time this wonderful news.

I want to ask her about few things too.How she is? Did she find her mate? Is she happy?

"Okay I got the bag.Now are you gonna tellbme what to put in here or just stare at me all day"Jonathan says drifting me away from my thoughts.

"Sorry zoned out a bit."I reply before telling him what he needs to put in the bag.

Half an hour later Samantha comes into the nursery glaring at Jonathan

"I have finally put Beauty to bed.I thought I had a easy kid!"she says throwing her hands up.

I chuckled before saying "she's teething, poor princess beauty".

"I just want to take the pain away"she mutters.

"She has the Alpha blood running in her veins she can take it." Jonathan says.

Samantha snapped her eyes at him.She quickly remembered she was angry at him.


I couldn't help but giggle at Jonathan's face, he slowly took a step back when Samantha took a step forward.

"Hey"he let out a shaky laugh."We are all friends here right?"

"You woke her up and she had to feel the pain again.There were tears coming out of her eyes Nathan"

"I didn't know she was sleeping"he defended himself.

"You got three seconds head start Jonathan.I have been waiting to kick you butt since you stole my bacon this morning" Jonathan didn't move so she started to count.

His eyes grew wide and he dashed out of the nursery before she even got to two.


We both knew he was anything but a chicken.

If this was a true fight Jonathan would beat her ass in two seconds.Okay not really two seconds because don't let Samantha's petite figure fool you,she is as strong as a bull and scarier than a hungry lion.

She would put a good fight but Jonathan being the beta who works out and trains almost everyday would kick her butt.

"Ladies,I heard you have been messing with my beta" Lucas walks in the room and kisses his wife.

He came and kissed me on the cheeks.

"You both look very beautiful today"Lucas complimented his wife and i.

Whilst I took the compliment and said thank you,his wife took his compliment as a negative thing.

"What are you trying to say? That we don't look great all the time?"

"No not at a-"she cut him off.

"And are you really on Jonathan side?"

"What? That dork! No way!"Lucas scoffed and I could hear Jonathan gasps behind the walls.

"I thought you were better than this.Us men stick together like glue.You are not getting Valentine present or card from me this year!"Jonathan cries at Lucas.

"So that's who all these cards are from"Samantha says to herself.

'I'm sorry bro. When you find your mate you would understand" Lucas says as he places his arms on his wife shoulder which she shrugs off.

I watched as all three of them argued.Even though I haven't known them for such a long time,I trusted them with my life.They welcomed me into their pack,their family, their home, when I had no one.

I respect them so much, they never look down at me.Although I'm still finding myself,they helped me discover things I never knew about myself.They helped me remember the old me and I couldn't thank them enough.

I was so zone out that I didn't even feel the

pain in my lower back and my belly.It was bearable but I had the urge to go to the toilet for a quick usual visit before I knew it my trousers were wet.

Did I just pee myself? I wouldn't be surprised,

I have been doing that a lot for the past few weeks.I hiccup,I pee.I sneezed,I pee.Ilaugh or burp,I pee.

"Darling bella.I think your water broke-

My wolf says.Wait..shit!

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